
The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

author:Shifang release

The Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council at 10 a.m. on February 5, 2024 (Monday), inviting Xiao Weiming, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, Meng Wei, Director of the Department of Laws and Regulations of the National Development and Reform Commission, Guo Qiwen, Head of the Second Legislative Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, Zhu Bing, Director of the Foreign Investment Administration Department of the Ministry of Commerce, and Ren Duanping, Director of the Registration and Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, to introduce the situation of creating a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized, and answer questions from reporters.

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Xie Yingjun (photo by Luan Haijun)

  Xie Yingjun, Deputy Director and Spokesperson of the Information Bureau of the Information Office of the State Council:

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the regular briefing on the policies of the State Council. Recently, the State Council held an executive meeting to study the work related to further optimizing the business environment. Today, we invite Mr. Xiao Weiming, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ms. Meng Wei, Director of the Department of Laws and Regulations of the National Development and Reform Commission, Mr. Guo Qiwen, Head of the Second Legislative Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Zhu Bing, Director General of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of the Ministry of Commerce, and Mr. Ren Duanping, Director of the Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, to introduce the relevant situation and answer your questions.

  Next, I would like to invite Mr. Xiao Weiming to introduce the situation.

  2024-02-05 10:00:54

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Xiao Weiming (photo by Xu Xiang)

  Xiao Weiming, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission:

  Ladies and gentlemen, journalists, good morning, and good new year! It is a great pleasure to attend today's regular policy briefing this morning with colleagues from the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Commerce, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and our Department of Laws and Regulations. The business environment is the soil for the survival and development of enterprises. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to create a market-oriented, law-based, international, and first-class business environment. On February 2, 2024, the executive meeting of the State Council listened to the report on the optimization of the business environment and made arrangements for the next step. Premier Li Qiang made it clear that more attention should be paid to responding to the outstanding concerns of business entities. Let me give you a brief introduction to the situation.

  In the past year, all departments of the State Council have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, adhered to the problem-oriented and demand-oriented, effectively transformed their functions, improved efficiency, accelerated the reform of key areas and key links, and promoted the introduction of a number of practical, pragmatic and effective policies and measures.

  First, the level of marketization has been further improved. Our committee took the lead, in conjunction with relevant departments, closely followed the construction of a unified national market, comprehensively cleaned up various regulations and practices that hindered the unified market and fair competition, issued anti-monopoly supporting regulations and law enforcement guidelines in key areas, carried out special governance of outstanding problems in the field of engineering construction bidding and bidding, and strived to ensure that all types of business entities participate in market competition fairly. Establish mechanisms such as investment-loan linkage pilot cooperation, build a unified platform for promoting projects to private capital, and expand the space for private investment. Vigorously promote "Shini Loan" and introduce preferential tax policies to effectively reduce the operating costs of enterprises such as financing and tax burden.

  Second, the level of rule of law has been further improved. The Ministry of Justice, market regulation and other departments have carried out a centralized clean-up of existing administrative regulations, effectively reducing the phenomenon of "fighting" in laws and regulations, and continuing to improve the system of laws and regulations. We have carried out a special clean-up of fines in administrative regulations and departmental rules, cancelled and adjusted 33 fines, vigorously rectified illegal fees related to enterprises, promoted the establishment of a benchmark system for administrative discretion in all localities, and standardized fair and civilized law enforcement. Strengthen the entire chain of regulation, carry out special governance of serious illegal and untrustworthy conduct that "continues to be prohibited and punished repeatedly", advance administrative adjudication of major patent infringement disputes, and protect the lawful rights and interests of business entities in accordance with law.

  Third, the level of internationalization has been further improved. The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, based on expanding institutional opening-up, have thoroughly implemented the strategy of upgrading the pilot free trade zone, and piloted the docking of international high-standard economic and trade rules. Focusing on services to ensure foreign investment and foreign trade, we will promote the introduction of a series of policy measures, such as the construction of a world-class business environment in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the relaxation of market access in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, and the further strengthening of efforts to attract foreign investment. The Customs has introduced 16 measures to optimize the business environment, expanding the coverage of measures such as "direct loading and direct pick-up", "departure confirmation", "combined port" and "one-port connect", which has effectively promoted the facilitation of customs clearance.

