
The young man with the guts was stolen by a thief, but he didn't expect to steal a daughter-in-law

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

The young man with the guts was stolen by a thief, but he didn't expect to steal a daughter-in-law

In a quiet town, there lives a young man named Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang has had little courage since he was a child, and he even has to be accompanied by his family when he goes to the toilet at night. His parents were heartbroken by his guts and tried their best, but none of them could change his timid personality. Xiao Yang was also ridiculed and bullied in the town because of this, but he was never able to overcome his fear.

Although Xiao Yang is timid, he has a kind heart. He is helpful and always does what he can to help those in need. On this day, Xiao Yang was on his way home when he suddenly found that his wallet was missing. He searched anxiously, but could not find any trace of his wallet. He was saddened to realize that he might have had his wallet stolen by a thief.

At this moment, a ragged woman suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yang. Her name is Xiaohua, and she is a street child who has to beg everywhere because of the pressure of life. Xiaohua told Xiao Yang that she had just found a wallet in a nearby trash can, and she didn't know if it was his. Xiao Yang saw that the contents of the wallet were still there, so he believed Xiaohua's words and accepted the wallet gratefully.

Xiao Yang was kind-hearted, and when he saw Xiaohua so pitiful, he decided to help her. He took Xiaohua home, gave her a hot bath, and changed into clean clothes. Xiaohua looked at Xiao Yang gratefully, and secretly swore in her heart that she would repay his kindness in the future.

Xiao Yang's parents were a little surprised when they saw their son bring back a homeless child, but they didn't say anything when they saw that their son was so kind. They arranged for Xiaohua to live and found her a job. Xiaohua has settled down in the town since then and become good friends with Xiaoyang.

However, Xiao Yang doesn't know that Xiaohua is actually a ghost. Because she was framed before her death, she died unexpectedly and has not been able to reincarnate. She wandered around the town until she met Xiao Yang. She was touched by Xiao Yang's kindness and bravery, and she decided to stay by Xiao Yang's side and accompany him through the difficulties of life.

The young man with the guts was stolen by a thief, but he didn't expect to steal a daughter-in-law

As time goes by, the relationship between Xiaoyang and Xiaohua gets better and better. Although Xiaohua is a ghost, she has human emotions and intelligence. She used her wisdom to help Xiao Yang solve many problems and make Xiao Yang's life better and better. As a result, Xiao Yang gradually overcame his timidity and became more and more courageous.

However, the good times were short-lived. The affair between Yang and Xiaohua is eventually discovered by the people in the town. They believe that Xiaohua is an ominous ghost who will bring disaster to the town. They ask Xiaohua to leave the town or take action against her. In order to protect Xiaohua, Xiaoyang bravely stood up and promised everyone that he would take Xiaohua out of town and go to live in a place where no one knew them.

Yang and Flower leave the town and start a new life. Although their lives are full of hardships, they are very happy. Because of Xiaohua's company, Xiao Yang has become more and more brave and stronger. And Xiaohua also felt the warmth and love of the world because of Xiao Yang's company.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. Xiao Yang and Xiao Hua's lives have changed again. On this day, Xiao Yang suddenly found that his body began to become weaker and weaker, as if he was slowly swallowed by some kind of power. He went to the hospital for examination, but could not find the cause. Xiao Yang knew that this must be related to Xiaohua, so he decided to go to Xiaohua and ask what was going on.

Xiao Yang finds Xiaohua and tells her about her situation. After Xiaohua listened, tears rolled in her eyes. She told Yang that her soul was running out and that she could no longer accompany him. She hopes that Xiao Yang can live strong and not be sad because of her departure. After Xiao Yang listened, he hugged Xiaohua tightly and couldn't cry.

Eventually, the little flower dissipated and disappeared into thin air. Although Xiao Yang lost Xiaohua, he gained bravery and strength. With the thought of Xiaohua, he bravely faced life and became a hero admired by everyone in the town.

This story teaches us that being brave and strong are the most important qualities in life. Only by bravely facing difficulties can we overcome fear and become a true brave. At the same time, love does not distinguish between life and death, even if the other party is a ghost, you must be brave to love and protect. Because in this world, there is nothing more precious and worthy of our cherishing than love. At the moment when Xiaohua's soul is gone, a mysterious force takes her to a whole new world. It is a world between the human world and the underworld, known as the "Netherworld". Here, Xiaohua encounters many ghosts like her, all of whom are spirits who cannot be reincarnated for various reasons.

The young man with the guts was stolen by a thief, but he didn't expect to steal a daughter-in-law

Xiaohua has lived in the Netherworld for a while, gradually adapting to life here. She found that although this world is different from the world, it also has its own unique beauty. Here, she meets many new friends and also meets a ghost named Po. Po is a kind ghost who always does his best to help other ghosts and make their lives more comfortable.

Xiaohua is touched by Po's kindness, and she decides to work with Po to help more ghosts. Together, they wander through the netherworld, helping the lost ghosts find their way out and the melancholy ghosts find happiness. Their kindness and bravery warm the ghosts of the Netherworld, convincing them that there is love and hope even in such a world.

However, Xiaohua has never been able to forget Xiaoyang. She thought about him every day and wondered if he was doing well. Po saw Xiaohua's thoughts, and he decided to help Xiaohua return to the world and see Xiaoyang.

Po finds an emissary of the Netherworld named Impermanence, who is the only one who can travel between the human world and the Netherworld. Impermanence tells Po and Xiaohua that if they want to return to the human world, they must complete a mission. The task is to help a man who has committed a serious sin in the world to reform and make him a new man.

In order to return to the world, Xiaohua and Po agreed to Impermanence's request. They found the man who had committed a felony and used their kindness and wisdom to help him mend his ways. After a period of hard work, this person finally repented and became a new person. Seeing their efforts, Impermanence agreed to let them return to the human world.

Xiaohua and Po returned to the human world, and they found Xiao Yang. At this time, Xiao Yang has become very brave and strong, and he is no longer as timid and afraid as before. Seeing Xiao Yang's changes, Xiao Hua felt very relieved. She told Xiao Yang that she could no longer accompany him, but would silently bless him in another world.

Although Xiao Yang was reluctant to Xiaohua, he knew that Xiaohua had already made his own choice. He wished Xiaohua a happy life in the Netherworld, and then bravely continued his life.

The young man with the guts was stolen by a thief, but he didn't expect to steal a daughter-in-law

Since then, Xiao Yang and Po have become good friends. Together, they help those in need and use their kindness and bravery to change the world. And Xiaohua is in the underworld, silently watching the growth of Xiao Yang and Po, proud of them.

This story tells us that love is not divided between life and death, even in different worlds, we can use love to influence others and change the world. Courage and strength are the wealth of our life, and only by bravely facing difficulties can we truly grow. At the same time, kindness and love are also the wealth of our life, and only by treating others with kindness and love can we make this world a better place.