
once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

author:Gossip Storyteller
once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

In 2009, Mi Chunlei, who was only 26 years old, was already an upstart in the business world and was in a high position. At a party, he met Dong Qing, a CCTV hostess who was 5 years older than him.

When Mi Chunlei saw Dong Qing for the first time, he was attracted by her gentle, intelligent and generous temperament. In order to get her, he ignored the fact that he already had a wife and a young child, and just wanted to get rid of this shackle as soon as possible.

He told his wife Jin Jing that he only had Dong Qing in his heart, and they had to divorce! Although Jin Jing was sad, she also understood that their relationship could not go back to the past. She signed the divorce agreement with tears and left this former home with her children.

Mi Chunlei finally returned to being single and began to pursue Dong Qing passionately.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

Dong Qing was initially a little wary of Mi Chunlei's pursuit, because the other party already had a family. However, in the face of Mi Chunlei's stubborn fighting, she gradually developed a good impression. Just as the relationship between the two was heating up, the media broke the news, and netizens attacked Dong Qing as a third party.

Dong Qing is under tremendous pressure, afraid of being labeled as destroying other people's marriages. She said to Mi Chunlei bitterly: "Let's not meet again, I can't afford it now." Seeing his sweetheart in such pain, Mi Chunlei resolutely chose to divorce his wife to prove his innocence, and said to Dong Qing: "I'm single now, give me a chance to be by your side again."


Dong Qing was finally convinced of his sincerity, he gambled all his money to pursue himself, and the two of them could finally be together openly.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

Mi Chunlei and Dong Qing have become a loving couple, and their relationship is like glue. Since then, Dong Qing's career has also reached a peak, and in 2005, he successfully served as the host of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and became famous in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Mi Chunlei developed rapidly in the business world, and at the age of only 26, he made it to the rich list, and his future is immeasurable. The two have achieved fruitful results in their careers and relationships, and they are rumored to be a beautiful couple.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, in 2014, Dong Qing suddenly disappeared from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and there was news that she was going to the United States to give birth. The child's father turned out to be Mi Chunlei, and the two planned to move to the United States.

After the incident, netizens quickly exploded the pot and criticized Dong Qing for not being faceless and damaging the image of the Chinese. Since then, Dong Qing has never been able to face the public and has been silent until now.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

Although Mi Chunlei got Dong Qing and the child, seeing his beloved wife's reputation damaged, his heart was full of self-blame and pain. What's even more sad is that Dong Qing has been unable to reproduce his past demeanor and can no longer return to the stage of CCTV.

Willing to abandon everything to stay by her side, Mi Chunlei ended up ruining her career and reputation, which made him miserable, and he could only try to forget it all by drinking all day long.

He regretted his previous actions and hoped to give Dong Qing another chance to return to the stage, but it was already too late. Dong Qing is obviously avoiding him, and they can no longer regain their former affection.

Mi Chunlei felt very depressed and anxious, and couldn't settle down all day.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

After experiencing this turmoil, Dong Qing realized that she was too immature in terms of feelings and affairs. As a well-known host of CCTV, he should not have been involved in such rights and wrongs.

Once in order to be with Mi Chunlei, she gave up her career, but he couldn't give her the stability she wanted after all. Now that her reputation has been discredited, it is difficult to return to her past glory.

She was full of remorse, blaming her own impulse for causing the misfortune in the second half of her life. However, time cannot be turned back, and she can only sadly accept the regrets in her life, and there is no chance of turning back.

Dong Qing was born in a scholarly family, and his parents were both university professors. However, she had an artistic dream and was assigned to work at the Zhejiang Repertory Theatre. However, the work of the group was not very stable, so Dong Qing became a host through introduction.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

In order to develop better, she chose to go to Shanghai TV and successfully entered CCTV in 2002. However, at the peak of her career development, an emotional turmoil caused her to fall into a trough again.

Old colleagues of Zhejiang TV have said, "Qingqing is too simple". They know very well that this line of work is full of ups and downs, and they can't be swayed by emotions, otherwise they will be morally kidnapped. Therefore, they think that Dong Qing will always be treated like this when he meets someone who is unladylike.

When she is wiser, she will understand that only living well is the most important thing.