  Fourth, the level of government services has been further improved. Housing and construction, taxation and other departments have actively carried out pilot projects to carry out digital management reform of the whole life cycle of engineering construction projects, deepened the reform of project environmental impact assessment, and accelerated the implementation of projects. Expand the scope of application of electronic business licenses. For 10 consecutive years, the "Spring Breeze Action to Facilitate Taxation for the People" has been carried out, and 5 batches of 109 specific measures have been launched. Promote the "transfer with mortgage" of real estate. It has achieved full coverage of the "three zeros" and "three provinces" services for telegraph installation across the country, and has saved more than 200 billion yuan in electricity investment for power users. "Three zeros" is zero door-to-door, zero approval, zero investment, and "three provinces" are labor-saving, time-saving and money-saving. These are the government service contents that enterprises have a special sense of gain in recent years.

  Of course, we must be soberly aware that optimizing the business environment is always on the way. In the next step, our committee will work with relevant departments to deeply understand the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, implement them to the letter, closely follow the concerns of business entities, optimize the overall situation, take multiple measures at the same time, and promote them as a whole, effectively enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of policies and services, continue to build a market-oriented, law-based, and international first-class business environment, cultivate fertile soil for the growth of business entities, and continue to inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and accelerating Chinese-style modernization.

  That's all I have to say. Now, I would like to work with a few of our colleagues to answer the questions of journalists. Thank you!

  2024-02-05 10:12:59

  Xie Yingjun:

  Thank you, Mr. Xiao Weiming. You are now welcome to ask questions, and please let your news organization know before you ask.

  2024-02-05 10:13:17

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Questions from a reporter from China News Service (photo by Liu Jian)

  China News Service:

  We know that speeding up the construction of a unified national market is conducive to creating a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment.

  2024-02-05 10:16:49

  Xiao Weiming:

  I'm here to answer this question, thank you for your question. Accelerating the construction of a unified national market is a major deployment made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core from an overall and strategic perspective, and creating a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment is one of its main goals. The National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant parties, has promoted the implementation of various tasks in the following aspects.

  From a positive point of view, the basic system of the market has become more unified and connected, the revision of the new version of the negative list for market access has been comprehensively carried out, and the "Notice on Regulating the Application of Credit Evaluation in the Field of Bidding and Bidding" has been issued and implemented. Market facilities are more efficient and connected, nearly ninety percent of the national highway service areas have been built to reserve charging parking spaces, the national land secondary market online transaction service platform has been put into operation, and the national 12315 consumer complaint information publicity platform has been launched. Market regulation has become more fair and unified, with the issuance and implementation of the "Provisions on Stopping the Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict Competition", and the establishment of cross-regional mechanisms for assisting in the investigation of online cases, assisting in law enforcement, and joint law enforcement.

  In terms of breaking down, it has established a system for rectifying the problem of improper interference in the construction of a large national unified market and interviewing and reporting typical cases, carried out the work of verifying and rectifying clues on the problems that hinder the construction of a large national unified market, organized all localities to clean up the regulations and practices that hinder the construction of a unified market and fair competition, and promoted the special rectification of improper market intervention in the fields of engineering construction and bidding and bidding, and effectively solved practical difficulties for business entities.

  On the whole, the above-mentioned measures have been fully implemented, the social consensus on building a unified national market has been significantly enhanced, outstanding problems have been effectively rectified, and the work effect is gradually emerging, which has played a positive role in smoothing the economic cycle and stimulating market vitality.

