
No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

author:Decoration design helper

In daily life, the placement of furniture is closely related to our lives. In particular, the bedside is a place where we rest and relax every day, and its surrounding environment directly affects our sleep quality and mood. However, many people tend to overlook some details when arranging the head of the bed, resulting in the head of the bed being piled up with various items.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

Today, we will explore what 6 things should be avoided at the head of the bed, no matter how big the bed is, to help everyone create a comfortable and harmonious home environment.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!


With the development of science and technology, electronic products such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers have become an indispensable part of our lives. However, keeping these devices at the head of the bed is a big no-no in home life. There are several reasons for this:

1. The screen of electronic products will emit blue light, which will inhibit the secretion of melatonin and affect the quality of sleep.

2. The radiation generated by electronic products is harmful to the human body, and long-term exposure may lead to headaches, insomnia and other symptoms.

3. Putting electronic products at the head of the bed can easily lead to dependence, allowing people to use them for a long time before going to bed, which further affects sleep.

To protect your health, keep electronics away from bedside.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

Alarm clock

Many people are accustomed to placing the alarm clock at the head of the bed so that they can wake up in the morning and turn off the alarm clock. However, this practice is not actually scientific. The ticking of the alarm clock can affect the quality of our sleep and make people subconsciously feel anxious. In addition, the numerical display of the brain clock also emits a faint light, which affects the secretion of melatonin.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

In order to allow yourself to rest better, it is recommended to place the alarm clock far away from the bed, and at the same time, you can choose to use your phone or other electronic device as an alarm clock.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!


Plants can beautify the environment and absorb harmful gases in the room, but they are not suitable for placing at the head of the bed. Here's why:

1. Green plants respire at night, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, which may lead to a decrease in indoor air quality.

2. There may be bacteria, molds and other microorganisms in the soil of plants, which pose a threat to human health.

3. Placing green plants at the head of the bed can easily lead to allergic reactions, such as eye itching, cough and other symptoms.

Therefore, it is best to place green plants away from the head of the bed to ensure indoor air quality.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!


Many people like to read before bed, and keep books at the bedside for easy access at any time. However, this practice is not recommended.

1. Books are easy to accumulate dust, and placing them at the head of the bed can easily lead to respiratory diseases.

2. Reading before bed may make people overexcited and affect the quality of sleep.

3. The weight of the book is large, and placing it at the head of the bed can easily lead to the instability of the bedside table and accidents.

It is recommended to place books on the shelves, away from the head of the bed, to ensure a tidy and comfortable resting environment.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!


Some people have a habit of keeping their clothes at the head of their bed so that they can wear them when they wake up in the morning. However, this practice is not hygienic. Clothes may be contaminated with dust, bacteria, etc., which can easily cause these pollutants to enter the respiratory tract and affect your health. To keep the environment in the bedroom tidy, clothes should be kept in the closet, away from the head of the bed.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!


Many people like to snack in bed and put the snack at the head of the bed. However, this practice can easily lead to the following problems:

1. Snack residues are easy to attract cockroaches, ants and other pests, affecting indoor hygiene.

2. Snack packaging bags may produce noise and affect sleep quality.

3. Eating snacks can easily cause bedding such as sheets and quilt covers to become dirty, increasing the burden of cleaning.

To keep your home clean and healthy, stay away from snacks on your bedside.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

Through the above analysis, we can see that the choice of bedside placement items has an important impact on our life and health. In order to create a comfortable and harmonious home environment, please try to avoid placing the above 6 things at the head of the bed.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

In addition, the following suggestions can also help improve the bedside environment:

1. Keep the head of the bed tidy and clean the items at the head of the bed regularly.

2. Choose the right bedside table and avoid using bedside tables that are too tall and heavy.

3. Some items that help you relax can be placed near the head of the bed, such as aromatherapy, stereos, etc.

4. Keep the bedroom well ventilated and avoid humid and stuffy environments.

5. Cultivate good work and rest habits and maintain a regular life.

No matter how big the bed is, don't put these 6 items at the head of the bed, take them away quickly after reading them!

The comfort of the home environment directly affects our quality of life and mood. From now on, let's focus on the bedside environment and create a beautiful home space for our family and ourselves. No matter how big the bed is, as long as we arrange it with our hearts and maintain it with our hearts, we can make life better.