
The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

author:Taste the past and look at the present


With the gradual acceleration of social development, more and more things have disappeared in our field of vision, when there was no money in the past, we looked forward to eating those coveted snacks every day, and now we have become rich, but these snacks are no longer the same as they were back then, and even many of them are difficult to find their figures!

Let's take a look at the snacks of your childhood in the following time, and see how many snacks you have eaten in these photos below, and how many snacks you often dreamed of eating when you were a child! Whenever I see them again, I always think of myself when I was a child, time is really a pig-killing knife, I didn't expect so many years to have passed!

Snacks from the 80s

When I was a child, every time I went to the temple fair, I bought such a snack, he called syrup, now many young people should not have seen such a snack, this syrup he can not only eat, he can also play, at that time every time I buy him after I will stir for a long time, until his color completely changes, I will put him in my mouth, how many years have passed, I have not eaten him for a long time!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This fig should be the first choice of many people in that era, the first choice is that his price is not expensive, followed by his sweet and sour can be eaten for a long, long time, in that era of scarce resources, he is the most cost-effective representative! Every time I go to school, I will buy a pack, and then spend a whole day to eliminate it! Since I started going to school outside, I have hardly seen him again.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This candy was a childhood nightmare back then, although he tasted good, but I was still very afraid of him, every time I ate this pagoda candy, I would crawl out a lot of bugs when I went to the toilet, this pagoda mountain was developed for insect repellent research and development back then, so when I was a child, I would never eat him if I couldn't eat him!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

When I was a child, I would buy a bag of ice cream like this every summer, he was called Seven Dwarfs, why the name is very simple, it is because he has seven styles of ice cream in it, it is because of his large number, I will especially like to buy him, not only cheap but also more, do you have the same idea as me?

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

At that time, as long as I had money, I would buy such a spicy slice when I went to school, and sometimes I would use this as a dish at home, which shows how high his status was back then!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

In addition to this big spicy spicy piece, my other favorite spicy strip is the big knife meat, this spicy bar seems to be addictive, every time I eat him, I will send it to my mouth one after another, I can't stop at all, just like this, I still feel unfinished after eating a generation of bags, he was like this at the time! Of course, there are still such brands in the supermarket now, but there is no longer the feeling of being unstoppable, I don't know if it's because I've grown up, or if the ingredients in him have changed, in short, I haven't tasted the taste of the year in these years!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

In that era of scarcity of materials, there were not so many styles of snacks now, Mai Lisu was the king back then, first of all, because of his taste, the sugar was wrapped in a layer of chocolate, and every time he ate it when he was a child, he would send it to his mouth one by one, because this way he could feel his most primitive taste, and the most important thing was not to eat it so quickly, after all, I had saved a long time to be able to buy him!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

Arctic Ocean soda in that era is every child's dream drink, the summer can come to a bottle of this, that is so cool that don't want to, remember when we were in order to drink a sip of this Arctic Ocean, several children pooled money to buy a bottle, and then everyone drank a few sips, but unfortunately that kind of time will never return, at that time we were carefree, do not have to think about the life of firewood, rice, oil and salt, decades have passed, not only to fight to life, once the most wanted to drink the drink has not been encountered for many years.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

I think there should be a lot of post-zero have seen this big bubble gum now, you often put such bubble gum advertisements on TV when you were a child, my favorite favorite food when I was a child is also big, at that time after chewing out the sugar in him, I came with my friends to compare who blew the bubble bigger, I was really happy in that era! With the development of the times, big bubble gum has gradually faded out of people's sight, I think the current post-zero should have not seen big bubble gum for many years!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This Hou Wang Dan was also the general existence of Wang Fang back then, not only cheap, but also chewed in the mouth for a long time, because this Hou Wang Dan will be very sour if you chew it directly, so I won't chew him after I bought him when I was a child, I will always put him in my mouth, knowing that after his acidity disappears, I will chew him, Many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I have never seen this Hou Wang Dan again over the years, maybe he changed the packaging, or it is no longer produced.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This sugar melon should be eaten secretly after a lot of zero, when I was a child, I would buy this candy during the New Year's holidays, when I saw this sugar for the first time, I was still very young, at that time I only knew that he was sugar, it should be particularly delicious, so I directly took one and put it in my mouth, eating and eating found that something was wrong, sticky I couldn't open my mouth, and finally I ate it, and I haven't eaten much since then, after all, my teeth are not good.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This snack was also my favorite back then, because he could eat it for a long time, and his taste was very unique, after all, he was made of hawthorn, so when I was a child, I liked to eat this fruit dan peel very much! With the development of the times, I have not been in contact with him for many years. I wonder if I can still buy him now?

