
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

author:The Covenant of the Golden Peak
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passing, spring flowers, autumn moons, summers, and winter snow.

Gently shake off, the dust of the previous season, the wind began to become fierce. The leaves curled up in the arms of the big tree, and in winter, they came slowly in plain clothes.

The hustle and bustle of heaven and earth has been lost, but there is more of a temptation of purity and transparency, tranquility and peace......

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

The spring water is full of four rivers, and the summer clouds are full of strange peaks.

The autumn moon is bright, and the winter ridge is beautiful and pine.

——Tao Yuanming, "Four Hours"

The autumn and winter moons, like lanterns in the fog, emit a faint and misty soft light, as if everything on the earth has become blurred.

Standing proudly on the Winter Ridge, it is the guardian of the earth and the embodiment of the beauty and firmness of the winter.

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

The clouds and gulls are more dancing, and the wind is against the geese.

The male and female swords in the box, the hair-blowing is optional.

——Du Fu, "Winter Evening Sending the Eldest Grandson to Return to the State"

On a sunny day in winter, the cold wind blows, and it is a little cold, but the sky is more and more towering, and the faint white clouds float freely.

The formation of geese in the distance seems to have been blown away by this cold wind, and they are busy with the whole team, always ready to fly high......

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

Lotus incense sells green leaf residue,

The west wind stirs up the green waves.

is also haggard with Shaoguang, unbearable.

The drizzle dreams back to the chicken plug away,

The small building blew through the Yusheng cold.

How many tears are there to hate, leaning on the railing.

——Li Jing, "Breaking the Huanxi Sand"

In the winter in the south, there is a residual lotus plant, which has only withered residual leaves, bent lotus stems and flower stems of lotus flowers.

When the bird gently stood on the residual lotus, as if time was frozen, it inadvertently, I don't know how many people's hearts were softened.

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

The crowd shook off the solitary beauty and occupied the small garden.

The shadow is sparse and the water is shallow, and the dark fragrance floats in the dusk of the moon.

——Lin Kui, "Little Plum in the Mountain Garden"

Plum is the charm of winter.

The bright and gorgeous shadow, slanting in the shallow water, the quiet fragrance floating in the dusk moonlight, will reveal the charm of winter.

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!


If the icicles between the eaves are cut out, they will be added.

Low or high, small and big and clean,

There is no difference with the situation.

Suspecting that the Jade Dragon Nether is coming to the world,

Qi to the thatched eaves cloth minions.

——Liu Cha "Icicle"

Ice is the weapon of winter.

They are crystal clear, pure, and majestic, whether in the eaves or in the mountains, they all exude a pure charm.

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

Covering the green wheat is not sued, and the clouds and leaves in the south of the Yangtze River are dark with the car,

There is no smoke in the world, and the rain feet are half closed and the eaves are broken.

At the beginning of the snow forest, the tiles were sparse, and the ice was sticky when they returned.

——Su Shi, "Huanxi Sand"

When the snow is falling, call for relatives and friends to sit in the middle of the lake pavilion and enjoy the snow in the attic.

In the most quiet place, enjoy the most beautiful scenery of heaven and earth, this is the greatest joy in winter!

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

Sit and drink the water and watch the frying dust.

There is no reason to hold a bowl and send it to tea lovers.

——Bai Juyi, "Mountain Spring Sencha Youhuai"

In the winter afternoon, the sun shadow reflects the window, drinking a pool of Lingling clear spring water, sencha, tea, how many joys can you get in life?

If there is another tea friend, drink and drink together, life is elegant, what more do you want?

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!
Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

There is a sound of flying snow, but it is the most elegant among the bamboos.

When the mountain window is cold on a cold night,


Xiao Xiaoxiao, Lian Pian,

The sound rhyme is leisurely, and I can listen clearly.

——Gao Lian, "Appreciation of the Four Seasons"

When the mountain window is cold on night, listen to the snow sprinkled on the bamboo forest.

Xili Xiao Xiao, even fluttering, the sound rhyme is leisurely, slow and urgent, like the pipa girl's piano sound as twists and turns, I don't know what kind of story she is telling?

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!

Small step on the shore of the withered leaves, the water is quiet and the sun sets. I borrow a spark of loneliness, and I also melt the night snow and melt my heart.

Sitting in front of the stove in winter, drinking lightly, elegant and happy.

On such a day, at that moment, even if it is cold outside the window, my heart is still in spring.

In this way, unconsciously, I was lost in the temptation of winter.

Millennial poems, beauty in winter!