
The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

author:Green waters and green mountains

Dear readers and friends, the Spring Festival has just begun, and the festive atmosphere permeates every corner. In this traditional festival, each day has its own unique customs and taboos, which are not only the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors, but also the treasure of our cultural heritage. Today, let me take you to explore the customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and see what we can learn from them to make our Spring Festival more colorful.

The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

From the first day of the first year to the eighth day of the new year, there are different customs every day. On the first day of the new year, people usually put on new clothes, worship their ancestors, and pray for a safe and auspicious new year. This day has the most taboos, such as not bathing, washing hair, taking out the garbage, sweeping the floor, etc., because these actions symbolize bad luck.

The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

In the second year of junior high school, people began to visit relatives and friends, called "returning to their parents' home". Married women bring their husbands and children back to their parents' homes to pay New Year's greetings and strengthen family bonds. The third day of the new year is the day of "rats marrying", people usually rest early to leave space for mice, which is actually a kind of meaning, hoping that the family will be prosperous and prosperous in the new year.

The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!
The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, when businesses are open, people will also start buying some New Year's items in preparation for the upcoming celebrations. The fifth day of the Lunar New Year, known as the "Breaking Five", is a day to break the previous taboos and do some things that could not be done before, such as cleaning, removing accumulated shortcomings, and welcoming a new beginning.

The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!
The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, people begin to prepare for work or school, but still maintain the festive atmosphere. On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, it is another special day - "Ren Ri", on which people pay special attention to interpersonal relationships and strengthen the connection between family and friends.

The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!
The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

Finally, on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, there will be the custom of "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" in some places, which means that each has its own magical powers, hoping that the new year can overcome difficulties and achieve greater achievements.

The customs and taboos from the first to the eighth day of the new year must be known!

Dear friends, every day of the Spring Festival is full of meaning. These customs and taboos not only enrich our festivals, but also serve as a continuous bond between us and our ancestors. In the fast-paced modern life, you might as well slow down and savor the charm of these traditional cultures. If you like this kind of cultural exploration and want to learn more about traditional knowledge, remember to follow our account, let us walk into the long river of history and feel the profound cultural heritage together. In the new year, I wish you all the best luck and all the best!

【Guiding attention】

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