
Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

Interface News Reporter | Yin Qinglu is a native of Linzi

Interface News Editor | Jiang Yan


Yaochi Jiqing - a feast of Chinese auspicious culture

Exhibition time: November 5, 2023 - March 31, 2024

Venue: Long Museum (West Bund)

Tickets: from 100 RMB

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

From "Fu Ru Donghai Shoubi Nanshan" to "All Things Going Well", these blessings expressing the good wishes of the Chinese not only appear in our conversations, but also appear in words, paintings, patterns, etc. on calligraphy and paintings, silk, ceramics, jade, gold and silverware. Patterns with auspicious meanings were widely popular in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and reached their peak in the Qing Dynasty, becoming the mainstream of decorative patterns.

This exhibition selects more than 80 pieces (groups) of cultural relics, according to the four sections of "auspicious magnates", "four seasons of peace", "Bogu Qing offering" and "longevity", respectively, to display animals, plants, Bogu artifacts, Fu Lu Shou as the theme of works, presenting the auspicious culture in the history of Chinese material culture.

(Also on display are "Portrait: Long Museum 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition", "Qin Yifeng", "Zhang Leiping: Stop-and-Go", "William Munch: Soul Attraction", "Fang Yuan: Mountain Devous", and "Endless Life.") )

The Permanent Present: A Retrospective of Stephen Shore

Exhibition time: January 21 - April 21, 2024

Exhibition Venue: Himalayas Art Museum

Tickets: from 60 RMB

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

Stephen Shore became Andy Warhol's official photographer at the age of 17, had a solo exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York at the age of 23, and became the head of the photography department at the prestigious Bard College in the United States at the age of 35. His photographic work spans the two genres of "New Color Photography" and "New Terrain Photography", and in his more than 60 years of photography, he has created many works about the social and cultural landscape of the United States, influencing many photographers.

"Permanent Present" is another major retrospective exhibition after the large-scale retrospective of Stephen Shore at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2017, which will be held at the Lishui Photo Festival at the end of 2023. This exhibition will display 327 works in four series: "American Appearance", "Unusual Place", "Elements" and "Topography". Shore participated in the selection and production of the works for this retrospective, and added new features since 2020. In this exhibition, visitors will see Shore's continuous creative experience from the 1970s to the 1990s, as well as new works from 2020 to 2022.

Centennial Rhapsody: a surrealist masterpiece at the National Gallery of Scotland

Exhibition time: February 2 - August 31, 2024

Venue: Exhibition Hall 4C, Museum of Art Pudong

Tickets: from 130 RMB

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

After four years of preparation, "One Hundred Years of Rhapsody: Surrealist Masterpieces from the National Gallery of Scotland" opens a six-month exhibition at the Museum of Art Pudong. The exhibition in 2024 is a significant event – exactly 100 years ago, the French poet André Breton published the Manifesto of Surrealism, which officially began. Although Scotland is not the birthplace of Surrealism, the National Gallery of Scotland has been building up its Surrealist collection since the 60s of the last century.

The exhibition, all from the National Gallery of Scotland's own collection, features more than 100 works by more than 50 leading artists and writers related to surrealism, including iconic works by Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, Max Ernst, Joan Miró, Leonora Carrington, Dorothea Tannin and other most important surrealist artists. This is not only the first complete tour of these works abroad, but also the largest and most comprehensive surrealist exhibition in China's history.

At the opening of the exhibition, Simon Grom, Director of Modern and Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Scotland, said, "Surrealism literally means 'beyond reality' and is inspired by the world of dreams, irrationality, the unconscious and the imagination. It allows us to dream, to imagine worlds that don't exist yet, or alternate realities. Therefore, it has a profound meaning for humanity, which is why I think that among the avant-garde art of the 20th century, Surrealism had the greatest impact on artists and society and culture as a whole, encompassing various fields such as film, fashion, literature, and advertising. ”

(Also on display are "Caravaggio and the Baroque Miracle", "Zeng Fanzhi: Past and Present", and "Xu Bing: Gravitational Theater.") )

Star China: Sanxingdui Jinsha Ancient Shu Civilization Exhibition

Exhibition time: February 2 - May 20, 2024

Exhibition Venue: The First Special Exhibition Hall on the first floor and the Second Special Exhibition Hall on the second floor of the East Hall of the Shanghai Museum

Admission: Free (reservation required)

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

Following "Zhaizi China", which reflects the Xia, Shang and Zhou civilizations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and "Empirical China", which showcases the Songze and Liangzhu civilizations in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, "Shining China", the third exhibition in the "Why China" Cultural Relics and Archaeology Exhibition Series, will be unveiled on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2024 as the first exhibition of the East Pavilion of the Shanghai Museum.

The exhibition is co-sponsored by the Shanghai Museum, the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the Sanxingdui Museum of Guanghan in Sichuan Province, and the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum, and at the same time, the exhibition is on loan from 28 cultural and archaeological institutions across the country, and the exhibition includes 363 cultural relics, including one of the three treasures of the Chengdu Jinsha Site Museum - the Liangzhu culture "Ten Sections of Jade Cong" unearthed in the sacrificial area of Chengdu Jinsha Site. Chu Xiaobo, director of the Shanghai Museum, said that this will be the first time that the cultural relics have "returned to their hometown" after more than 3,000 years, and the Shanghai Museum has also collected a similar "ten-section jade cong", which was unearthed in Shanghai. How the artifacts of the Liangzhu culture were owned by the ancient Shu people from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River is a very interesting question. This exhibition is the largest and highest standard exhibition of archaeological relics unearthed from the ancient Shu civilization outside Sichuan Province so far, and some of the cultural relics unearthed in Sanxingdui were restored by the Shanghai Museum for the first time for public exhibition.

