
After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

author:Pilot-driven slurry

In an era of intrigue and intrigue, the brotherhood of the royal family was often clouded by the lust for power. But Yongzheng's attitude towards Yunqi is completely different from that towards other brothers. Not only did he not deprive Yunqi of his power, but instead gave him more respect and important duties.

At the court meeting, Yongzheng often consulted Yunqi's opinions, and even considered Yunqi's suggestions when dealing with some key national affairs. This kind of unusually kind treatment made the entire royal family and the imperial court feel confused and curious: What role did Yunqi play in this power struggle between brothers? What kind of political calculations were hidden behind Yongzheng's special treatment?

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

Family Ties: A special relationship of brotherhood

Yongzheng was the third emperor of the Qing Dynasty and ascended to the throne after Kangxi. After he ascended the throne, he took a series of decisive measures to consolidate his dominance. These measures include not only the elimination of political opponents, but also a re-examination of kinship.

In the course of his reign, his treatment of a special person, Yun Yu's own brother and fifth elder brother Yun Qi, showed that he was different from ordinary emperors.

Normally, when dealing with political issues, the emperor would always show a resolute and ruthless posture to prevent problems before they happen. However, when dealing with the Yunqi issue, Yongzheng showed a tolerant side. The reason behind this approach includes both family sentiment considerations and political wisdom trade-offs.

First of all, from the perspective of family relations, there is a deep family relationship between Yongzheng and Yunqi. Yongzheng and Yunqi, as the sons of Emperor Kangxi, grew up together in the deep palace compound of the Forbidden City and experienced countless sunrises and sunsets together.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

In the process of growing up, they learned the way of civil and military affairs together, and mastered the necessary skills for governing the country. As royal children, they also participated in various ceremonies of the imperial court and witnessed the prosperity of the country, and these common experiences led to the formation of a deep brotherhood between them.

Emperor Yongzheng attached great importance to this blood relationship, and he believed that the emotional bond between brothers was an important cornerstone of the stability of the regime. Even in the fierce struggle for power, the Yongzheng Emperor was still constrained by this emotion, and he would take brotherhood into account when making decisions, and try to be just and fair.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, in the face of the many princes left by Kangxi, he had to find a balance between maintaining his power and dealing with family relationships. In this process, Yunqi's attitude and behavior are particularly important.

Unlike other brothers vying for the throne, Yoon-ki did not show a overtly hostile attitude. After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he showed a relatively low-key and cautious attitude, which reduced Yongzheng's vigilance against him to a certain extent.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

Political trade-offs: strategic considerations for securing the throne

The reason behind Yongzheng's kindness to his brother Yunqi is not only driven by family emotions, but also from his far-sighted consideration of national politics. At the beginning of his reign, the Qing court's political situation was complex and delicate, with various power struggles and factional tug-of-war causing uncertainty within the court.

Against this backdrop, his strategy of rule demonstrates his foresight and keen grasp of the political situation. Especially in dealing with Yunqi, Yongzheng showed a moderate attitude that was different from the past, which was particularly prominent in the political environment at that time.

Yongzheng's method of handling government affairs, especially in the imperial court, was particularly prominent. When a meeting was held to discuss national affairs, he would specifically ask Yunqi for his views and let him speak. This was very rare at the time, because Yongzheng was very cautious and even strict with other princes.

But here in Yunqi, Yongzheng can always show more tolerance and patience. In many important decisions, Yongzheng will consider Yunqi's suggestions, which shows his recognition of Yunqi's ability.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

Also, when dealing with the internal affairs of the imperial court, Yongzheng will also let Yunqi take charge of some key positions. For example, when border affairs and local officials are adjusted, Yunqi is always given important responsibilities. In this way, Yongzheng not only gave Yunqi the opportunity to show his talents, but also indirectly tested his loyalty and ability. This practice played a great role in maintaining the stability of the imperial court and preventing direct conflict between brothers.

In the interaction between Yongzheng and Yunqi, you can see Yongzheng's political wisdom. His courtesy to Yun Qi in public, as well as his trust and appreciation in private, all indicate his political strategy in dealing with family members. In this way, Yongzheng succeeded in reducing tensions within the family while also consolidating his own power base.

However, Yongzheng's strategy is not without risk. Under his rule, there was always a struggle for power within the court. Yongzheng's special treatment of Yunqi may be seen as a special favoritism in the eyes of some princes and ministers. In this case, Yongzheng needed to find a delicate balance between maintaining trust and support for Yunqi and balancing the internal relations of the imperial court.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

Yunqi's personal qualities: recognition of wisdom and ability

In many aspects of governing the country, Yunqi's ability has been fully utilized. For example, when dealing with frontier affairs, Yunqi showed his outstanding military talent and coordination ability. Not only does he have a unique understanding of military deployment, but he is also able to mobilize resources quickly and effectively to deal with emergencies in practice.

