
On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

author:Elegant elf mfQ

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

The second day of the Lunar New Year is a special day of the year for many people. On this day, according to traditional customs, people have specific norms and taboos of behavior.

For many people, knowing these customs and observing them is not only a sign of respect for the ancestors, but also a prayer for good luck and blessings in the new year.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, there is a very obvious feature, that is, "do two things, avoid three things".

This is not only a coincidence of numbers, but also people's expectations and pursuit of a better life.

Do two things

First, let's talk about the "two things". One is to go back to my parents' home. On this day, married daughters return to their parents' homes with their husbands and children to reunite with their loved ones.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

This is not only the respect for parents, but also the maintenance of the family. In the process of returning to their parents' home, people often prepare some gifts in advance to express their filial piety to their parents.

The mother's family will also prepare a sumptuous meal for the relatives who return to their parents' home to express their welcome and blessings. The second is to sacrifice to the God of Wealth. For many merchants, the second day of the Lunar New Year is a very important day.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

They will get up early and set off firecrackers to make incense to the God of Wealth. This is not only the reverence for the God of Wealth, but also the pursuit and prayer for wealth. By worshipping the God of Wealth, they hope to have a prosperous business and a lot of money in the new year.

Don't do three

However, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, there are three things that people are taboo. One is to go back to my parents' house before lunch. In some places, returning to your parents' home before lunch is considered to be bad luck for your family.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings, many people will return to their parents' homes after lunch.

The second is to go back to his parents' house empty-handed. This mainly refers to the fact that a married daughter cannot go back to her parents' home empty-handed. Whether it is buying some small gifts or preparing some food, it is a sign of respect and care for the mother's family.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

If you go back empty-handed, it will be considered unlucky in some places.

The third is that you can't go back to your parents' house alone. In traditional Chinese culture, marriage is a very important relational bond. Therefore, a married daughter should go back with her husband when she returns to her parents' home.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

If a person goes back, it is considered a bad omen and may affect the relationship between husband and wife and family harmony.

Of course, with the progress of society and the change of people's ideology, some traditional customs and taboos are gradually being diluted or changed.

However, for many people, these traditional practices are still an important part of their lives.

They are not just a code of conduct or habit, but also a cultural and emotional inheritance.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

The customs and taboos on the second day of the Lunar New Year reflect the importance and pursuit of family, wealth and marriage. By observing these customs and taboos, one hopes to be able to get good luck and blessings in the new year.

For modern people, understanding and respecting these traditional customs is also a kind of inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture.

Finally, whether it is in the process of returning to the mother's home or worshiping the God of Wealth, we can see people's good expectations and blessings for the new year.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, "do 2 things, avoid 3 things", the traditional customs are exquisite, and the New Year is full of good luck and blessings!

And this kind of expectation and blessing is not only a personal wish, but also the yearning and pursuit of a happy life for the whole nation. On this special day, let's wish you all the best of luck and good fortune in the new year!