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

I think there are a lot of post-zero snacks that I like to eat, she is a gummy, it tastes very strong, I like to eat this candy when I was a child, every time I eat her, I am very happy! But since I left my hometown, I have not eaten this gummy, now so many years have passed, I still miss the taste of this candy when I was a child, but when I saw her that day, I no longer have the urge when I was a child, and it is no longer the gummy candy I like! It's a matter of mentality! What I liked at the time, I don't have interest in them now.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This candy is a necessity for me when I was a child, I eat this bubble gum for anything, first of all, her price is very affordable, there are a lot of hers, and when I was a child, my family also felt that it was very cost-effective, so I would buy a bucket every time! A bucket of bubble gum is enough for me to eat for a long time! I don't know if I can find such bubble gum, I miss it so much.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This spicy strip called Tang monk meat really makes me love and hate, what is the reason for this? That's because this spicy strip is surprisingly spicy, every time I eat him, it will make me so spicy that I can't extricate myself, but even so I still like this spicy strip very much, even if she is spicy, I still like to eat it! So this spicy strip makes me love and hate it! In the blink of an eye, many years have passed, and now I haven't seen Tang Seng meat in this period of time, and I don't know if there is still him in the store.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

I haven't seen him for many years, and when we were kids we called him a popsicle, and that's why? Every summer, the family would put this type of drink in the freezer, so at that time she would become an ice cube, and they would eat it the same way as those popsicles, so he would be called a popsicle by our people!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

When I was a child, I could always see a hawker riding a car on the street to sell, what they sold was nothing else or the rock sugar gourd in the photo, at that time I always pestered my family, let them buy this rock sugar gourd for themselves, after successfully eating this rock sugar gourd, I will be very happy, sour and sweet, it tastes really delicious, although there are now more kinds of rock sugar gourds, but it is not as delicious as I ate when I was a child, I don't know whether the ingredients have changed, or the practice has changed, the rock sugar gourd in these years is not as delicious as when I was a child。

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

When I was a child, when I went to school in the morning, my mother would always put such a tea egg for me, which is the taste exclusive to my mother, and I don't know why the tea egg made by my mother is better than the one bought in the store, maybe this is the legendary taste exclusive to my mother!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

I think everyone is very familiar with this sugar, his practice is similar to syrup, but it is a solidified state, when I saw such a shape of sugar when I was a child, I liked it very much, so I will take out my few private money, buy it, and it tastes very delicious! Time has passed for many years, and I haven't seen such a snack for many years! I don't know if there is such sugar in the supermarket now.

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This Jiang rice noodles are really my favorite snacks when I was a child, it tastes crunchy and sweet, it is very delicious, when I was a child, my family will buy me a big bag, I feel very happy when I see so many Jiang rice noodles! This is not only delicious, she also carries the love of the family for me, and then with the development of the times, I have been busy with all kinds of things, I have not eaten Jiang rice noodles for many years, do you remember how much it cost to buy a pack of Jiang rice noodles?

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?

This cool summer in the summer is the biggest anti-heat artifact, not only because of her affordable price, the most important thing is that this cool summer is particularly durable, a cool summer at least ten minutes to eat, of course, I was like this back then, because she is a big ice cube, so he is very relieved of the heat! Now life has become better, there are more and more types of ice cream, and he has gradually been replaced!

The most nostalgic snack of the 80s, the five kinds of food are old, and the last one you know the name?


The above are the snacks of more than ten years ago or even decades, are there any snacks that you dreamed of when you were a child? When you see them again, will you think of the carefree self when you were a child? After so many years, these snacks have also become different things, some have changed their packaging, some have changed their methods, and they can no longer eat the snacks in their impressions!


"Hello, this is my eighties".

Nostalgia for the eighties .