
"A piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!" The Middle Eastern tyrant treats the beast as a pet, and he knows how to play with it

author:Baiyun Knowledge Building

The dilemma of war

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the lives of civilians in Ukraine have fallen into dire straits. The war was relentless, and countless ordinary families were blown up. In order to survive, the survivors had to flee their homes and flee in all directions. Some Ukrainian women have chosen to flee to the relative safety of European and Middle Eastern countries.

There, however, they did not really find a place to live. Most of the displaced people in Ukraine lack the skills to earn a living. The language barrier exacerbates their plight in a foreign land. In the face of an unfamiliar environment and culture, they are always on the lookout for fear that their personal safety will be threatened.

"A piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!" The Middle Eastern tyrant treats the beast as a pet, and he knows how to play with it

In his homeland, Ukraine has the title of "European womb", because there are quite a few women engaged in the surrogacy industry. Now scarred by the trauma of war, they have to embark on a journey of wandering. Seeing that their once peaceful lives are shattered, their situation is as dangerous as eggs, and the future is uncertain.

The fate of Polish women

Compared to Ukraine, Poland is poor but stable. Here, the sex service industry is a legal presence. Faced with sluggish economic conditions, some Polish women have had to choose to solicit business along the streets. They hope to meet intermediaries who can sell their bodies in exchange for a temporary and stable life.

More often than not, however, girls are deceived or trafficked to the Middle East. Some unscrupulous scammers will lure daughters from poor families into participating in beauty contests in the name of beauty contests. Taking advantage of their greed, he sold them to the broadmen. What's more, some traffickers will give the girls $1.2 million directly to their families and buy them as if they were commodities.

In the face of the temptation of money, mothers will also disregard the safety of their daughters and push them to the forefront. Trafficked girls are destined to be bullied and their dignity ruthlessly violated. But poverty and ignorance leave them with no choice but to step on the quagmire of going and returning.

"A piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!" The Middle Eastern tyrant treats the beast as a pet, and he knows how to play with it

The gambling of the Middle Eastern tycoons

Some of the richest people in the Middle East have become accustomed to relying on oil wealth and indulging in extravagant pleasures. They drive a solid gold sports car, wear a solid gold apple watch, live in a luxury villa, and keep tigers and lions as pets. Like the lion that appeared in the Jackie Chan movie, it is a prop sponsored by the Dubai royal family.

For them, these material comforts can no longer satisfy vanity. While showing off status, there is also a desire for more excitement. So the greedy gaze locked on Eastern European women. The Polish Ukrainian girl, with her high nose and fair skin, became the most tempting prey in their eyes.

Even if these poor girls are displaced and adrift in a foreign land, they will not escape the clutches of the rich in the Middle East. Money and power give them the capital to do whatever they want, and any beauty is an object to play with in their eyes. The cruel desire to predate is chilling.

"A piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!" The Middle Eastern tyrant treats the beast as a pet, and he knows how to play with it

Polish beauties reduced to playthings

Once they fall into the hands of Middle Eastern tycoons, the Polish Ukrainian girls are completely reduced to playthings in their eyes. Some rich people will tempt these girls to strip naked with money and bright prospects, and get pleasure by watching their faces struggle and pain but bow their heads and give in for money.

What's more, some rich people throw money on the table or the floor at will, forcing them to pick up money with their mouths like dogs, and see who picks up more. Good-looking and capable girls can barely maintain their self-esteem, but those with mediocre qualifications can only be slaughtered.

The most appalling thing is that some perverted rich people would put women in iron cages and throw them next to their own tigers and lions, so that they could spend the whole night with the beasts.

The next day, they were scarred and wailing. But that's just the beginning of the nightmare. Soon they will be traded as commodities or have their organs cut off and sold on the black market.

"A piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!" The Middle Eastern tyrant treats the beast as a pet, and he knows how to play with it

Even if they weren't sold, their fate was still miserable – either being repeatedly insulted and toyed with, or being injected with illegal drugs, and soaked in fear and pain for a long time.

Any cry for mercy is illusory in the eyes of the rich. Their lives have lost their value, and they are no longer qualified to be seen as human beings. Money and power allow these vicious tyrants to do whatever they want, and they squeeze everything out of the beauties until they are completely corrupted.

Gender discrimination is deeply entrenched

The Middle East has long had a serious problem of gender discrimination. There, women have a low status, limited access to education, and restrictions on even the most basic political rights and business activities. They can only wrap their bodies tightly and serve the men.

Wealthy people have all kinds of constraints when dealing with their wives, let alone poor women from outside. In their eyes, women are inferior playthings, born to be dominated and overpowered.

"A piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world!" The Middle Eastern tyrant treats the beast as a pet, and he knows how to play with it

Although the beautiful women of Poland and Ukraine are outstanding in appearance and well-educated, they cannot escape the fate of being treated coldly. Because they come from poor backgrounds and have no support, they deserve to be bullied and humiliated. Displaced by several wars, they have lost all their support.

Women who have become paradise at the hands of the rich in the Middle East either voluntarily sell their bodies in exchange for a luxurious life, or they are forced to sell themselves. Once they stand on the trading shelf, they will never be able to wear back the clothes that hide shame.

Perhaps in Poland and Ukraine, they had a bright future. But because of war and poverty, they had to choose to walk into the quagmire. And the most worrying thing is that society is turning a blind eye to what happened to them.

The rich in the Middle East do whatever they want, but the victims have nowhere to redress. This exacerbated situation is heart-wrenching.


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