
Tomorrow and the next two days, hurry up the sun! The first wave of warm sunshine in the first year of the dragon is about to retire

author:First Eye News

1st Eye - Chongqing Radio and Television

During the day today, most areas of Chongqing continued to sing "sunny" songs

It's so warm!

4 districts and counties have broken through the 20°C mark

Tomorrow and the next two days, hurry up the sun! The first wave of warm sunshine in the first year of the dragon is about to retire

As of 15 o'clock, the maximum temperature in most areas has exceeded 18 °C. Among them, Wansheng, Nanchuan, Shizhu, and Wulong even stood on the 20 °C platform, and the warmest Wansheng reached 22.3 °C!

Tomorrow and the next two days, hurry up the sun! The first wave of warm sunshine in the first year of the dragon is about to retire

Such a warm weather is suitable for traveling~

Tomorrow and the next two days, hurry up the sun! The first wave of warm sunshine in the first year of the dragon is about to retire

▲In the Zhaomu Mountain Forest Park, a large number of red plums bloom beautifully, attracting many citizens to come here to enjoy the warm sun.

The Municipal Meteorological Observatory predicts that on the 14th, all parts of Chongqing will bid farewell to the warm sun and rain online. So, everyone hurry up and bask in the sun these two days!

Weather forecast for the next three days

From the night of the 11th to the day of the 12th, the central and eastern regions were cloudy to cloudy, with intermittent light rain locally, and the rest of the region was cloudy, locally foggy in the morning, and the temperature was 0~19 °C. Central City: Cloudy, temperature 6~17°C.

From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, there was intermittent light rain in the southeast, and the rest of the area was cloudy, with fog locally in the morning, and the temperature was 3~20 °C. Central City: Cloudy, temperature 7~18°C.

From the night of the 13th to the day of the 14th, it was cloudy to intermittent light rain or sporadic light rain in various places, and the temperature was 3~17 °C. Central City: Cloudy to intermittent light rain, temperature 9~15 °C.

Xiaobian friendly reminder: Although the sunshine is good recently, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and everyone needs to pay attention to keeping warm when going out in the morning and evening. Well, go ahead and enjoy your vacation!

Source: Chongqing Weather Weibo
