
In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

author:Tea food heart

Spring is quietly coming, bringing new beginnings and infinite hope. In this beautiful season of revival, we can not only enjoy the warm sunshine and gorgeous flowers, but also the precious gifts that nature has given us - a variety of fresh ingredients. Among them, there is a special vegetable whose appearance always excites me, and that is chayote. This unique vegetable, with its peculiar shape and rich nutritional value, attracts our attention and becomes the darling of the spring table.

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

Chayote is loved not only for its unique taste, but also for its amazing nutritional value, especially the selenium content of onions, which is up to 50 times more than that of onions, which makes it stand out from other vegetables. Selenium, a vital trace element for the human body, has the miraculous effects of strengthening the immune system, antioxidant and slowing down aging, and chayote is the natural source of this valuable element.

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

In the spring season, let's get up close to chayote and explore its magical charm. Not only to taste the crisp and refreshing deliciousness, but also to bring nourishment and protection to our body. Make chayote a part of our spring diet and enjoy the benefits of being healthy and delicious, while also injecting more energy and vitality into our lives.

Recommended Recipe 1: Chayote Steamed Fish

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

Chayote is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which is good for promoting digestion and enhancing immunity. Steaming with fish not only replenishes high-quality protein, but also makes the fish taste more delicious.

Main ingredients: chayote, sea bass, ginger, green onion

Here's how:

The sea bass is cleaned, the internal organs are removed from the abdomen, and several cuts are made on both sides.

Slice the ginger and cut the green onion into sections. Peel the chayote and cut it into thin slices for later use.

Spread a layer of ginger slices evenly on both sides of the fish and place it on a plate, with chayote slices spread on the bottom and top of the fish.

Add water to a boil in a pot, put the fish in the steamer and steam over high heat for about 10-12 minutes.

Once the fish is cooked, sprinkle with green onions and drizzle with pre-prepared soy sauce and hot oil.

Recommended recipe 2: Stir-fried shrimp with chayote

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

The crisp texture of chayote pairs perfectly with the tenderness of the shrimp, and this dish is rich in protein and vitamins, which have a good effect on improving the body's immunity.

Main ingredients: chayote, shrimp, minced garlic, olive oil

Here's how:

Chayote, peeled and shredded.

Add oil to the pan, heat and stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant.

Add the shrimp and stir-fry until browned, then add shredded chayote and stir-fry quickly.

Add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper and stir-fry until the chayote is broken.

Recommended recipe 3: Chayote minced pork tofu

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

A delicious and healthy home-cooked dish, the combination of chayote and tofu not only provides rich plant protein, but also facilitates digestion and strengthens the body's immunity.

Main ingredients: chayote, tofu, minced pork, green onion, ginger

Here's how:

Cut the tofu into small pieces, peel the chayote and cut into small cubes.

Finely chop the green onion and ginger, heat oil in the pot, stir-fry the minced chives and ginger first, then add the minced pork and stir-fry until it changes color.

Add the diced chayote and continue stir-frying, then add the tofu cubes.

Add an appropriate amount of water, add salt and soy sauce, simmer over low heat until the soup is thick, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and then remove from the pot.

Recommended recipe 4: chayote egg custard

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

Chayote is combined with eggs to make a delicious soup that is both simple and nutritious. This dish is rich in protein, vitamins, and is good for strengthening the immune system and improving the skin.

Main ingredients: chayote, eggs, consommé, salt

Here's how:

Peel and finely chop the chayote, beat the eggs and set aside.

Put the chayote in a bowl, add the beaten egg mixture, and add an appropriate amount of clear broth to mix thoroughly.

Add salt to taste, then place the bowl in the steamer and steam over medium-low heat for about 8-10 minutes.

Once the soup has solidified, take it out and enjoy this healthy and delicious chayote egg custard.

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

As we take a closer look at this spring ingredient, it's easy to see that it's not just a delicious vegetable, it's also a nutritious food with many health benefits. Chayote is rich in selenium and other nutrients, which have a significant effect on strengthening our immune system, promoting metabolism, anti-aging, and improving the digestive system. All this shows the importance of chayote as an ingredient for the body, especially in the spring season, it can provide our body with the nutrients it needs, help us better adapt to the changes of seasons, and maintain a healthy state.

In the spring, I met him and ate hard, selenium is 50 times that of onions, spleen and appetizer and anti-aging, and the stew is really fragrant

Therefore, dear friends, when spring comes and nature brings us so many fresh, delicious and nutritious ingredients, we should make the most of these precious resources. By incorporating ingredients such as chayote into our daily diet, we can not only enrich our table, but also add points to the health of us and our families. Let's enjoy the food while not forgetting to pay attention to the health benefits that food brings to us, and welcome a vibrant and healthy spring together!