
Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

author:Tongguang Wenhui

"Peace and Friendship"

The bridge of friendship connects friendship and connects friends from all continents.

For a common idea, we will build a community with a shared future for mankind and create a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow for the world.

Friendship bridges cross borders, languages, and souls, no matter how far away they are.

Condense the moment of harmony and resonance, and rush to a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow in the world.

The Friendship Bridge travels through a time tunnel and through cosmic space.

Let the advanced civilization of the past and the future be generous and advanced, and all the good things will be reflected in the present to meet the prosperity and beauty of the world.

The sky of friendship is full of stars, the sun and the moon are beautiful, the horizon of the morning sun is ripe, and the angel of peace is wise and wise.

We have identified the route of return --- joined hands to step into the world of peace.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

"Gratitude Eternal"

There is a confidant at the end of the world, and sincerity is close to the heart.

Personality knows best, and everyone knows each other.

Looking back on the journey of the heart, paved with golden lyricism.

Everywhere, full of gratitude to the society.

All the time, full of gratitude for life.

Drawing out the history of missing, the photo album of love is a lock in the good times.

Revisiting the familiar names one by one, the true feelings are still so clear and transparent.

Make friends with the corporal of the world, and read ancient and modern books.

Inspect the way home, peace is the destination.

Face up to your mental journey and click on your beautiful mind.

All living beings are elites from all over the world, and the world is united.

Pray for peace, commit to peace, dedicate yourself to peace.

Defend peace, build peace, develop peace.

Face yourself honestly, face history, face conscience.

The theme of the article is peace.

Work hard to create brilliance and embrace peace.

Repay all sentient beings, repay the society, and pursue all goodness.

Write poems with your heart, respond with your heart, be grateful to your confidant, and be grateful to your bosom friend.

Write poems with love, call for peace and resonance with emotion.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

In 2016, on the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan, Wang Xiaoping, Chairman of the Board of Directors of World Peace Homes Investment Group, and Liu Ansheng, International Affairs Department of World Peace Homes, displayed peace scrolls signed by dignitaries from 100 countries at Tuanjie Lake in Beijing.

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, abbreviated as Pakistan, means "holy land" and "halal country". More than 95% of the inhabitants profess Islam and is a multi-ethnic Islamic country. The Chinese language is Urdu. Pakistan is located in the northwestern part of the South Asian subcontinent. The coastline is 980 km long. It is the eighth largest country in Asia by area. With a population of about 197 million, Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world.

On May 21, 1951, the People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan formally established diplomatic relations. Pakistan was the first Islamic country to establish diplomatic relations with China and one of the first Asian countries to establish diplomatic relations with China.

China has a close relationship with Pakistan, and among the Chinese people, people often call it "Pakistan Railway", which means that Pakistan and China are "iron buddies". In Pakistan, the locals describe the relationship between the two countries as "willing to give up gold rather than China-Pakistan friendship".

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary


Most of the 11 countries in Southeast Asia are developing countries, and only two are at the level of developed countries, but they are all small and small countries: Brunei and Singapore. Singapore is the smallest at 733 square kilometres, while Brunei is slightly larger at 5,765 square kilometres, but has a population of only 430,000, less than one-tenth of Singapore's population of 5.45 million. If you compare history, Singapore, which is predominantly Chinese, is a young country, having only achieved independence in 1965, 59 years ago. Brunei, on the other hand, is much older, with its predecessor being founded in the 6th-7th century in the Sui and Tang dynasties of China, with a history of about 1,500 years.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

  North Korea

North Korea borders China and Russia to the north, the Yellow Sea to the west, the Shandong Peninsula across the sea, and the Sea of Japan to the east. The capital is Pyongyang. The territory of the DPRK is 122762 square kilometers and has a population of 25.54 million (2018). In May 1975, the DPRK became a full member of the Group of 77 and formally joined the Non-Aligned Movement in August of the same year. He joined the United Nations on 17 September 1991 with the Republic of Korea.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the DPRK on October 6, 1949, China and the DPRK have maintained traditional friendly and cooperative relations. China and the DPRK have also maintained exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, sports, and people's livelihood. The DPRK is also the only country on the mainland that has signed a treaty on peace and mutual assistance.


