
Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

Recently, world football superstar Lionel Messi has become the focus of discussion in China. What the vast majority of fans didn't expect was that Messi, who has always been very popular and has a very good reputation, has lost his reputation because of various unfriendly behaviors in this trip to China. And a person with a very high profile in Japan, posted pictures and texts related to Messi on the Internet, which completely left Chinese fans speechless. Some fans even angrily said, doesn't it mean that you are introverted and don't smile? It turns out that you can laugh, and you laugh so happily.

Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

Football superstar Messi, who was originally scheduled to play in Hong Kong, China, has all kinds of unfriendly behaviors during this trip to China. Before the game, various statements and news said that Messi will play in the match against Hong Kong Stars United in China, performing for the fans who came for him. However, Messi, who appeared on the team's bench, not only did not play in the whole game, but also did not even wear shoes, and he had an expression of indifference at all. Although another superstar, Suarez, did not play, Suarez warmed up the sidelines, but he did not play because the coach did not allow it. After the game, Suarez was still frustrated that he didn't get a chance to play.

Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

In addition to not playing, Messi's attitude and behavior at other times are really inexplicable to fans who like him. When leaving the stadium after the game, in the face of the jerseys thrown by the fans, Messi was expressionless, chose to put his hands in his pockets, and left with a black face throughout the whole process. In addition, in the video of the awards, fans can also see that Messi is expressionless, with his hands in his pockets, deliberately bypassing the crowd and choosing to refuse to shake hands with the chief executive. And when taking a group photo, choose not to show your face.

Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say
Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

In addition, according to Kevin Yeung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Hong Kong SAR Government of China, before the start yesterday, the organizers still confirmed that Messi would play in the second half. But after the start of the second half, we found that Messi was still unplayed. Finally, 10 minutes before the end of the game, the organizers reconfirmed that Messi could not play. In the end, we once again proposed some remedial measures to the organizers, including whether Messi could personally give some explanations to the fans, or accept the trophy on behalf of the team, etc., but in the end it did not materialize.

Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

However, when he arrived in Japan, Messi smiled almost the whole time, enthusiastically interacted with the Japanese fans, participated in training and scored goals. He added: "I'm really happy to be in Japan as an individual and as a team, I've been to Japan many times and I hope to have a good game at the end of my pre-season trip and then go home." "I'm very happy to be in Japan. I want to enjoy my trip here, play a good game and make everyone happy. I want to get the result and prepare for the first league game. "I received a warm, special welcome and I'm happy to be back again. ”

Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say
Seeing this picture of Messi posted by the Japanese, Chinese fans really have nothing to say

And ROLAND, a cowherd who is very famous in Japan, posted a photo with Messi on social media, and he also got Messi's autograph. ROLAND's caption reads: This time you came to Japan, you have no prejudice against people from my background, and treat me kindly. Thank you so much for your time. No matter what industry you are in, it is very rewarding to be able to do your business to the extreme. I would be very happy if you felt something about Japan during your stay. As you can see from the picture, Messi is standing next to him, smiling very happily. Some fans even commented that Messi seemed to be smiling happily and excitedly than ROLAND, which I really didn't expect. Some fans said: As you can see from this picture, Messi was originally able to laugh.

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