
Will Winning the Lottery Really Change Your Life?

author:Curious researchers' research

According to the Fucai Center news, the two-color ball opened 4 notes 10 million yuan jackpot; Lotto opened a total of 8 notes of the first prize, of which, 2 notes for more than 14.06 million yuan (including more than 6.25 million yuan additional bonus), 6 notes for more than 7.81 million yuan in these six lucky numbers will forever change your life. But how?

We've all heard stories of lucky lottery winners who aren't so lucky after all. Some individual winners are unprepared for a sudden burst of wealth, squandering their winnings, having friends and relatives suddenly come out and demand a piece of the pie, or succumb to the pressure of a windfall they are not equipped to handle.

Will Winning the Lottery Really Change Your Life?

When lottery tickets are purchased as a team, such as through a workplace office pool, the prize money can be litigated for years without any winner getting a dime. Unlike the light-hearted joke of "absent on Monday" that was opened beforehand, lawsuits about lottery wins are dragged out by endless motions, court appearances, and arguments about who put in how much, when, and who only paid cash before winning. Roll to create bigger odds and thus decide who deserves how many prizes.

Individual winners are not immune to lawsuits, especially if they buy a ticket for someone else, or generously let other customers jump in line in front of them – only to buy a winning ticket that would have been sold to them if it weren't for chivalry.

Stereotypes and horror stories aside, what about the real behavior of lottery winners?

Money can't buy happiness – but smart money management can

From a psychological point of view, we can all agree that money can't buy happiness. But it can definitely make life easier for many people – assuming they are seeking or already have the means to manage it. Many lottery winners become wise by observing how sudden wealth can adversely affect others, remaining as calm as possible when deciding how to spend (or save) their newfound wealth.

Will Winning the Lottery Really Change Your Life?

In an article titled "Finding the Lottery Winner's Prosperity: Self-Presentation After Getting Rich" (2011), Anna Hedenus examines how lottery winners develop winning strategies in a way that is contrary to the narrative of reckless consumption. She interviewed 14 Swedish lottery winners to explore the counter-stance that lottery winners have taken to counter the skewful winning stereotype. She noted that by using lottery winnings to predict "moderate, non-extravagant spending," winners can gain a sense of security, wealth, and even happiness.

Lottery winners are still themselves – only richer

In his book Becoming a Winner but Staying the Same: Lottery Winners' Identities and Spending (2011), Bengt Larson finds that, contrary to the myth that lottery winners flee their current environment and become "someone else somewhere else," real-life lottery winners usually remain the same – except for indulging in a higher level of spending. Larson concludes that getting huge bonuses often comes with efforts to maintain identity and social relationships.

Will Winning the Lottery Really Change Your Life?

Millionaires in the workplace: Lottery winners continue to work

Do you think if you win the jackpot, you'll end up leaving town and buying a yacht? Believe it or not, studies have shown that many lottery winners choose to keep working.

The study found that a large number of lottery winners still work in the same jobs. Less than 12% of winners quit their jobs, and about 24% of participants went on full-time unpaid leave. Of those who continued to work, 16% reduced their working hours and 62% did not make any changes. Winning the lottery usually does not eliminate the desire to earn a living through employment. However, the size of the bonus does have a significant impact on the decision to reduce working hours and take unpaid leave.

Winners and losers

Everyone reacts differently to a sudden financial boom. Still, it's heartening to see so many people choosing to adopt smart financial strategies to manage their winnings, managing their wealth while maintaining relationships.

Of course, if you have tickets for the big draw - good luck!

Will Winning the Lottery Really Change Your Life?

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