
If you have money or not, go home for the New Year. It's another year when thousands of families are reunited, do you go back to your hometown for the New Year?

author:The gentle years are quiet 68

#我来唠家常#过年了, if you have money or not, go home for the New Year.

Wanderers who go out of the house, cross thousands of mountains and rivers, change to various means of transportation, and are even blocked on the highway for several days and nights. With a young child, hungry and shivering, the purpose is to go home for the New Year.

The Spring Festival returns to the hometown, with a population of nearly one billion people every year, and the great migration between the north and the south, commonly known as the "Spring Festival", is also the only Chinese characteristics in the world.

If you have money or not, go home for the New Year. It's another year when thousands of families are reunited, do you go back to your hometown for the New Year?

During this year's Spring Festival, freezing rain occurred in many places, roads were icy, and vehicles on the highway were blocked there for several days and nights, making it difficult to move an inch. My hometown is close at hand, but I still feel like I'm far away.

Parents in their hometowns have their hearts twisted together, and they can only learn about their children's homecoming process by watching TV and the news every day.

There are also many children who cannot go home for the Chinese New Year because they have to stick to their jobs. Just like: my eldest nephew is a cadre who aids Xinjiang, my son-in-law is a medical worker, there are thousands of soldiers guarding the borders of the motherland, and the Shu millet who guards people's safety, when all families are reunited, they still have to stick to their posts, so that more people can go home for a better reunion.

The thoughts of my parents are as long as the snow that is blowing......

If you have money or not, go home for the New Year. It's another year when thousands of families are reunited, do you go back to your hometown for the New Year?

During the Spring Festival this year, coinciding with heavy snowfall, the high-speed train was dragged home by a green train, which made thousands of Chinese excited and teary-eyed.

High-speed rail: Dad, I can't walk......

Greenskin: Let's go, Daddy will take you home!

The high-speed rail is sitting on the children,

The train was on the parents.

High-speed rail is ideal,

The train is the way home.

High-speed rail is China's speed,

Trains are the temperature ...... in China

If you have money or not, go home for the New Year. It's another year when thousands of families are reunited, do you go back to your hometown for the New Year?

有钱‬没钱‬,回家‬过年‬。 出门‬在外的游子‬啊‬,常‬回家‬看看,陪‬伴‬‬日渐‬年迈‬的‬父母‬,一起吃年夜‬饭‬,一起‬唠唠嗑‬,一起‬看‬春晚‬。


If you have money or not, go home for the New Year. It's another year when thousands of families are reunited, do you go back to your hometown for the New Year?