
The masters are in the people, and the driving school instructors are all jokers who have been delayed by car practice!

author:Shu Xiaohan

Every friend who goes on the road with a license, the process of getting a driver's license is like a history of growth intertwined with blood and tears. In this process of growing up, you will be overwhelmed by the "golden and good words" of the driving school instructor from time to time, which makes you sincerely afraid.

The masters are in the people, and the driving school instructors are all jokers who have been delayed by car practice!

When I finally got rid of the bitterness of training, looking back on the past, I sighed in my heart that it was not easy to live to the end under the coach's destruction, and at the same time, I had to be impressed by the coach's frequent golden sentences. Who said that driving school instructors are rude in words? Who said that driving school instructors are short-tempered and unsmiling? This is obviously a real master, a joker who has been delayed by car practice!

The masters are in the people, and the driving school instructors are all jokers who have been delayed by car practice!

1. When driving too slowly.

Coach: "It's so slow, you can't catch up with the heat when you eat!"

2. When driving too fast.

Coach: "Drive so fast!

3. When I accidentally stopped on the sidewalk due to nervousness.

Coach: "The red light doesn't go, the green light doesn't go, what's the matter, is there no color you like?"

4. When you reverse into the garage, you can't get in left and right, and finally the coach calms down and says, "Come on, come on, you come down!" I and you carry the car in, maybe faster?"

The masters are in the people, and the driving school instructors are all jokers who have been delayed by car practice!

5. Finally ready to hit the road, a car is a little faster.

The coach roared, "Do you want me to issue you a plane license?"

6. When passing the corner, I forgot to downshift the car too fast, and accidentally rushed into the grass, and the grass blades stuck in through the coach's window.

Coach: "What are you doing? See I haven't eaten lunch and want to feed me some grass?"

7. When you don't have a good grasp of the direction, when you drive left and right.

Coach: "Shake it harder! What's the matter, people's cars drink oil, and your cars drink wine?"

8. When you don't control the distance between the car and the car in front of you too close.

Coach: "You're driving, not complaining, why are you so close to the car in front of you?"

The masters are in the people, and the driving school instructors are all jokers who have been delayed by car practice!

9. When you feel that your car is off and want the coach to verify it.

Coach: "How can you, you're not biased, it's Lu Xiu who is crooked." ”

10. On the road for the first time, I was a little nervous, and I wanted to be comforted by the coach.

Coach: "What are you nervous about, it's the walking person who should be nervous!"

11. When the coach teaches you to brake, and you are at a loss to ask how to brake.

Coach: "Open the door and put your feet on the ground!"

The masters are in the people, and the driving school instructors are all jokers who have been delayed by car practice!

12. When driving on the road, follow the coach's instructions and pay attention to it twice, who knows that the head swing arc is too large and the frequency is too fast.

Coach: "Did you take ecstasy, why are you so fierce!"


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