The relationship between China and Cambodia can be described as "brothers who have experienced life and death together", and when Cambodia's Prince Sihanouk was in exile in China, he was personally received by Premier Zhou Enlai. China is Cambodia's largest source of foreign investment, and Chinese enterprises have achieved positive results in investment cooperation in infrastructure construction, electric power, agriculture, tourism development, special economic zones, information and communication, etc., making important contributions to Cambodia's economic and social development.


Israel is a country that has provided a lot of help to China, and Israel has provided great help to China in terms of military, agriculture, and science and technology. During World War II, Jews were heavily poisoned by the German army, and no country dared to accept Jews at that time, only China and the United States. Israel is also a man of gratitude and has always adhered to the one-China principle since the establishment of diplomatic relations with China.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

President of Future Trend International Group, Chinese-American Huazan

Huazan, an Iranian-American, is a well-known social activist, chairman of the International Sister Cities Promotion Committee, a member of the US-China Sister Cities Council, the chairman and keynote speaker of the International Energy Conference, authorized as a senior economic adviser and economic and trade representative by more than 70 countries in the world, hired as a senior economic adviser by more than 20 cities in China, an economic and trade representative and senior adviser of 6 Gulf countries, a famous foreign Chinese calligrapher, the world's only speaker who can speak in multiple languages, and the president and chairman of the American Future Trend International Group.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Buffett's daughter-in-law Mary Buffett (the first person to interpret Buffett) and General Representative Bill Gates introduced the Shui World Peace Home Tourism Holy Land.

Mary Buffett is the daughter-in-law of Warren Buffett and an important member of the Buffett family. He is a senior investment strategy consultant, a well-known investment guru on Wall Street, and an author and speaker of Warren Buffett's investment skills book.

As an investor, her investment fund has grown by more than 50% per year, as an entrepreneur with large clients including Coca-Cola and McDonald's, and as a world-renowned financial expert, she has published 8 best-selling books translated into 26 different languages.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Mondale, the father of the euro

Who calls the shots for the Nobel Prize,

The king gathers the dragon and has a special fate.

Mondale, the father of the euro,

Balance the financial development of the grand picture.

Professor Robert Mundell (1932-April 4, 2021) was born in October 1932 in Ontario, Canada, a Canadian economist who won the 1999 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his theory of the "optimal currency area". This theory is considered to be the theoretical basis for the creation of the euro, and Mundell is known as the "father of the euro".

As of 2021, Professor Robert Mundell has been conferred honorary professorships and honorary doctorates by more than 50 universities, and has served as an advisor to a number of international institutions and organizations, including the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Commission, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Professor Mundell passed away in Italy on April 4, 2021, at the age of 88. As an important international member who has always supported and cared about the development of the International Monetary Institute, and as an "old friend" who has been concerned about China's economic and financial development, we deplore the passing of Professor Robert Mundell and deeply cherish the friendship with Professor Mundell for world peace and friendship.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Lawrence Rowe Klein (center)

Lawrence Klein (1920-2013), the founder of econometric models, is known as the "father of econometrics" through his publications and extensive guidance to national research groups, promoting the study of econometric models and the feasibility of using them to analyze the practical effects of economic policies. On October 20, 2013, the economist who predicted the post-World War II economic boom in the United States and established a set of statistical models to analyze and predict the direction of the global economy, died in Gladwin, Pennsylvania, USA, at the age of 93.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (center)

Klaus Schwab was born on 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, and became a Swiss citizen. A German engineer and economist, he initiated the creation of the World Economic Forum in 1971 and served as its chairman, as well as the vice chairman of the United Nations Development Planning Committee and the head of Davos.

Schwab has a keen observation and personal experience of the changes in the world economic pattern. The rapid development of China and other emerging economic powers, and the gradual formation of a multipolar force in the world economy, have made him come to China again and again to seek new inspiration and new breakthroughs in the forum.  

