
There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!

author:Captain Hago

Dogs can't speak, but dogs have a lot of body language, dogs are usually using these body language to communicate with the owner, how many can you understand?

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!


Move the lower muscles and bones

In fact, dogs are sleeping for more than a dozen hours a day, and if you sleep too long in a fixed position, it will feel very tight after waking up, so it will stretch its waist appropriately, just like we will move our muscles and bones after waking up.

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!


Prepare for the attack

If the dog is tense all over the body when he stretches his waist, like a string tied to an arrow, and is about to rush out, then you have to be careful, if you see the dog on the side of the road doing this to you, you have to hurry away, because it is likely to attack you in the next second.

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!


A little embarrassing, relieve it

If the dog is scolded by you, it will feel very weak and embarrassed, so it will find something to do for itself, such as frequent yawning, or suddenly stretching, in fact, it is to relieve the embarrassment, don't say, the puppy has a lot of thoughts.

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!


Express trust in you

If the dog is stretching with its back to you, then its ass must be facing you, it is not looking down on you, but expressing trust in you, indicating that the dog has been raised by you, you are a trustworthy person in its heart, and it does not have to worry that you will hurt it.

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!


Bored, begging to play

The dog will feel lonely and bored if it is not accompanied for a long time, so it will attract your attention through some of its body language, one of which is to suddenly stretch in front of you, which is to give you a signal to let you hurry up and play with it, don't be stupid!

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!


It's too much to eat!

Some dogs don't know how to control the amount of food, and they will eat as much as the owner gives, and if they eat too much at once, they will inevitably suffer from indigestion. They will also stretch their waist to relieve discomfort a little.

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!

If your dog often can't control the amount of food he eats, then it is recommended that you feed it regularly and quantitatively, so that it can develop a good eating habit, for its gastrointestinal health, you can choose an easy-to-digest dog food to feed!

There is a reason why the dog suddenly "stretches" in front of you, don't be stupid!

Conclusion: What other body language do you understand about dogs?

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