
In a family, children have no income, and most mothers have these "bad habits"

author:Say love
In a family, children have no income, and most mothers have these "bad habits"

In affective psychology, the emotional interaction between mothers and children has a profound impact on each other's growth trajectories. When children are growing up with a lack of achievement, we often find that there is a strong relationship between this and the mother's emotional disorder.

These emotional habits not only hinder effective communication between mothers and children, but can also lead to stunted children's emotional, cognitive, and behavioral development.

In a family, children have no income, and most mothers have these "bad habits"

1. Obstacles to emotional expression: silence and repression

Many mothers, in the face of various problems and challenges in the growth of their children, choose silence and emotional self-suppression. They may believe that by hiding their true feelings, they can protect their children from emotional harm or unnecessary worries.

However, this kind of silence and repression not only puts the mother herself under great emotional pressure, but also makes the child feel an unspeakable loneliness and incomprehension.

The mother's silence and repression are actually a kind of neglect of the child's emotional needs.

Children are born with a desire to develop a deep emotional connection with their mother, and to be cared for and supported by their mother.

However, when a mother chooses to silence and suppress her emotions, the child may feel an emotional isolation and loss.

They may begin to doubt their own worth and abilities, believing that they are unable to attract their mother's attention and attention.

This emotional isolation and loss can further affect a child's self-confidence and motivation to grow.

Children may become inferior, introverted, and afraid to express their emotions and needs. They may be afraid of failure and criticism, and lack the courage to try new things and face challenges.

In the long run, this emotional disorder can hinder a child's personal development and achievement.

Therefore, as mothers, we should be aware of the importance of our emotional expression to the growth of our children.

While there may be times when we feel confused, anxious, or stressed, choosing silence and depression is not the way to solve the problem.

Instead, we should be brave enough to face our emotions and actively seek solutions to our problems.

Through deep communication, emotional interaction and supportive encouragement, we can help children build healthy emotional expressions and self-confidence, so that they can be more determined and confident in their future journey.

In a family, children have no income, and most mothers have these "bad habits"

2. Lack of emotional connection: lack of deep interaction

Emotional connection, as a bond between mother and child that creates a deep and intimate bond, is essential for a child's growth and development.

However, with busy work and heavy life pressures, some mothers may neglect the emotional connection with their children.

They may focus too much on their child's academic performance and material needs and neglect their child's innermost emotional needs and mental health.

This neglect of emotional connection can make children feel a sense of loneliness that they are being ignored and not understood.

They may feel that although their mother has given them enough material satisfaction, they are emotionally distanced from them.

This feeling of emotional loneliness and alienation not only affects the intimate relationship between the child and the mother, but also has a profound impact on the child's psychological development and personality formation.

Children who lack deep interaction and emotional connection may become apathetic, selfish, and even have behavioral problems.

They may have difficulty forming a sound personality and emotional expression, and it may be difficult to build real trust and friendship with others.

These problems not only affect a child's daily life and social skills, but may also have a negative impact on the child's future development, such as declining academic performance and interpersonal strain.

Therefore, as mothers, we should always pay attention to the emotional connection with our children. No matter how busy we are at work and how stressful our lives are, we should make time to engage deeply with our children and understand their emotional needs and inner world.

By listening, understanding and supporting, we can build a stronger emotional connection with our children, helping them to develop a healthy personality and emotional expression, and laying a strong foundation for their future development.

In a family, children have no income, and most mothers have these "bad habits"

3. Projection of negative emotions: Convey your own anxiety and stress to your children

The mother's own negative emotions and pressures are often projected into the child's emotional world in a subtle and profound way.

When a mother falls into a negative emotional state such as anxiety and depression, her emotional atmosphere will be like an invisible burden, oppressing the child's mind.

Children are naturally sensitive and sensitive to the emotions of others, and they can pick up subtle negative emotions in their mother's subtle expressions, tone of voice, and body language.

Growing up in such a heavy and oppressive atmosphere, the child may gradually become infected with the same negative colors.

They may become pessimistic and disappointed, lose confidence in the future, and even have low self-esteem and self-blame.

They may perceive that their presence is a burden and pain to their mother, and in turn have deep doubts about their own worth and abilities.

This projection of negative emotions not only limits children's correct understanding of self-worth, but also may seriously hinder their personal development and the release of potential.

To make matters worse, this projection of negative emotions can also have long-term effects on a child's mental health.

As a result, children may become introverted and withdrawn, making it difficult to form deep emotional connections with others.

They may lack courage and resilience in the face of challenges and difficulties, and are prone to falling into a cycle of negative emotions from which they cannot extricate themselves.

Therefore, as mothers, we need to be constantly vigilant about the impact that our emotional state can have on our children.

We should strive to manage our negative emotions and stress, and face the challenges and difficulties in life with a positive and healthy attitude.

Through positive emotional expression and interaction, we can create a healthier and more positive environment for children to grow up in, helping them to succeed in life.

In a family, children have no income, and most mothers have these "bad habits"


From the perspective of affective psychology, mothers' affective disorders have a profound impact on the growth and development of their children. In order to raise a productive child, mothers need to be vigilant and overcome their own emotional barriers.

By expressing their emotions positively, building deep interactions and emotional connections with their children, and managing their negative emotions and stress, mothers can create a healthy and positive environment for their children to grow up in a successful life path.