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Drjurgen-Hinrionoberg (Vice Chairman and Senior General Manager, Asia Pacific, Siemens, Germany. )

2003.11.6 Excerpt from the speech of Dr. Jurgen Hinrich Oberg, Vice Chairman and Senior General Manager of Asia Pacific of Siemens, Germany, at the Zhuhai Declaration on World Economic Development;

"It is a great honour for me to represent Siemens at this conference. Siemens is a very old German company. Today, we celebrate our 156th anniversary, with a value of 80 billion euros and more than 20,000 employees worldwide, one tenth of whom are involved in research and development. It's been 25 years since we first shipped to China, in fact, a hundred years ago, in 1904, we opened our first office in Shanghai, China, and in the 30s of the last century, Siemens' largest subsidiary outside Europe has been dealing with China for more than 20 years. ”

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Vickie Atillman, Executive Vice President of Standard & Poor's, holds the Dragon Book (first from right)

Standard & Poor's is a world-renowned financial services company and one of the largest comprehensive stock exchanges in the world. The Company's business scope includes securities, futures, insurance, trust asset management, investment banking, financial derivatives and other fields. Standard & Poor's USA has more than 100,000 employees worldwide, most of whom are researchers and professionals. Standard & Poor's is one of the world's largest private equity fund managers and one of the world's largest asset managers.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Glen.A. Baton, President of Caterpillar Inc. (one of the world's top 500 companies).

Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) was founded in 1925 and is headquartered in Illinois, USA. It is one of the world's largest manufacturers of construction machinery and mining equipment, gas engines and industrial gas turbines, and one of the world's largest diesel engine manufacturers. KHL Group, a world-renowned construction machinery information provider, released the 2023 Global Construction Machinery Manufacturers Top 50 (Yellow Table 2023), and Caterpillar once again topped the list with its leading sales performance.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

  Jenanne Winchester, Secretary-General of the United Nations Commission on International Exchange and Cooperation (first from left).

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary


Russian Federation, commonly known as Russia or Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world by land area. A federal republican constitutional state consisting of 22 autonomous republics, 46 oblasts, 9 territories, 4 autonomous regions, 1 autonomous oblast, and 3 federal municipalities. Russia is located in the northern part of the Eurasian continent, spanning two continents. Russia covers an area of 17,098,200 square kilometers, accounting for 76.3% of the territory of the former Soviet Union, 11.4% of the earth's land area, and 13% of the water area, making it the largest country in the world. It is 9,000 kilometers long from east to west and spans 11 urban areas, and 4,000 kilometers wide from north to south, spanning four climatic zones. With the accession of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol to Russia, Russia has gained 25,500 square kilometers. Russia has a population of 144 million (2018)

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. Sino-Russian relations have advanced toward the best level in history, which will not only help Sino-Russian relations reach a new level and break the encirclement of Western hegemonism, but will also play a positive role in safeguarding world peace and stability.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary


Iran is located in the western part of Asia and belongs to the Middle East. Iran is bordered by the Caspian Sea to the north-central and the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea to the south. It has a land area of about 1648195 square kilometers, ranking 18th in the world. According to the Iranian National Statistics Database, Iran has a population of 77598379.

Iran is a major oil and gas country in the world, located in the Middle East, the world's most abundant oil and natural gas, oil exports are the lifeblood of the economy, oil production capacity and oil export volume are ranked fourth and second in the world respectively, and it is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.


China established diplomatic relations with the former Yugoslavia (Serbia) in 1955, and it can be said that Serbia is an old friend of China. Yugoslavia, like China, was very good at guerrilla warfare during World War II, and both countries insisted on independence after the war. Whether it is Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, or Tibet, Serbia has always stood with China and contributed as much as it could, because each other remembered the hard times they had experienced together.


Laos, like China, is a socialist country, and Laos is also a neighbor of China. Laos has been establishing diplomatic relations with China for decades. In fact, the friendship between Laos and China has existed since ancient times, and China and Laos are connected by mountains and rivers, and have a deep traditional friendship, and the leaders of the countries often visit each other.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Russia and Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Zhang Deguang (first from right) in Russia in 2003.

