
Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

author:Sweet entertainment gossip

Suspense dramas have always been a big hit. Whether it is in a modern background or an ancient background, as long as it can be filmed well, it is very popular.

It's a pity that suspense dramas have always demanded strict logic. So if the screenwriter's logic can't keep up and the plot is not well foreshadowed, then there will be a big loophole.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

In recent years, I haven't seen much, the suspense and crime-solving drama that really caught fire. As soon as the trailer of "The Case of Tang Di Gong" was released, it really aroused the interest of many audiences.

After all, this IP itself is very big, and in addition, a number of well-known stars have joined, which can be described as a luxurious lineup. So, the sense of anticipation was instantly full.

Unexpectedly, when it first started, I only watched four episodes, and I didn't know where to complain in an instant. First of all, it's the plot, which is really dragging its feet.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Fengyin case, the first four episodes, the plot is too loose, and it has not entered the topic, but chattered, talking about the intertwined relationship network of Chang'an City.

can only say that the narrative ability of the show is not good. In the inn, Di Renjie showed his ability to solve the case for the first time, and there was no logic at all.

When so many officers and soldiers arrested, he recklessly stood up and began to explain his views. Whatever he wants, the officers and soldiers will give him, as if he is now a high-ranking official.

However, ignoring the plot that is wrong, making the first four episodes clear, and watching the plot alone, you can still look forward to it, and the follow-up may be able to get better.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Many viewers also uphold a wait-and-see attitude, after all, it is a crime-solving drama, as long as the plot can gradually get better, then it can still be watched.

If you want to say that the most dramatic is Di Renjie played by Zhou Yiwei. For his acting skills, the audience's opinions are inseparable, and the four words of greasy acting skills are inseparable.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable
Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Di Renjie, this is a famous figure in history. became famous at a young age and became an official to judge cases. Later, because of his upright temperament, he got on a par with Wu Zetian and was demoted for a while.

However, he relied on his own ability, and walked back step by step, and was entrusted with important tasks, and he made countless achievements in his life, and he was a legendary figure with amazing talents.

Looking at the comments of netizens, this is Di Renjie in his youth. But as soon as Zhou Zhouwei appeared, he really couldn't understand when he played Di Renjie.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

In terms of appearance, it's not too young. However, the overall momentum is not enough. Especially when he first appeared, he walked and talked with another actor.

He hunched over and never straightened up. His eyes are also quite misty, like a vagabond who has drunk too much and is cynical, but he doesn't have Di Renjie's temperament.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

It's the same when I'm investigating, my body has never been straight, and I've been standing staggered. said the lines, and didn't have any emotions, his eyes were too unenergetic, and he was just reading the lines.

Can you believe that this is the picture of the thief who stole the pearl after he said a bunch of lines?

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Some people may have to say, do you know, what is Di Renjie like? Can't he act like this? However, according to Di Renjie's life records, it can also be seen that he is not a decadent middle-aged man.

Di Renjie was born in 630, and his family background was okay since he was a child. Not afraid of power, handle cases with heart.

Later, he was promoted to prime minister, and he was even more fearless, and in the face of Wu Zetian's change from Tang to Zhou, he dared to stand up and speak up. After being demoted, he was personally transferred back by Wu Zetian.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Di Renjie is a good official in the world with high talent and straightforward personality, which will leave a name for eternity and be remembered by future generations. Therefore, the posture and momentum of Zhou Zhouwei are really not in the play.

Forget everything else, playing Di Renjie, the righteousness in his eyes and the unswerving momentum must be there. After all, he is the one who wants to investigate the case, and he is not 100% stable, how can he convince others?

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

If you want to talk about appearance, Liang Guanhua in "Detective Di Renjie" is even more unsuitable. chubby, his figure looks clumsy, but he was stunned and performed a generation of legends.

On weekdays, he is a literati, and when facing the emperor, he will speak quietly and without leakage. Facing the people below, they are also amiable elders.

However, once he gets serious, his momentum is unstoppable, and he says, "Get off the horse for me!" The momentum of the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty came out at once.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

I still remember that in the snake spirit case, he shot arrows with a bow, and his unexpected hand was so flexible and light, and he was upright. Also, in many scenes in the play, he rides a horse by himself.

Literati can not only read, but also practice martial arts. He doesn't have to show off his skills, but wherever he goes, it's a nightmare for the bad guys.

To get back to the point, if you don't have that kind of bearing, you can really practice in advance. Or, the change of eyes is practiced well.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Di Renjie in the first episode of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indeed in poor shape, and in the back, he is back to normal, but he is also dressed as a general, with a scruffy beard, and he is very unclean.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

As the plot unfolds, Wei Shi played by Zhang Jiayi appears. As soon as the audience saw that they were in the same frame, many people had the same idea. Zhang Jiayi is more like Di Renjie.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

Literati are not easy to act, especially this kind of big man who has been famous through the ages, and he needs acting skills and a sense of story. If you look for a young man to act, it is definitely not suitable.

Can you play Di Renjie with a hunched back and no eyes in your eyes? The casting of "The Case of Di Gong of the Tang Dynasty" is indescribable

However, this performance is not suitable for Monday. watched four episodes, as if I was watching "Shangyang Fu". The plot is slow, you can wait a little. However, the actor can't enter the play, which really dissuades the audience.