
Before Trump took office, he took China as a knife, and three dangerous developments show that China has to prepare for the worst

author:The official number of Road Observation

Judging by the current situation, US President Joe Biden's re-election plan does not seem to be going well. According to U.S. media reports, a few days ago, South Carolina will hold the first Democratic Party primary for the 2024 presidential election. Or Trump achieved a counterattack and re-entered the White House. However, there are many problems facing the Biden administration now, including the confrontation between the Texas government and the federal government, the head-to-head confrontation between the US military and the Houthis in the Red Sea region, and the precarious debt crisis in the United States. These issues are seriously affecting Biden's election, and if the Biden administration is unable to properly handle these issues before the election in full swing in November, he may not be able to withstand Trump's offensive actions in the election campaign.

Before Trump took office, he took China as a knife, and three dangerous developments show that China has to prepare for the worst

Some analysts believe that Biden's current road to re-election is full of difficulties, and his approval rating has never exceeded half is his biggest weakness. Since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden administration has been criticized by all sectors of society for not making America great again at all. On the one hand, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan has led to a rapid decline in the influence and presence of the United States in the Middle East, and has also had a huge impact on the world's hegemonic status. On the other hand, the failure of the war in Afghanistan is basically borne by the Biden administration, and the debt problem and regional crisis indirectly caused by it continue to weaken the comprehensive national strength of the United States, which is why more and more American people are disgusted with Biden, and his approval rating has fallen below 40%. And the most important thing is that Biden is over eighty years old, and his various bizarre performances in public give people a feeling of old age, which has exacerbated voters' "fear" of the Biden administration, worried that it will not be able to handle the international affairs of the United States at all, so Biden's plan to run for re-election can be described as "stressful".

Before Trump took office, he took China as a knife, and three dangerous developments show that China has to prepare for the worst

And Trump, Biden's old rival, is determined to win the 2024 election, not only because he has always believed that the results of the 2020 election were not fair, and he just lost to intrigue, but also because he has always wanted to make the United States "revive and great" again. It's just that he chose to take China as a knife this time, making China a "stepping stone" for the rise and rejuvenation of the United States. Recently, the news that Trump and his aides are discussing a 60% tariff on Chinese goods after taking office has attracted great attention from countries around the world. Trump believes that in Sino-US economic and trade cooperation, the United States is in a "state of loss", allowing China to get a lot of benefits, so the United States must adopt some measures and means to change this state, and the trade war is obviously the best means in Trump's mind. The outside world has also noticed that when Trump attended the rally of supporters, he kept talking about the Sino-US trade war, without considering whether it would affect the Sino-US relations that had just eased. In response to Trump's crazy idea, economic analysts from both parties in the United States clearly pointed out that if Trump takes office and continues to launch a trade war against China, it will have an immeasurable impact on the economic development of the United States and even the world.

Before Trump took office, he took China as a knife, and three dangerous developments show that China has to prepare for the worst

Obviously, these economists in the United States are well aware of the importance of China to the economic development of the United States. It is worth mentioning that at this stage, the confrontation between the North and the South on the Korean Peninsula, the ongoing intensification of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in Eastern Europe, and the escalating Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East are all directly affecting Sino-US relations, or the impact of Sino-US relations on the US election. The Biden administration has now been demonstrating its "ability to manage the U.S.-China relationship" in order to gain more votes and support. Trump, for his part, has chosen the traditional "China card" route, that is, to gain the support of right-wing forces and conservative groups by maintaining a tough stance on China. Although it is still unclear who will ultimately win the US election, China must also prepare for the worst to avoid any changes, including finding new external markets and expanding cooperation with the BRICS countries. Only if China has enough capabilities to resist U.S. offensive actions and make the U.S. understand the importance of U.S.-China cooperation will those crazy ideas disappear completely.