
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

author:Brother Mizuko's comprehensive game room

Granblue Fantasy Relink is a large-scale two-dimensional fantasy ARPG game developed by Cygames, Inc. and published by SEGA (the steam version is published by Cygames, Inc.). Since its announcement, the game has been highly anticipated, not only because it comes from the deep background of the decade-old browser game Granblue Fantasy, but also because it brings this rich world and cast of characters to a whole new realm of console and PC gaming. AFTER ALMOST EIGHT YEARS OF WAITING, THE GAME FINALLY ARRIVES ON PS4, PS5, AND STEAM IN 2024.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

Superb performance animation effects, a visual feast

The game's graphics are excellent, using the latest graphics technology to present detailed and layered scenes. Whether it is the bustling streets of the city or the natural mountains and forests, it makes people feel as if they are in a real fantasy world. The design of the characters is also very beautiful, and each character has a unique shape and color, which is unforgettable. The game's sound effects are equally good. The background music is melodious and beautiful, which can set off the atmosphere of the game very well. The sound effects during combat are also very realistic, with each attack producing a powerful sound effect that makes the player more engaged in the battle.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

The story of this game adopts a classic Japanese RPG structure, but it shows a different style in terms of presentation. The game is bounded by the "true ending" of the main story, and the gameplay process is strictly divided into two phases: the first half of the pure JRPG experience of about 10-20 hours, and the subsequent more than 50 hours of MMO-like fighting phase.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

In the first half of the JRPG experience, players will follow the main group as they explore the vast game world, gradually uncovering the secrets hidden behind it. The plot unfolds quite neatly, without any dragging, and there are almost no parts of JRPG that require repeated errands, side lines, shopping, chatting, and talking. This tight narrative allows players to quickly immerse themselves in the game's world and resonate with the characters, who have distinct personalities and unique backgrounds and stories, thanks to the game's excellent storytelling and character development.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

However, the game's plot depth is relatively limited. For those who are only interested in the story part, they may find the game a bit boring in the second half of the online game-based "brushing" elements. But on the whole, the game's plot is still an enjoyable adventure.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

Refreshing combat system and rich character development

Granblue Fantasy Relink's combat system is excellent, blending elements of traditional JRPG combat with the gameplay of a battle game. Players can defeat enemies through normal attacks, skill releases, and combo attacks. There is a wide variety of skills in the game, and each character has a unique skill tree, and players can choose the right skills to match according to their fighting style.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

The enemies in the game are rich and varied, and each enemy has a unique attack style and weakness. Players need to look at the enemy's attack patterns, find out their weaknesses and carry out targeted attacks. This type of combat not only tests the player's reaction speed and operation skills, but also requires the player to have a certain strategic thinking ability.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

In addition, the game also introduces a fighting gameplay. During the battle phase, players can team up with other players to challenge powerful enemies. This gameplay not only adds to the fun and challenge of the game, but also promotes communication and cooperation between players, and also allows players to experience the fun of teamwork. The game's cast of characters is large and diverse, each with a unique personality and backstory. Through the interaction with the characters and the advancement of the plot, players can watch the fate chapter, and gradually understand their inner world and growth process, so as to generate empathy and emotional investment.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

In the mission center, the commission can be selected from EASY to PROUD, as many as 7 difficulties can be selected, and it should be mentioned here that players will open HARD, VERV HARD, and EXTREME after clearing the main story, and after playing the true ending, they need to clear the EXTREME difficulty.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

The growth system in the game is very rich, and players can earn experience points and factors through battles, completing quests, and exploring. As the level increases, players can unlock more skill and equipment factor slots, which can increase their character's combat effectiveness. At the same time, different factors also have different levels, unlock more difficult commission tasks to get better factors, legendary level factors can be strengthened to level 15, and there are even exclusive factors for each character. Each character has 6 weapons, which can be unlocked in different ways, and all weapons can be strengthened, and permanent bonuses can be obtained by improving weapon skills after strengthening. Not only that, the weapon can also be inlaid with blessing stones, and the weapon can also be strengthened with weapon crystals after the weapon is fully leveled, which can further enhance the character's attributes. It can be said that the liver degree is very powerful.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

However, the game also has some shortcomings. First of all, the main story is shorter than other RPGs, and the depth of the plot is limited. For players who just want to experience the story, the game content may feel a little thin.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool
"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool


Granblue Fantasy Relink is an excellent fantasy role-playing game. It not only inherits the excellent elements of the Granblue Fantasy series of games, but also innovates and expands on it. The game's graphics and sound effects are excellent, the story is tight and engaging, and the characters have strong personalities and depth. The combat system combines the gameplay of JRPGs and fighting games, allowing players to enjoy the fun of traditional RPGs while also experiencing the excitement and challenge of fighting games. The growth and exploration system is rich and varied, providing players with endless adventures and challenges.

"Azur Fantasy Relink" is a two-dimensional fantasy journey that exceeds expectations and is very cool

It's also an excellent piece to check out. Whether it is a fan of "air riders" and pan-two-dimensional elements, or passers-by who are interested in fighting gameplay, they can find their own fun and challenges in this game. If you're looking for a two-dimensional fantasy RPG full of creativity and surprises, Granblue Fantasy Relink is definitely a great choice.