
Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

author:Morning Dawn of America

Moon Bay in Wuyuan is located on the road between Shimen Village and Likeng in Qiukou Township, where the river diverges to form a long and narrow peninsula. The peninsula is crescent-shaped, wide in the middle and pointed at both ends, shaped like a crescent moon, so it is called Moon Bay. There are no residents on the peninsula, only a few trees grow, and the riverbank forests are dominated by tall ancient camphor, locust trees, moso bamboo, and fir trees.

At the turn of spring and summer or autumn and winter, affected by the temperature, fog will be generated between the river valleys of Moon Bay, and Moon Bay will be entangled in white fog, forming a unique fairyland, and the sunrise of Moon Bay is also a scenery that people yearn for. It's a pity that we didn't know the road because we didn't know the road, so we arrived at Moon Bay after sunrise, and what jumped into our eyes seemed to be a beautiful picture in a dream.

Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

Standing on a high place, looking at it, a bay of lake water is like a crescent moon lying on the surface of the water, the emerald green lake water flows quietly, the mountains shrouded in the morning mist are ups and downs, and the ancient village composed of Daiwa white walls under the mountain is presented in the curling smoke, a good picture of a quiet and harmonious ink painting painted by heaven and earth.

Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river
Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine on the river, Moon Bay ushers in her purest moment. A flat boat paddled gently, breaking the tranquility of the river and opening the prelude to a new day.

Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river
Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

In Moon Bay, the scene of fishermen casting their nets is a unique sight. Fishermen stand in small boats, holding fishing nets, and throw them vigorously into the river, then skillfully pull the net ropes to retract the nets. Every time it's a sense of reverence and respect for nature. Their movements are full of power and rhythm, as if they are in dialogue with the river, telling the hardships and beauty of life.

Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river
Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

Fishing fire is not only a way of life for fishermen, but also an art. The figures of the fishermen merge with the river and the sky, forming a beautiful and harmonious picture.

Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river
Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

In addition to enjoying the scene of fishermen casting nets and fishing fires, tourists can also take a small boat into the river and experience the scenery on both sides of the river.

Impression of Wuyuan (6): Moon Bay, a crescent moon embedded in the rippling blue river

Wuyuan Moon Bay, a place full of poetry and charm. She is waiting for everyone who is willing to approach her and go on a spiritual journey with her.

The picture and text are original by Meixing Dawn, welcome to pay attention and take you to see the world together. Photo courtesy of Visual China (500Px) and may be used at risk.