Mi Chunlei even chose to abandon his wife and children in order to pursue Dong Qing, however, this relationship was not kept in the end. He also gradually discovered that it is difficult for successful entrepreneurs to maintain gentleness for a long time.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

His business is under increasing pressure, and he has little time to spend with his other half. The relationship between him and Dong Qing is like a flash in the pan, short and beautiful.

Seeing that the company was about to collapse, Mi Chunlei was full of remorse and tried to save everything again, but failed. He stood on the roof of the building, staring at the bustling night scene of the city, and suddenly realized that he should look forward again.

Perhaps new romances and business opportunities are waiting for him to open up. Success is his inevitability, and true love is not the goal he must pursue.

When Mi Chunlei fell from a business wizard to a company on the verge of bankruptcy and evaporated from the world, although Dong Qing felt sorry, she immediately adjusted her mentality. She understands that in this entertainment industry, weakness and cowering cannot survive.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

She is still determined to return to the stage of CCTV. In the face of repeated questions from reporters from all walks of life, she was neither humble nor arrogant, and only said that "my life has always been in my own hands."

No one knows the true view of the past in her heart, and her appearance has always remained the same - this is the professionalism of the CCTV host. She is well aware of the impermanence of Profit Fair, so she naturally looks down on the sweet past with Mi Chunlei.

Many years ago, in order to pursue Dong Qing, Mi Chunlei did not hesitate to divorce his original partner and tied the knot. However, looking back now, it was just an unrealistic dream of his youth.

At that time, Dong Qing was like a kaolin flower, full of wisdom and charm, which made him, a person who had not yet succeeded, fall for him. Now that Dong Qing has reached the peak of her career, Mi Chunlei no longer has the desire to conquer beauties, but has discovered her childishness.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

What he needs is someone who is independent and can take charge of himself, not a woman who only knows how to rely on him. In life, you can't be perfect in everything, but if you understand this, you can be relieved.

Mi Chunlei's extravagant hopes for love and marriage gradually faded, and he saw through the red dust, so he was able to devote himself to the battlefield of the mall.

One day many years later, Dong Qing sat alone in the dim room, and she was no longer the glamorous she was back then. The old wall clock ticked on the wall, and she lit a piece of sandalwood, her eyes blurring.

When the aroma surrounds, memories flood back to my heart - it was a good time spent with Mi Chunlei more than 20 years ago.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

The youthful pride of that time, the first kisses and hugs, the temptation and sweetness of that intimate conversation, he loved himself so much that he wanted to marry him back at all costs.

I am also devoted to him, and I am willing to go to the ends of the earth with him. Although they later experienced all kinds of ridicule and criticism, they still supported each other in the moment of life and death...... Where is he now, and where is he?

Dong Qing burst into tears, she understood that she could not return to her carefree youth, nor could she experience such a fiery love again. She regretted why she had let go in the first place, when they could have spent their lives together...... He had told her to wait for him to return, but she had left without looking back.

Since then, despite his fame and fortune, his heart has always been empty and lonely. He was like the other half of her soul, taking away her whole self. He is gone, true love is gone, and there is no longer anyone like him.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

A few years later, Dong Qing returned to the stage and once again engaged in a career she was familiar with. In the face of all kinds of sensitive questions from the media, she can deal with them calmly and wittily. Dong Qing seems to have completely forgotten the past and only focused on the career in front of him.

Everyone was speculating that she and Mi Chunlei had endless stories, but she seemed to have completely forgotten about this man.

Actually, Dong Qing was just numb to his feelings. She understands that her true self has long since faded away with her youth. Now that she is starting again, she must struggle alone in the spotlight.

She has learned to protect herself in this ever-changing entertainment industry, and she will not give her sincerity to others as easily as she did back then. Even in her heart, she occasionally thought of Mi Chunlei, but that was a thing of the past.

once said to his wife: I have to give Dong Qing a name, so divorce, what is happening now

They are just passers-by in each other's lives, and the past cannot be repeated, and there is no need to linger in the memories. So, she chose to see the reality clearly, and tried to play a good CCTV female anchor with a bright appearance and a cold and self-contained heart, hiding her true self deeply.

[This article is original by the Gossip Storytelling Museum, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together!]