
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...

author:Dream come true



前程朤朤 (lǎng), the light is ten thousand zhang

Life is rich and abundant



功名玓瓅(say there),誉满乾坤

Wisdom 棽棽 (shēn), insight

Innovative 鱻鱻 (xiān), leading the trend


德行穆穆(mu ),四海敬仰

The years are prosperous (zheng), and the time is quiet

Life is brilliant (can), full of brilliance

Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...
Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Future...

2024 wishes you:

1.龙行龘龘(dá dá),威震八荒!

The appearance of the dragons taking off. The dragon is a Chinese idiom that describes the soaring appearance of a group of dragons. This idiom comes from the ancient document "Jade Chapter", in which the character "龘" is pronounced dá, which is synonymous with the word "龖", which symbolizes the powerful momentum of the dragon. Culturally, the word "龘" is often used to describe the majesty of things or the majesty of characters, implying strength and prestige. Therefore, the dragon not only depicts the spectacular scene of the dragon in flight, but is also used as a metaphor for the existence of great influence and power.

2.前程朤朤(lǎng lǎng),光照万丈!

The meaning of the future is bright and unlimited. The term consists of two parts:

Future: Originally meant the journey ahead, it is usually used as a metaphor for future achievements in meritorious deeds, such as fame, official position, etc. 12

朤朤: This character is pronounced lǎng and consists of four "月" characters, usually used in conjunction with the character "lang", which means bright, clear, and clear. Here, the word "朤" is used to describe a bright future or a vast artistic conception. 34

To sum up, the future is a blessing word, which is used to wish people to take off like a dragon in their careers and lives, and have a bright future.

3. Life is rich and abundant!

Life is a blessing for life, wealth, career, and fortune. The word is derived from the pronunciation of the word "䲜", which is yè. "䲜" is composed of four "fish", on behalf of a good life, 䲜䲜 symbolizes more fish, the New Year often said that there is more than every year, that is, I hope that there is a surplus every year, I hope that the next year will have a bumper harvest year, life is more satisfying, and the fish and Yu have the same sound. Extended meaning: Life represents the blessing of life, wealth, career, and fortune.

4.事业燚燚(yì yì)

The meaning of career Yiyi refers to the career in full swing, full of vitality and passion, indicating the vigorous development and success of the career. This term is a metaphor for the exuberance and enthusiasm of the flame, to describe the prosperity and rapid development of the cause. Career Yiyi emphasizes the enthusiasm and motivation of the cause in the process of development, as well as its contribution to social and personal value.ù liù)

Health is the most valuable asset in life. Use the rare word "" and repeat it to emphasize the importance of health. This blessing expresses a good wish for good health and energy for everyone, hoping that everyone will have a strong body and be free from diseases and troubles.

6、财运(bǎo bǎo)

, pronounced bǎo, means the same as "treasure". In the hearts of many, wealth is also an integral part of New Year's wishes. "Wealth" means that every friend will not only have wealth rolling in in the new year, but also be able to manage and increase this wealth wisely, so as to achieve financial freedom and security.

7.百业駸駸(qīn qīn),繁荣昌盛!

The sound of horses running is loud and powerful, meaning prosperity. Prosperity means that all walks of life are prosperous and prosperous!


Xuanxuan is an onomatopoeia, the sound of jade striking, and also refers to the sound of Qingyue. 志气璱璱 (qiāngqiāng), head forward, means not afraid of difficulties, courageously forward.

9.功名玓瓅(say there),誉满乾坤!

It means pearlescent and shining, from Sima Xiangru in the Han Dynasty "Shanglin Fu". Fame and fame mean that everyone should pursue their own career, strive to realize their dreams, and achieve fame.

10.智慧棽棽(shēn shēn),洞察秋毫!

棽棽, which means to be lush and lush. Wisdom and insight mean that we need to keep learning and improving our wisdom to meet the challenges of life.

11. Innovate 鱻鱻 (xiānxiān), lead the way!

The basic meaning of "鱻" is the same as "fresh", which can refer to fish, aquatic products, live fish, live livestock, birds and beasts, fish made from fresh fish, fresh food, new, fresh, distinct, bright, clean, etc.

In addition, the word "鱻" takes the meaning of fashion, independence, and success.

Innovation and leading the trend means that we must have the courage to innovate and constantly explore new areas to remain competitive.


穰, "He" means "grain", and "Xiang" means "wrapping" and "containing". "He" and "Xiang" are combined to mean "grain with 'pregnant'" and "grain ripe for harvest", which is a ripe crop.

Happiness and festivity mean that we should pursue happiness and wealth, and make the family full of joy and warmth.


Mumu means dignified and respectful, and good looks or words are beautiful.

Virtue Mumu and admiration from all over the world means that we should pay attention to moral cultivation and win the admiration and respect of others with noble character.

14. Years 峥峥峥 (zhēng zhēng), time is quiet!

The years are glorious, describing the extraordinary years. The years are eventful, and the time is quiet, which means that in the face of the changes of the years, we must cherish the present and grasp every moment.

15.人生璨璨(Canon Can),尽显辉煌!

The original meaning of bright is brilliant and bright. Life is brilliant and brilliant, which means that everyone has their own unique value in life, and we must strive to realize our dreams and show our brilliance. On the road of life, we should have a brilliant life and show our brilliance.