
Let's talk about the Sony A6700 camera, why is the price reduced so much?

author:Xiangyu love w
Let's talk about the Sony A6700 camera, why is the price reduced so much?

Recently, I suddenly found that the price of SonyA6700 body has fallen below 9000,You must know that the launch price of this camera is9999element,The market price of most cameras in the past two years is a little more expensive than the launch price,A6700It is a few cameras that have been quickly reduced in price after being released,Why?

In my opinion, the A6700 is a "card position" camera, and Sony's strategy in recent years has been like this, launching enough cameras to seize the market in different price ranges and different performance specifications. Take full-frame as an example, Sony has A73, A7C, A7R3, A74, A7C2, A7R4, A7R5, ZVE1, A7CR, A7S3, A93, A1, there are many models, what is the purpose? It is to let consumers have as many choices as possible, reduce the possibility of consumers to buy other brands of cameras, no matter what your needs are, I have the corresponding camera for you to choose.

Of course, there are drawbacks to this, that is, the performance of some models of cameras does not meet the needs of most consumers, so it does not sell well, in my opinion, A6700 is such a camera, although it has some very good performance, but consumers have a lot of alternative choices, in addition, A6700's shortcomings are also more obvious, which makes many people feel unhappy, so this is a less popular machine.

If you carefully study the parameters and specifications of the A6700, you will find that this is a "very awkward" camera, professional-level video specifications, and can shoot up to 4K120P, which is stronger than the full-frame A7R5 that costs more than 20,000 yuan. The focus is also very good, it can be said that it is the top focusing system in Sony's mirrorless mirror, when you see such a camera, everyone's first impression must be professional video shooting + telephoto photography, but Sony has to cut a few knives in video and telephoto photography.

First of all, you can't steal the limelight from FX30, so heat dissipation, dual card slots, timecode input, full-size HDMI, which is a fatal disadvantage for people who shoot videos, which means that the A6700's ability to work is seriously reduced.

I don't understand what Sony thinks about taking pictures, or Sony doesn't want to sell A6700 as a half-frame flagship at all, but it's true, Sony's official website doesn't say that A6700 is a flagship, so the mechanical shutter is up to 1/4000 second, flash sync 1/160 second, the single SD card slot does not support CFE A card, and the body cache is a little smaller.

Let's talk about the Sony A6700 camera, why is the price reduced so much?

If you use video to work, do you think A6700 can work? Standby work can also be considered, the host is unlikely, and the people who work are not so sensitive to the price, wouldn't it be better to add some money FX30? The above mentioned the shortcomings of A6700 to shoot videos: weak heat dissipation, single card slot, no timecode input, no full-size HDMI.

Therefore, A6700Shoot video either in the secondary camera standby for work, or enthusiasts use it to shoot videos and play, but there are not many enthusiasts who purely shoot videos, and enthusiasts who want to play both photos and videos are likely to give priority to the full-frame body.

After all, it's APS-C format,The subject matter that I'm good at is telephoto sports newsWild animals and birds,A6700The focus is very good,It stands to reason that I'm very good at this kind of subject,But this camera is a single SD card slot,The cache is not bad,So many people with telephoto photography needs are very unhappy,Why do you want to cut a knife here?

If you're shooting landscape portraits, how much better is the A6700 than the cheaper ZVE10 and A6400? Not much. I've taken landscapes,You can consider the A7C that just fell below 10,000,I choose A7C with a 1999 yuan domestic 50 1.8 also has a better bokeh effect,YouA6700It is very difficult to achieve a full-frame 1.8 bokeh effect。

Someone will definitely ask if you complain so much, listen to what you said, A6700 no one wants? Not really, but the sales will be less, and the manufacturer will reduce the price to increase the sales, so you will see that the A6700 is less than 9000 yuan. Why are there these complaints?This goes back to the "card position" problem I said at the beginning,A6700It is also a card camera,To occupy the market in this price range,It doesn't matter how much you sell, but there has to be such a camera for everyone to choose。 There will definitely be a few cameras that do not sell well under Sony's machine sea tactics, but as long as the overall market share increases, it will be fine.

You said that the A6700 is good, the performance is really good, the price fell below 9000, quite a conscience, but it has a bit more castration, and there are too many other options.

Most of the people who shoot videos are not bad for money, even if they are poor, they would rather use the second-hand FX30 than the A6700, after all, the A6700 is still a little bit useless.

People who take pictures + shoot videos are the first choice for full-frame, and would rather A7M4 cut and shoot videos than buy half-frame photos.

Lovers who buy and play may consider the A6700, after all, this is the cheapest couple that can shoot 4K120P mirrorless (of course, there are now GH6 and G92), but the A6700's 4K120P cropping coefficient is too large, and it will also dissuade some people, if I'm not mistaken, the A6700's 4K120P is smaller than the M43 format after cropping.

If you take a picture purely, there are a lot of full-frame within 10,000 yuan, A7C has also fallen below 10,000, with a 1799 Weizhuo 50 1.8, which blurs your half-frame to F1.2 to achieve, now how many 1.2 lenses are there in half-frame?

Originally, the advantage of half-frame was that the lens was cheap, but now that domestic manufacturers have entered, full-frame lenses are also very cheap, like the fixed focal length lenses of Weizhuo Shiyongnuo are very cheap, and the quality is not bad, and the focal length covers 24, 35, 50, 85, which is generally enough. In addition, there are Sanyang's lenses, which are not expensive.

If you shoot the landscape, you must choose the full frame, and some people even choose the second-hand Fuji medium format (less than 10,000), there is no way to shoot the landscape, and the bottom level is really crushing.

Finally, there's the subject that the A6700 should be good at but has been slashed a few times: telephoto photography. SonyE mount has a huge group of telephoto lenses,A6700There is also a powerful focusing system,But a single SD card slot and can't use CFE A card + body cache is a little weaker + continuous shooting up to 11FPS,This dissuades a lot of people who want to use A6700 to play birds and wildlife sports,It's not that it can't be used,It's not very cool to use。

But the above does not mean that the A6700 is a very bad camera, this camera is "awkward", gives you excellent performance, and then cuts it twice, making you very uncomfortable to use. You can think of this camera as a "youth version", you can enjoy very professional performance at a relatively cheap price, such as 4K120P, 422 10bit, and strong focus, but you also have to put up with these shortcomings. It is more suitable for enthusiasts to buy, which may be the reason why Sony's official website does not say that the A6700 is a flagship.

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