Zhang Deguang

Zhang Xian, Wang Feng is diplomatic,

The friendship between China and Russia has a long history.

Broad size Qi Shengping,

The SCO has a good reputation.

Zhang Deguang was born in February 1941, male, from Jining, Shandong. In 1965, he graduated from the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Beijing Institute of Foreign Chinese. After that, he worked in the Translation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. From 1987 to 1992, he served as Counsellor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America. From 1992 to 1993, he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1993 to 1995, he served as Director-General of the Department of Eurasia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. From 1995 to 2001, he served as Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

From 2001 to 2003, he served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation. From 2004 to 2006, he was Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In addition to the first-class "Order of Friendship" conferred by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Zhang Deguang has also received the "Order of Friendship" from Russian President Boris Yeltsin, the Special Contribution Award for Promoting Russian-Chinese Friendship and the St. Petersburg Tricentennial Medal from Russian President Vladimir Putin, the title of Honorary Academician from the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, the title of Honorary Doctor from the Far East Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the first-class "Order of Friendship" from the Russian-Chinese Friendship Association.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Former Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Li Debiao (second from right).

"Li Debiao"

Li Yang's royal road is vigorous,

Dexian Sino-Nepalese diplomatic merits.

Marked by the great and small vehicles of good deeds,

Long Xiang and Ping are heroic.

Li Debiao (Founding Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Belt and Road International Trade Platform of CIC Mutual Trade, Former Advisor of the People's Governments of Sichuan, Hebei and Hubei Provinces, Former Advisor of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality)

Li Debiao, born in 1929, originally from Ningbo, grew up in Shanghai, entered Daxia University in 1949 (later merged into East China Normal University), and was later selected by the Central Foreign Affairs Group as one of the first batch of reserve cadres of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study at the Russian Language School in Beijing for two years.

In 1952, he went to the Soviet Union and successively worked as a translator in the Publishing Bureau directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union. Later, he served as a diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, and the last one as China's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Nepal. In 2009, he was awarded the honor of "Distinguished Old Man of the Republic".

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Gratitude and remembrance, recalling the poem inscribed by Mr. Chai Zemin, the first Chinese ambassador to the United States (middle).

Chai Wang Tianxing Zhao ancient and modern,

Zehui diplomacy and the United States.

The people are the big and small things of the state,

Peace and tranquility prevail.

Chai Zemin (October 1916-June 7, 2010), born in Wenxi County, Shanxi Province, was the former president of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the first Chinese ambassador to the United States.

China and the United States are both world powers with significant influence on the international stage, but they also have completely different national interests, social systems, economic backgrounds, and ideologies. The two governments have moved from hostility to normal diplomatic relations, and there are still many issues that need to be studied and handled. Diplomatic issues are very sensitive and extremely difficult, and they can easily affect the relations between the two countries. As the first ambassador to the United States, Chai Zemin had a very heavy responsibility, but with his many years of rich diplomatic work experience and outstanding ability to deal with difficult diplomatic problems, he did not lose his principles in his work, but also had considerable flexibility, handled all problems very beautifully, laid a good foundation for the long-term and stable development of bilateral relations, and created brilliance in the diplomatic arena.

Today, the old man is "gone". A veteran diplomat who attended the farewell said that Ambassador Chai, as a "full stop" in the process of normalizing Sino-US relations throughout the beginning and end of the 70s of the last century, and a "colon" in Sino-US relations entering a new era, is a "pivotal figure" who connects the past and the next. As a veteran of the diplomatic department, he left more legends and thoughts to the people of China and the United States.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Gary Locke, the 36th U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the 10th U.S. Ambassador to China, center.

Gary Locke

Luo is the Chinese king of Chaoyu,

Family Union China and the United States Mu Enguang.

Reflecting the size of the interstate wide,

Strive for peace and self-reliance.