(Also exhibited at the same time are the "Encounter Sanxingdui 12K Digital Art Exhibition" and the "Bronze Exhibition Hall".) )


摄影展“铂金地标 Platinum Landmarks”

Exhibition time: January 27 - March 14

Exhibition location: No. 23, Songzhu Temple, Shatan North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Admission: Free

In Irene Kung's photographs, the buildings often appear to emerge from the darkness, and this is most evident in Kung's most famous work, Invisible Cities, whether in Rome, New York, or Buenos Aires, which are like sacred palaces in heaven, suspended in the air like dreams. For the artist, this is the joy of photography: trying to capture details that are imperceptible to the naked eye and elevating these monumental landmarks into something of unconscious territory. This special effect stems from a printing technique called "platinum palladium", which can print delicate tones that are unmatched by any modern printing technology. It is only with this technique that Kung's intuitive feeling can be restored, and for her, only feeling can restore the original appearance of the scene, because "reason often misleads the audience, but emotion does not".

Filmed in the fall of 2011 during a month-long trip to China, Kung's works are a dreamlike re-enactment of the architecture of China's iconic city, which will be held at Temple Dongjingyuan, an ancient temple that has been transformed into a cultural space for galleries, teahouses, and events.

Exhibition of works by Klimt, the pioneer of Austrian modernist painting

Exhibition time: January 27 - May 7

Exhibition Venue: BITDB Space, 798 Art District, Spanosa Design Space

Admission: Free

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

Klimt is one of the most well-known artists in China. His works reinvent allegorical and symbolist imagery, and are known for their unique artistic language and profound philosophical connotations, and in the 80s of the 20th century, Klimt's works spread to China and deeply influenced the creation of a large number of Chinese artists, and this influence is still continuing today.

Through 28 prints, this exhibition shows the audience Klimt's profound influence on modern and contemporary art, and how he has crossed boundaries in the fields of traditional culture, architecture, psychology, science, and aesthetics. The works on display include "The Kiss", "Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer I", "Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer II", "Death and Life", "Judith" and other masterpieces, connecting the key nodes of Klimt's artistic career, so as to give the audience an in-depth understanding of the development of the symbolist art movement in the European art world at that time. The exhibition is open to the public free of charge, and you can make an appointment online by logging on to the official account of Spanosa Design.

"Prosperous Classics - The Great Series of Chinese Paintings of the Past Dynasties" Theme Exhibition

Exhibition time: January 22 - May 5

Exhibition Venue: World Art Exhibition Hall, 2nd Floor, China Millennium Monument

Admission: Free (Please bring your ID to the venue after making a reservation)

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

"The Great Collection of Chinese Paintings of the Past Dynasties" is a publication project compiled by Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics. The "Great Series" includes a total of 12,405 pieces (sets) of Chinese paintings from 263 cultural and museum institutions at home and abroad, including 9,155 pieces (sets) of domestic collections and 3,250 pieces (sets) of foreign collections, covering many national treasure-level painting treasures, including "The Complete Works of Pre-Qin, Han and Tang Paintings", "The Complete Works of Song Paintings", "The Complete Works of Yuan Paintings", "The Complete Works of Ming Paintings" and "The Complete Works of Qing Paintings".

This exhibition selects works related to the theme of reading from the "Great Series", combined with digital exhibition methods, to show one aspect of this cultural project, and construct a knowledge map of national art images. "Long for a long time" comes from the "Book of Rites" chapter in the "Historical Records", the original text is: "Honest and down-to-earth, long for a long time", which is intended to excavate the vivid pictures of ancient readers through the exhibition, and use ancient paintings as a window to show the changes in the reading trend of the past dynasties, the development of the material environment and the transformation of artistic style.

"Rapid Plasticization - Useless Sustainable Living Series Exhibition" Marine Chapter

Exhibition time: January 13 - April 15

Exhibition Venue: Useless Living Space, 1-101, Cultural and Creative Park, 77 Back Street, Dongcheng Art Museum, Beijing

Admission: Free

Reason tends to mislead the viewer, while sensibility does not Recommended for Shanghai-Beijing exhibition in February

On the earth, where human beings depend, the ocean occupies 71% of the area and supports 90% of life. But at some point, the news began to be common: a stranded sperm whale in Sanya, Hainan Province, was found to contain plastic waste and a large number of parasites, and in Honduras, many endangered hawksbill turtles were entangled in plastic waste......

As one of the first living spaces in China to promote sustainable living, "Wuwu" has been exploring ways to coexist with nature for 18 years. They found that although environmental issues are common, most of the public perceives them as irrelevant to their daily lives, and in order to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment, they decided to open a series of public exhibitions on sustainable living. The first phase of the exhibition begins with "Ocean", inviting Fu Junsheng, an artist who has been working as a "sea scavenger" for seven years to create works related to the theme of the ocean, and sounded the clarion call of "Rapid Battle", calling on everyone to protect our blue planet.

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