
Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

author:39 HealthNet

Another child died because of "it".

Parents really need to pay attention and don't let similar accidents happen again!

"I watched my son die"

One day, a young mother was playing at home with her 2-year-old son, after which the child peeled off a grain of longan and ate it.

Unexpectedly, the child would not spit out the nucleus and was directly stuck in the throat by the longan seed, and the mother was at a loss when she saw this, so she immediately called the emergency number. But time waits for no one, and by the time the ambulance arrives, the child has stopped breathing forever.

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

In fact, such tragedies emerge one after another every year.

In February 2014, a two-and-a-half-year-old baby suffocated to death after being fed pistachios.

In May 2019, a grandmother in Jiangsu choked to death after feeding grapes to a 7-month-old baby.

In June 2021, a 5-year-old child was stuck in his trachea because he was eating zongzi, and unfortunately he had no vital signs when he was taken to the hospital. ......

According to statistics, nearly 3,000 children die of suffocation due to airway obstruction caused by eating food or foreign bodies in mainland China every year, and most of them are children under the age of 5, of which nearly 70% are under the age of 3.

In the face of foreign body stuck in the throat, time is of the essence, and the golden rescue time of the first 4 minutes is crucial!

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

This "hug" can save lives at a critical moment, and everyone must learn

Airway obstruction refers to the entry of a foreign body into the airway, and obstruction in any part of the airway will lead to poor and interrupted breathing movement. Severe airway foreign body obstruction can cause strong airway smooth muscle spasm, significant airway mucosal edema, and choking, and the body will experience hypoxia, carbon dioxide retention, dysfunction, and eventually suffocation. There is data that shows that it takes only 6 minutes for the heart to stop beating when the airway is completely blocked to the point of suffocation.

The Heimlich abdominal impingement method uses external force to impact the soft tissues under the abdomen and diaphragm to generate upward pressure and compress the lungs on both sides to form airflow, which will bring great impact in the airway and expel the obstructed foreign body. It is necessary for everyone to learn the Heimlich abdominal punch method.

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

The graph comes from the network

Adults, children, and infants operate differently, so how do you do that?

• Adults: Stand behind them with your hands around your waist, place your left hand in a fist above your belly button, and grab your clenched fist with your right hand and quickly and repeatedly punch your abdomen upwards.

• Children over 1 year old: Stand behind the child and wrap your arms around your abdomen from behind, make a fist with one hand and clench your fist with the other, and place your thumb against the lower edge of your ribs and between your navel. Then tighten your hands firmly and press inward and upward on the child's chest until the foreign body is spit out. Be careful not to touch the end of your child's sternum and ribs with your fist to avoid damaging the bones.

• Infants under 1 year of age: Pinch the sides of the baby's cheekbones and place the arms against the baby's chest, allowing the child to lie on his lap. If you pat the child's 2 shoulder blades 5 times, and still can't spit out the foreign body, turn the child over, still keep the head down and feet high, and press the two nipples with the index finger and middle finger to connect the two nipples to the width of the middle line, and the depth of each press is 1.5~2.5cm until the foreign body is spit out.

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

Beginners trying to perform the Heimlich maneuver must be performed on a prop person, as using the wrong method on a human body may cause damage to the internal organs. Don't try these mistakes:

After the blockage is found, it is important not to drink water, swallow anything, and try to let the foreign body go down;

After spitting out a foreign body, it does not mean that it is okay, but it is necessary to go to the hospital to check whether there is any damage to the organs, etc.;

If the person who is obstructed can shout, talk, or cough, he should use his instinct to remove the foreign body on his own;

When a choked person is unable to speak, speak, or breathe, he or she must be rescued immediately.

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

Practical family first aid knowledge, early to see and benefit early

Now many children have ushered in the New Year holiday, before and after the New Year, there are a variety of nuts and other snacks at home, this time point is also a high incidence of accidents, it is very important to master these first aid measures.

1. Scalds and burns

After the occurrence of burns, stay away from the source of the burn, carefully remove the foreign body from the affected area to expose the wound, and if the clothing is glued and cannot be taken off, it should be carefully cut off or go to the hospital for treatment.

After the bare wound is exposed, it should be rinsed under tap water at 10~20°C for 20~30 minutes, and the skin can be applied with aloe vera gel after rinsing;

2. Animal scratches and bites

After being scratched by a cat or dog, a tourniquet should be tied immediately to prevent and reduce the flow of the virus to the whole body with the blood, and then clean the wound with clean water or soapy water, and finally go to the hospital immediately for diagnosis and treatment, and inject rabies vaccine.

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

3. Acute alcohol poisoning

Many parents will tease their children to drink during the Chinese New Year, but alcohol is something that children cannot touch! A child in Guangxi was coaxed by relatives to drink more than 1 tael of wine, and then fell asleep and suffered from vomiting and convulsions. After that, his family took him everywhere to seek medical treatment, but he had already suffered severe brain damage and epilepsy due to alcohol poisoning, and his mental deterioration reached the age of 1, and he could not recover.

In case of acute alcohol poisoning, the stomach can be spit out by means of vomiting, and if the patient is unconscious, he or she should seek medical attention promptly.

4. Electric shock

In the event of an electric shock, the power supply should be cut off immediately, and the person who was electrocuted should be pushed away with an insulator on the machine that is leaking.

However, it should be noted that when the power is not off, you must not pull the electrocuted person directly with your hands. If the electrocuted person is in shock and unconscious, rescue respiration and chest compressions should be performed immediately.

Another case of child death during the Chinese New Year must be watched by everyone to avoid tragedy!

Some common first aid methods are worth learning from everyone, and they can save lives when it is critical, especially during the holidays.


[1] "This "Hug" Can Save Lives, Everyone Must Learn the Heimlich Maneuver". Life Times 2023-05-08

[2] "Choking on Eating, Don't Drink Water!". Wuhan First Hospital 2024-01-25

[3] "Five Common Accidents During the Holiday, Please Keep This First Aid Guide!", Sichuan Health Communication 2023-10-02

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