
Traditional Chinese medicine says that the human body has three flavors of medicine: fart, anger and language, and people are disease-free with the three medicines, how to explain it?

author:Open-minded gentle moon

In ancient Chinese medicine, the maintenance of human health is likened to a delicate art in which not only medication plays a key role, but also natural phenomena and human reactions in daily life are given profound significance. There is a unique view of this idea that there are three natural phenomena in the human body – "fart", "anger", and "speech" – which, if properly understood and applied, can be a great medicine for health. These three may sound strange and unbelievable at first, but they are deeply rooted in the normal expression of the body's natural functions, the healthy management of emotions, and the art of communication.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the human body has three flavors of medicine: fart, anger and language, and people are disease-free with the three medicines, how to explain it?

As part of the body's excretory process, "fart" reflects the health of the digestive system and the body's ability to process food. "Anger", as an emotional response, its proper expression and regulation is essential for mental health. "Language" is a bridge of communication, which can not only express personal thoughts and feelings, but also promote the harmony of interpersonal relationships. The correct use of these three "big medicines" is not only related to personal health, but also involves social interaction and psychological balance.

Big medicine one: fart - the wisdom of natural detoxification

In traditional Chinese medicine, farts are seen as a manifestation of the normal functioning of the body's qi organs, symbolizing the body's ability to self-regulate and detoxify. Normal farts reflect the digestive system's ability to process food efficiently, absorb useful nutrients, and flush unwanted waste out of the body. This is not only a physiological process, but also an important sign of good health.

The Art of Digestive Balance: A healthy digestive system is able to break down food, absorb nutrients, and remove unwanted by-products by venting. When this process is carried out smoothly, the body's qi flow is unimpeded and the body is in good condition.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the human body has three flavors of medicine: fart, anger and language, and people are disease-free with the three medicines, how to explain it?

Diet and lifestyle adjustments: By adjusting the diet, reducing the intake of indigestible foods and increasing high-fiber foods, intestinal health can be promoted and the gas process can be made more natural and smooth. At the same time, moderate physical activity can also promote intestinal peristalsis and help gas expel .

Big medicine two: anger - the art of emotional regulation

Emotions have a profound impact on human health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that excessive anger can damage the liver, leading to qi stagnation and blood stasis, which affects physical and mental health. Therefore, learning to express and regulate anger appropriately is key to maintaining good health.

Interaction between emotions and the body: Emotional states have a direct impact on the body's internal balance. Anger is not just an emotional response, it is a physiological response, and it can lead to physiological changes such as increased blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the human body has three flavors of medicine: fart, anger and language, and people are disease-free with the three medicines, how to explain it?

Pathways to emotional release: It's important to find healthy ways to express anger. This could be sports, art, or an in-depth conversation with others. In these ways, anger can be released instead of accumulating in the body.

Medicine 3: Language - the power of communication

Language is not only a tool for communicating thoughts and feelings, but also a powerful therapeutic tool. In TCM theory, good communication can promote the circulation of qi and blood, harmonize yin and yang, and is essential for maintaining mental health and promoting interpersonal relationships.

The healing power of words: Positive, encouraging conversations can significantly boost a person's mood and self-confidence, helping to relieve stress and anxiety. By sharing their feelings and experiences, individuals can not only receive emotional support, but also find new ways to solve problems through communication.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the human body has three flavors of medicine: fart, anger and language, and people are disease-free with the three medicines, how to explain it?

The Art of Listening: Effective communication involves not only expressing, but also listening. True listening makes the other person feel understood and respected, which is essential for building trust and deepening relationships.

By delving into the "three medicines", we will not only understand their role in maintaining good health, but also the importance of healthy lifestyles, emotional management, and effective communication. The rational "use" of these three drugs in daily life can not only promote physical and mental health, but also improve the quality of life and stay away from diseases.

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