
The English teacher said bluntly: College entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, the child will have a minimum of 128 in 3 years! English as one of the three main subjects, whether it is in the junior high school, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, all

author:Microscopic Qi History

The English teacher said bluntly: In the college entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, and the minimum for children in 3 years is not less than 128!

As one of the three main subjects, English occupies an important position in the junior high school entrance examination, the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination. Especially in the college entrance examination, the level of English scores directly determines whether a child can go to a good university.

Many parents say: "After so many years of schooling, my child's grades have not been able to improve, especially English, and I can only score three or forty points in each exam, what can I do?"

In fact, English is not that difficult, as long as the child has mastered the correct learning method, it is still easy to improve English scores. Today, I will share with you the English word "16-character memory method" summarized by an English teacher, which is very simple and practical, and children can understand it at a glance!

1. Combination of sound and form

English is a pinyin script, according to this characteristic of English, the pronunciation and the letters in the words are organically combined to enhance the memory of the words.

2. Root affixes

There are many roots and affixes in English words, and understanding and mastering the meaning of these roots and affixes can greatly strengthen the memory of words.

3. Associative memory

Using the internal connection between words, through the logical relationship of thinking, the words are connected and memorized.

4. Contextual memory

Put the words in a specific language environment and memorize them to make the words dynamic.

5. Categorical memory

Classify words, such as colors, stationery, animals, food, daily necessities, etc., and memorize them.

6. Card memory

Make flashcards that you can take with you and memorize them at any time.

7. Software Memory

Use some English learning software to memorize words.

8. Circular memory

When memorizing words, you should memorize them in cycles and repeat them repeatedly to deepen your impression.

9. Practice memorization

Memorize words in sentences, and master the usage and meaning of words through practice.

10. Comparative memory

Compare synonyms, grasp their similarities and differences, and memorize them.

11. Sensory memory

Memorize through the five senses, such as listening to audio recordings, watching videos, reading words, writing words, etc.

12. Song Memory

By memorizing words by singing English songs, you can both memorize the words and improve your English.

13. Fun memories

Memorize through games, riddles, tongue twisters, etc., improve learning interest and enhance memory effect.

14. Reading memory

By reading English articles, you can memorize words and improve your reading ability and word count.

15. Memory cycles

According to the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, make a scientific memory plan, review and consolidate it in time to avoid forgetting.

16. Sleep memory

When you sleep at night, your brain processes and organizes the information you input during the day, and you wake up the next day with a deeper memory of the information.

In conclusion, memorizing words is a long-term process that requires constant repetition and consolidation. As long as the child has mastered the correct memorization method, it is not difficult to improve the English score.

In order to help children better memorize words, I have specially compiled a "High School English Word Dictation Book", which contains a total of 3,500 words, including phonetic combination, root affixes, associative memory, contextual memory, classification memory, card memory, software memory, loop memory, practical memory, comparative memory, fun memory, reading memory, memory cycle, sleep memory and other memory methods.

This "High School English Word Dictation Book" is very suitable for high school students, which can help children memorize words quickly and improve their English scores. If you need this book, you can purchase it in the following ways:

1. Click on the link below to purchase.

2. Download the "Shizhi APP" from the mobile app store, find the "Mall" in the navigation bar at the bottom of the page, click to enter and search for "High School English Word Dictation" to purchase.

3. Follow my headline and send me a private message "High School English Word Dictation", and I will send you the link to the book as soon as possible.

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The English teacher said bluntly: College entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, the child will have a minimum of 128 in 3 years! English as one of the three main subjects, whether it is in the junior high school, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, all
The English teacher said bluntly: College entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, the child will have a minimum of 128 in 3 years! English as one of the three main subjects, whether it is in the junior high school, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, all
The English teacher said bluntly: College entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, the child will have a minimum of 128 in 3 years! English as one of the three main subjects, whether it is in the junior high school, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, all
The English teacher said bluntly: College entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, the child will have a minimum of 128 in 3 years! English as one of the three main subjects, whether it is in the junior high school, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, all
The English teacher said bluntly: College entrance examination English, only memorize these 16 pictures, the child will have a minimum of 128 in 3 years! English as one of the three main subjects, whether it is in the junior high school, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, all