
Give your tired self a vacation, a little less comparison, more tranquility, and a happiness

author:Antarctica small stepping on people

Cai Lei's wife Duan Rui once said: The heart can be broken, but the hand cannot be stopped. But what I want to say is, would it be better to take a vacation for your tired self once in a while, empty your mind, and let yourself have more peace in your heart?

I once saw such a sentence: In addition to physical pain, all other pain is self-inflicted. I agree with this sentence, why people are so unsatisfactory and why they are so painful, all of them are found for themselves.

If we can't afford Starbucks coffee without money, we can drink plain water. Won't be superior to others just because you drink Starbucks coffee. In fact, others really don't care what you drink, it's just that you're doing something wrong in your heart.

Without money, we can replace thousands of dollars of Bosideng down jackets with dozens of dollars of padded jackets, our purpose is to keep warm, not to wear them to anyone. We can't afford to buy a house in a big city, we can rent an urban village, which doesn't affect our ability to enjoy the scenery.

Give your tired self a vacation, a little less comparison, more tranquility, and a happiness

Rich people have rich people's way of living, and rich people have rich people's way of life, and they can't afford to eat the delicacies of the mountains and seas.

Rich people can travel abroad and fly all over the world, but if we don't have money, we can enjoy the mountains and rivers at home, and we don't have to worry about all kinds of traffic jams, plane delays, accidents and so on.

I think people's troubles are really self-inflicted, there are some people who don't have anything, but they are still very optimistic, live the present, who knows what will happen tomorrow, accidents and tomorrow you really don't know which will come first, so don't think so much.

Sometimes I really envy such people. There is a neighbor in my hometown, his two daughters, a son, his wife and he are not motivated, the family lives in a small house built by the government for his family, I don't see any anxiety about the couple, whether to eat or eat, drink or drink, and the daughter has no tuition fees and does not care. Maybe they will think that there are government people in charge of their family anyway.

His wife is not tall, 155 centimeters, and she married from other places, but within a few years of coming, she can speak fluent local dialect. I have to admire this woman. The man is a little lazy.,Usually basically don't care.。 In fact, we think it's really a good thing to live as transparent as the couple of them. Life is too short to be happy, so why bother yourself.

Give your tired self a vacation, a little less comparison, more tranquility, and a happiness

In the past two years, my mentality has changed a little, and I have become as if I have no lofty pursuits, because I have smoothed out the edges and corners of life in the trivialities. I feel like I've been working hard all these years, I've been living for others, and I feel a little tired, a little tired.

I'm really tired, I want to take a leave of absence from life, on the premise of not hurting others and making myself happy, occasionally indulge myself, and don't compare with others. Because no matter how much money others have, no matter how high their status is, they have nothing to do with my half a dime. When I was in trouble, others wouldn't give me a slight.

The rest of my life is very expensive, I want to shake hands with myself, I don't want to make myself so tired, family affairs, work things, what should be done, or my own life is the most important. Now I finally know that people don't live for themselves, and heaven and earth will be destroyed!

Put away your glass heart, the world is missing someone, the earth will still turn, and it will not stop running because of who is missing. I'm not perfect, but I can walk on the road to making myself perfect, I don't have money, but I can walk on the road to making money, I don't have a gorgeous turn, but I will create conditions for myself.

I want to take a break from life, let myself relax completely, let my heart return to peace, and reap a simple happiness.

Give your tired self a vacation, a little less comparison, more tranquility, and a happiness

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