
The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

author:Dr. Yan popularizes health


Pan Jiaqi, Li Qiang, Ma Xianwu, et al. Analysis of MRI and CEUS manifestations and diagnostic value of AFP-negative cirrhosis liver cancer[J].Chinese Journal of CT and MRI,2024,22(01):94-96.)

Jiang Xingxing.Xu Kecheng:Benevolence for Doctors[J].China Health Talents,2012,(05):56-58.)

Fang Min Xu Kecheng has great compassion and has no regrets for 40 years——Remembering Professor Xu Kecheng, President of Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital[J].Health Road,2005,(06):6-8.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2002, Xu Kecheng, who was on duty in the hospital, received such a special gift---- 3 photos. The photograph captures a high-spirited middle-aged man in the classroom, riding a bicycle, and traveling with his family. The smiles of the people in the photo are infectious and vibrant. The hero of the photo is none other than a liver cancer patient of Tsui Kecheng, who sent it to him after the second surgery without recurrence. Xu Kecheng smiled when he saw this gift, and buried his head in the thick medical record book.

When he was young, Tsui Kecheng experienced the experience of fleeing from war and contracting scabies, and later after being rescued from nine deaths, he was inspired to become a doctor who saved lives. In 1970, his mother died of liver cancer, and Tsui Kecheng shifted his research direction to focus on cancer. Later, he founded Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital in Guangzhou and served as the president.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

Xu Kecheng made an iron order in Fuda, not to accept red envelopes, not to take kickbacks, and not to accept banquets. The reported person will be suspended from work and will have to bear all the medical expenses of the patient. He always jokes with patients during ward rounds, if there is no money, he will stuff red envelopes with our doctors and nurses, as long as they accept it, then your medical expenses will be settled. The patient laughed, and the doctors and nurses behind him were terrified, ringing the alarm bell for themselves all the time. Matters of principle cannot be committed.

Xu Kecheng is selfless in management, and he must act according to principles. However, the treatment is quite open, and it does not follow the conventional diagnosis and treatment at all. In July 2003, an 86-year-old lady found Xu Kecheng after seeking medical treatment. Other hospitals recommend conservative treatment, believing that the elderly are too old to undergo surgical chemotherapy. I took it home to spend my old age in peace, but the old lady was tormented by illness day and night, and regular medication no longer worked. She begged Tsui Hak-sung and helped her with her pain.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

After learning more about the old lady's condition, Tsui Kecheng and other experts discussed it closely and believed that the operation was feasible. As soon as this decision came out, almost everyone opposed it, and once the operation was not successful, the hospital would not only suffer a lawsuit but also have a bad impact. Tsui Hark made a military order under the pressure of all parties, and he was solely responsible for any accidents during the operation. Considering that the old lady's tumor had compressed the nerves, the operation was delicate and complicated. Xu Kecheng sent a young doctor to take charge of the surgery.

On the day of the operation, people in the hospital were panicked. All eyes were on whether the operation would be successful, and it turned out that Tsui was not wrong in his judgment and appointment. Together with the young doctor, he brilliantly performed the removal of the intracranial tumor with a hydrogen nitrogen knife. On her 90th birthday, the old lady also sent invitations and souvenirs to the hospital.

In the eyes of patients and all doctors and nurses, Tsui Hark Cheng is an extremely principled, professional, and good doctor and leader. Since he managed the hospital, his hope has always been to do practical things to reduce the suffering and burden of patients. It was rated as a model of the times by Southern Metropolis Daily. However, due to his mother's history of liver cancer and overwork, Tsui was diagnosed with liver cancer at the age of 66.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

Liver cancer is a common malignancy, with a poor prognosis and low survival rate. In the early stages, symptoms are subtle or even asymptomatic, and the liver is a mute organ with no nociceptive nerve divisions. By the time symptoms appear, the cancer stage is often reached. The survival rate is only 20% within five years after surgery, and the survival period is often between six months and one year if the classification is poor.

As a doctor, Tsui Hark became more aware of the big problem he was facing, and the people around him advised him to rest and recuperate. He still cares about patients after five major and minor surgeries, helping more than 10,000 patients. Considered by society to be a Bethune-style doctor. It is often said that doctors cannot treat themselves, but Xu Kecheng has lived with cancer for 15 years and has not recurred after the last operation. Television stations, newspapers, and media outlets were curious about what the doctor had done right to get both himself and his patients out of cancer.

Tsui explained that there is a misconception that cancer treatment is to kill all cancer cells. However, the treatment idea of cancer is to kill most of the cancer cells, coexist with a small number of cancer cells in the body, and at the same time control it will not recur. How to grasp this degree, I have three lessons that apply to all patients. These three lessons can both cure and prevent cancer.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

The first is that cancer chemotherapy is not necessarily useful, the more chemotherapy the better, whether chemotherapy can be done, and how many chemotherapy times should be evaluated according to the patient's whole body condition. Many of the cancer patients treated by Tsui Kecheng came because of the unsatisfactory effect of surgery and chemotherapy, and all of these patients had recurrence without exception. Xu Kecheng has read a large number of literature and clinical cases, all of which point to the fact that chemotherapy or radiotherapy after surgery is not necessary.

As a result, both Tsui and his patients refused chemotherapy, which was a double-edged sword, attacking cancer cells and attacking his body. At the same time, it accelerates the growth of cancer cells and mutates genes to get rid of the harm of chemotherapy. It's like desensitizing an allergy patient, and finally the thing that makes people allergic will no longer be allergic. Chemotherapy is desensitization for cancer cells.

He warned clinicians not to deal with cancer by taking out the same three things as they are, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Rather, it is necessary to improve the overall physical condition and survival period of the patient according to the patient's condition. Rather than just thinking about what drugs are most effective at killing cancer cells. On the premise of maintaining the stability and harmony of the body's internal environment, it appropriately attacks cancer cells.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

The second is that the disease enters from the mouth. One of the causes of cancer is eating. Cancers such as oral cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, and rectal cancer are all related to what is eaten and what is excreted. Esophageal and gastric cancers, which are related to the passage of food through the esophagus and stomach, and bowel and rectal cancers, which are related to the digestion and absorption of food in the intestines.

Therefore, how to eat is a science. Many people also have a wrong understanding of eating, and they also have little understanding of the correct way to eat. At the same time, everyone's physical condition is different, absorption and metabolism, and what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten is also different, so it is not recommended to copy healthy recipes on the Internet. But there is a principle that is universal, that is, the ingredients to eat should be fresh, the variety should be varied and balanced, the amount should be moderate, the baking method should be simple, and the seasoning should be small.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

The third is to adjust your emotions and try to maintain a stable mentality. Many people experience such emotional changes after cancer: denial, anger, acceptance, negativity, depression. Many patients are in the stage of denial, anger, and unacceptable anger, and treatment will be delayed for too long. After a period of time, not seeing the results of the treatment can lead to negative depression, and these emotions can upset your body's balance. When the body has problems absorbing nutrients and cannot provide enough energy, it will further lead to cancer cells invading the body.

The tumor director suffered from liver cancer and survived with cancer for 15 years without recurrence

In short, cancer treatment is to find the balance between the cancer cells and the body, so that the cancer cells are dormant or unable to disturb the body. It is not to kill all cancer cells, surgery is necessary, chemotherapy is optional, and the correct lifestyle and diet are necessary. I wish all cancer patients can live in peace with cancer cells!