Gary Locke (born January 21, 1950 in Seattle, Washington, USA) is a Chinese-American politician. Member of the Democratic Party. He is the third generation of this immigrant family, whose ancestral home is Wantou Jilong Village, Mingtang Township, Taishan 2nd District, Guangdong Province, China (now Changtang Jilong Village, Shuibu Town, Taishan City, Guangdong Province).

Lok served as the 21st governor of Washington State from 1997 to 2005 and was the first Chinese-American to be elected governor of the United States. He was appointed by Obama as the 36th U.S. Secretary of Commerce on March 8, 2009.

In 2011, with the approval of the U.S. Senate, Gary Locke was officially appointed by U.S. President Barack Obama as U.S. Ambassador to China, becoming the first Chinese-American ambassador to China in U.S. history.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

Republic of Colombia

The Republic of Colombia, which means "the land of Columbus". Named in honor of Columbus's discovery of the New World in 1492, the country is named after the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who first arrived in the New World in 1492 and opened the door for Europeans to explore the American continent. But Columbus never came to this land.

"Colombia" is a land and sea country located in the north of South America, bordering Venezuela and Brazil to the east, Ecuador to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the north. With a land area of 1,141,700 square kilometers and a total population of 51.05 million in 2021, it ranks third in Latin America, with Bogotá as its capital. Colombia has about 59.31 million hectares of forests, accounting for 51.9% of the country's land area. The main mineral deposits are emerald, oil, natural gas, coal, gold, nickel, etc. The world's largest emerald reserves.


Bangladesh, a narrow strip of land in South Asia, covers an area of only 147,000 square kilometers, but is home to a population of 171 million, ranking eighth in the world in terms of population, after the most populous countries such as India, China, the United States, Indonesia and Pakistan.

Excerpt 2 of Zhenying's poetry collection "World Dignitaries, Ambassadors, and Friends of the Foundation"|Wang Xiaoping's Thanksgiving Diary

"The World is United, the World is One Family"

The vast universe, a speck of dust, a small globe, changing the wind and clouds;

Peace and prosperity, openness and innovation, civilization ascension, resonance at the same frequency!

The vast world, all living beings, heaven, earth and people, all kinds coexist;

Information teleportation, network connection, regardless of race, close to each other;

The ecological environment, all things are compatible, with culture to stop the military, calling for peace;

No country, big or small, free and equal, extinguishing the flames of war, the world is one;

The torrent is vast, the people's will is longing, the world is peaceful, and the scenery is maintained;

Cautious to the end, the weak to help the weak, the messenger of peace, the inscription of the stele;

If there is discord, it will fight, and if it is uneven, it will enlighten wisdom and save the soul;

Be benevolent and righteous, be cautious in words and deeds, worship morality, and fail without virtue;

Brotherhood, human symbiosis, compatibility and harmlessness, the world is the public;

Complementary advantages, short feet and long inches, learn from each other's strengths, such as the prosperity of pine;

Virtue must have neighbors, harmony and difference, see the wise and think together, and the toast is Ning;

There is a long way to go, choose the good and follow, change if it is not good, and be wise and benevolent;

Neighbors and distant states, global integration, resource fairness, and win-win interests;

With big things and small things, those who know themselves are clear, not confused by things, and the world is virtuous!

The destiny of mankind, symbiosis with the same body, the Belt and Road Initiative, leading the voyage!

Concord Wanbang, Xianning from all over the world, Shande pursues, and the five states are leveled!

The palindromic poems in Wang Xiaoping's collection of photographs reflect the universal values of true love and peace, and behind the photographs are the carriers of precious memories. These memories are like a huge collection of poems about the course of peace, and each page carries a deep sense of gratitude. The pictures and texts published by Yu are all from the heart, courtesy, and affection, without the slightest intention of flaunting the ego, just to spread positive energy, take the heart as a mirror, three provinces of my body, purify, sublimate, improve myself, and the patriots who are within the reach of karma to work together to realize the vision of shared peace and run towards a brilliant and beautiful tomorrow.

Wang Xiaoping, World Peace Homeland / February 9, 2024

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