
The old gardener will never say, the "secret" of raising flowers, put a "thing" at the bottom of the pot, and the roots will not rot for ten years

author:Tian Ah Gan
The old gardener will never say, the "secret" of raising flowers, put a "thing" at the bottom of the pot, and the roots will not rot for ten years

"The old gardener will never say, the "secret" of raising flowers, put a "thing" at the bottom of the pot, and the roots will not rot for ten years"

On a sunny morning, I walked into the flower shop, which had become famous for raising flowers, and in front of it hung a simple wooden sign that read "Blossom Rich Garden". There are a variety of flower pots in the store, and the colorful flowers bloom in the sun. I was fascinated by the vicissitudes and wisdom of the owner, who was the legendary old gardener, a master of growing flowers. In my conversation with him, I learned some "secrets" of raising flowers that are not known to ordinary people.

Story 1: Put a "thing" at the bottom of the pelvis

The old gardener told me that the key to making flowers thrive and their roots strong is to provide them with a good environment to grow. And one of the "secrets" is to place a special substance at the bottom of the pelvis. I was curious, but he smiled mysteriously, noncommittal.

A few days later, I received a special gift - a pot of delicate jasmine. I took a closer look at the pot and noticed that there was a black substance at the bottom of the pot. I quickly asked the old gardener, who explained: "This is my homemade organic fertilizer, which is made from a mixture of various plant residues, which can provide sufficient nutrients for the flowers and trees to promote root growth. It turns out that this is the "thing" that the old gardener does not want to talk about, and it plays an important role in the process of growing flowers and trees.

The old gardener will never say, the "secret" of raising flowers, put a "thing" at the bottom of the pot, and the roots will not rot for ten years

Story 2: Ten years of rotten roots

"Some people only care about the surface of flowers, but ignore the health of the root system. The old gardener said with deep feelings. He told me a moving story.

A long time ago, he met a flower friend who was a veritable lover of flowers and plants, and had a soft spot for all kinds of flowers. However, he has a bad habit of changing pots frequently. Every time he saw the soil in the pot become soft and the roots became compact, he would get upset and immediately move the flowers and trees to a new pot. However, as time went on, he found that it was becoming more and more difficult for his flowers and trees to grow healthily, and even the root systems of some plants began to rot.

The old gardener suggested that he might as well try putting an organic fertilizer at the bottom of the pot. After a period of observation, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the roots of the flowers and trees with organic fertilizer at the bottom of the pots have become more lush and healthy, and some of the flowers and trees have not rotted their roots for ten years.

"It turns out that a stable root system is the cornerstone of healthy growth of flowers and trees. The old gardener said with deep feelings. This story made me understand that raising flowers is not only to appreciate the beauty of flowers, but also to pay attention to the inner health of flowers and trees.


In the conversation with the old gardener, I not only learned some professional skills in raising flowers, but also experienced the love and persistence of flowers and trees. Every flower has a story behind it, and every flower friend has a feeling. May we continue to learn and grow on the road of raising flowers, and take care of every green plant with our hearts, so that they can bloom more brilliantly in our lives.

The old gardener will never say, the "secret" of raising flowers, put a "thing" at the bottom of the pot, and the roots will not rot for ten years