
What does it feel like to have broken amniotic water? What is the difference between broken water and leaking urine?

author:Liu Yanhong

Before babies are born, they are in the amniotic fluid environment, which is surrounded by fetal membranes. When this membrane ruptures, the amniotic fluid leaks out, a process known medically as "rupture of membranes", or colloquially, "rupture of amniotic fluid". The process of labor and delivery does not come without warning, and there are often some signs that it is about to happen. Common signs of labor include regular contractions, broken amniotic fluid, and vaginal bleeding.

What does it feel like to have broken amniotic water? What is the difference between broken water and leaking urine?

What is the difference between water breakage and urinary incontinence?

Perceptual differences: water breaking and urinary incontinence water breaking experience: Most pregnant women do not feel the water when they break until the amniotic fluid flows to the thighs or wet clothing. When standing, there is no way to stop the outflow of amniotic fluid. Urinary incontinence experience: When urine leaks, pregnant women usually perceive it immediately. By tightening the perineal muscles, the outflow of urine can be partially controlled. Fluid volume versus broken volume: The amount is usually large and may flow rapidly or slowly, especially if the rupture is small and the amniotic fluid will continue to leak. Urine volume: Relatively small, usually only slightly moistens underwear, similar to increased discharge.

Color differentiation

Amniotic fluid color: clear and transparent, may contain planktonic vernix in the third trimester. Urine color: yellowish, the color is affected by the condition of the pregnant woman. Odor Identification of Amniotic Fluid Odor: Usually fresh, may have a slightly sweet taste, and has no characteristic odor. Urine odor: There is a distinct odor, especially when you have not changed your underwear for a long time, and it will emit a strong ammonia odor. Occurs at the time of water breakage: usually occurs before childbirth and is a sign that labor is about to go. Urinary incontinence: can occur throughout pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, but is not directly related to the timing of delivery.

What does it feel like to have broken amniotic water? What is the difference between broken water and leaking urine?

pH test

Pregnant women can be tested using specialized test strips. The pH of amniotic fluid is usually between 7.0 and 7.5, which is different from the natural pH of the vagina (4.5 to 5.5). If the test strip turns blue, water may break and you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What does it feel like to have broken amniotic water? What is the difference between broken water and leaking urine?

What to do if your water breaks?

When a pregnant woman finds that her water has broken, she should first avoid standing for long periods of time. The correct thing to do is to lie flat immediately and minimize physical activity. At this point, the buttocks should be raised with a cushion to prevent the umbilical cord from protruding. This is because too much activity can lead to accelerated loss of amniotic fluid, which can lead to fetal hypoxia and other health problems. Immediately afterward, pregnant women should avoid bathing after the amniotic fluid has broken. The reason is that water and bacteria easily enter the uterus through the vagina, increasing the risk of infection. At the same time, standing bathing may accelerate amniotic fluid loss, increasing the potential risk. In addition, to maintain personal hygiene and alleviate discomfort, pregnant women are advised to place clean sanitary napkins in their vulva. This helps to absorb the liquid that comes out, keeping it dry. At the same time, pregnant women should always pay attention to the color and texture of the amniotic fluid. If brown or green discharge (possibly meconium) is observed, this may mean that the fetus is under pressure or experiencing other dangers, and the doctor should be notified immediately. Finally, once the amniotic water breaks, one should go to the hospital quickly. On the way to the hospital, stay calm, adjust your emotions, and take note of any physical changes or discomfort so that you can communicate effectively with your doctor when you arrive at the hospital.