In a special winter, there was an urgent rebellion on the frontier, and Yunqi quickly organized the army, properly arranged military operations, and effectively quelled the rebellion, which made an important contribution to the stability of the Qing Dynasty's frontier.

Within the imperial court, Yunqi also showed his political wisdom. The series of reform measures he proposed during the court meeting not only took into account the long-term development of the country but also took into account the vital interests of the people. For example, he proposed to improve the taxes of peasants, which not only reduced the burden on the people, but also brought a stable income to the state treasury.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

Such a policy was widely recognized in the imperial court, and it also allowed Yongzheng to see Yunqi's potential as an assistant in governing the country. Yongzheng's kindness to Yunqi is actually a deliberate political choice. He realized that using Yunqi's talents would not only help him govern the country better, but also consolidate his power in this way.

In the imperial court, Yunqi's presence became a pillar of the Yongzheng regime. He often refers to Yun Qi's opinions when dealing with national affairs, and even at some critical moments, he will hand over the decision-making power to Yun Qi to reflect his trust and attention.

The interaction between Yongzheng and Yunqi is also a delicate balance of power. While Yongzheng gave Yunqi enough respect and trust, he also maintained the necessary vigilance. He was well aware that in such a complex political environment as the court, any careless move could lead to unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, while giving Yunqi power, he also keeps an eye on the dynamics in the court to ensure that everything is under his control.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

A power game between brothers

In the power game of the Qing court, the relationship between Yongzheng and Yunqi constituted an extremely complex political picture. As brothers by blood, they share deep family ties, however, they stand in different directions in the fierce power struggle. As the emperor, Yongzheng needs to find a delicate balance between maintaining his power and maintaining family harmony.

Yongzheng's performance in the imperial court not only took into account the brotherly feelings for Yunqi, but also reflected the in-depth consideration of the political situation. In public, he showed respect and courtesy to Yunqi, not only reflecting the affection between brothers, but also a demonstration to other courtiers, showing his care for family members as an emperor.

For example, on major festivals or court meetings, Yongping would specifically mention Yunqi's contributions and praise his political opinions or military talents, which undoubtedly strengthened Yunqi's position in the court. At the same time, when Yongzheng was dealing with the internal affairs of the imperial court, he often put Yunqi in a key position.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

In a military operation on the frontier, Yongzheng deliberately entrusted Yunqi with important tasks and put him in charge of planning and commanding. Yunqi's success not only consolidated the security of the frontier, but also proved his ability, and also indirectly strengthened Yongzheng's authority. This practice not only shows the recognition of Yunqi's ability, but also invisibly maintains Yongzheng's own authority and status.

However, Yongzheng's strategy is not without risk. He had to be careful in his kindness to Yun Qi so as not to cause displeasure among other princes or ministers in the imperial court. In a court of many power struggles, any sign of favoritism can be magnified, leading to new political disputes.

As a result, Yong Zheng's every public support or private exchange with Yun Qi must be carefully weighed to ensure that the fragile balance of power in the court is not upset. In this complex web of relationships, the interaction between Yongzheng and Yunqi has also become extremely strategic.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he got rid of all his opponents, why did he treat Yunqi's brother Yunqi well?

Although Yongzheng would seek Yunqi's advice when dealing with state affairs, he would also listen to the advice of other princes and ministers as a way to show his neutrality and impartiality as emperor. In this way, Yongzheng not only showed his trust in Yunqi, but also showed his equal attitude towards all courtiers.

Under Yongzheng's rule, Yunqi's position gradually stabilized, and his influence on the political stage grew day by day. This is mainly due to his outstanding talent, unremitting efforts, and the careful cultivation and support of Emperor Yongzheng. In the process, Yunqi was not only regarded as a capable leader, but also became an indispensable key figure in the imperial court.

The promotion of his status is not only a reflection of his personal ability, but also the success of Emperor Yongzheng's statecraft. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, he faced complex intra-family relations and severe political tests. In order to maintain harmony and stability within the family and ensure the long-term peace and stability of the country, Emperor Yongzheng skillfully used a balancing act.


1. "Manuscript of Qing History"

2. "Records of Emperor Yongzheng"

3. A Study of Qing Dynasty Court Politics