
Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

author:Stars love to talk about beauty and talent
Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

Comparing the photos of Su Youpeng when he was youngest and now when he was middle-aged, it is obvious that he has not become like before.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

He now has a very large nose overall. It is wide and large, and there is a lot of flesh on the tip of the nose.

His nose is as wide as the left side of his face, and his nose is a third of his face.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

He used to be handsome and recognizable. A face that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, fair skin, bright eyes, and black sword eyebrows.

Tangible mouth with a slight flip on the lips.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

Now that he is older and has changed a lot, his face seems to have become wider, not like the thin melon seed face before, but now it has become a wide face.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

His mouth has also changed, and the flip that used to be a bit turned out is now gone.

The upper lip is now thinner than the lower lip, the eyes don't seem to change, and the biggest changes are the nose and mouth.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

He is still so young, so handsome, although he has a big nose.

But it is also more recognizable, and his nose is not cosmetic.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

I used a straight line to draw between the inner corner of his eye and his nose, comparing himself to himself.

It is obvious that his nose is more protruding than the inner corner of the eye, and the vertical distance between the inner corner of his eye and the nose is smaller than the nose before, and now it is much more.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

The nose used to have 2 millimeters more than the inner corner of the eye, but now it has 4 millimeters.

Now his nose takes up a third of his face, and oh my God, it's the first time I've seen a nose that big.

Although the nose is super big, the person is not ugly, which is really strange.

Su Youpeng's nose is 1/3 of his face, almost half of his face, and it is getting bigger and bigger

His appearance has changed, but his talent has not changed.

Evaluate a person not only by his appearance, but also by his talent, talent is more important than appearance.


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