  In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will work with relevant parties to fully implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the spirit of the State Council's executive meeting; on the one hand, it will further improve the various systems and rules conducive to the construction of a unified national market, and actively and steadily promote the reform of key areas such as finance, taxation, and statistics, including studying and improving the local tax system, improving the powers of affairs, and spending responsibilities. On the other hand, we will carry out in-depth rectification of outstanding problems in key areas, continue to report typical cases, and play a warning and deterrent role. With the new achievements of the construction of a unified national market, we will create a good business environment for all kinds of business entities to invest and do business. Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:17:02

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

CCTV reporter from China Central Radio and Television asked questions (photo by Liu Jian)

  CCTV reporter from China Central Radio and Television:

  On February 2, the executive meeting of the State Council emphasized that the work of strengthening the market to promote fairness, strengthening services to increase convenience, strengthening the rule of law and stabilizing expectations, strengthening opening up and improving quality, and strengthening reform and innovation will be promoted in an integrated manner. We would like to know what work the National Development and Reform Commission will focus on this year? Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:20:41

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Meng Wei (photo by Xu Xiang)

  Meng Wei, Director of the Department of Laws and Regulations of the National Development and Reform Commission:

  I'll answer that question. Building a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized first-class business environment requires sustained efforts and long-term efforts. The executive meeting of the State Council that has just been convened has made the latest arrangements and arrangements for optimizing the business environment, and we will conscientiously implement them. In the next step, we will focus on the outstanding concerns of business entities, take effective measures to effectively solve the pain points and difficulties of enterprises, and strive to achieve "five betters".

  First, efforts should be made to eliminate all kinds of unreasonable restrictions and better safeguard fair competition. In view of the various types of "revolving doors" and "glass doors" that still exist, we will further improve the market access system, promote the full coverage of market access efficiency assessment, innovate and improve the bidding and bidding system and mechanism, clean up the laws, regulations, rules and normative documents involving unequal treatment of enterprises, and eliminate local protection and ownership discrimination.

  The second is to focus on improving the top-level design to better protect legitimate rights and interests. In view of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the rule of law guarantee, this year we will focus on the rule of law business environment, promote the introduction of policy documents, promote the simultaneous efforts of legislation, law enforcement, justice and law-abiding, and solve a number of outstanding problems in the rule of law business environment. Strengthen the assessment of the consistency of macro policy orientations, and create a stable, transparent and predictable institutional environment.

  Third, efforts should be made to promote the facilitation of cross-border investment and better expand institutional opening-up. In response to issues such as market access and industrial cooperation that foreign enterprises are concerned about, we will promote the introduction of an action plan for attracting and utilizing foreign investment, continue to reasonably reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, fully remove restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, promote international industrial investment cooperation, and continue to enhance the attractiveness of the mainland to global factor resources.

  Fourth, we will strive to promote the optimization of government services and better promote the benefit of enterprises and the convenience of the people. In view of the optimization of administrative efficiency such as enterprise-related examination and approval, we will strengthen the management of the list of administrative licensing items, and promote the standardization and facilitation of administrative examination and approval and related intermediary services. Deepen the sharing and application of data on investment projects, and further expand the depth and breadth of the pilot cooperation mechanism for investment-loan linkage.

  Fifth, we should strive to play an advanced demonstration role and better achieve overall improvement. In response to the imbalance in the construction of the business environment between regions, we will implement actions to improve and upgrade the business environment, and form a number of examples of business environment reform. Released a report on the development of China's business environment, showing the progress and effectiveness of the mainland's optimization of the business environment in an all-round way, and telling the story of China's business environment. Thank you!

  2024-02-05 10:21:32

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Daily Economic News reporter asked questions (photo by Liu Jian)

  Daily Economic News Reporter:

  To promote the development of foreign-funded enterprises in China, it is necessary to further improve the first-class business environment that is market-oriented, internationalized and law-based. Last year, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Environment for Foreign Investment and Increasing the Efforts to Attract Foreign Investment." Could you please introduce the Ministry of Commerce on the implementation of the "Opinions"?

  2024-02-05 10:26:34

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Zhu Bing (photo by Xu Xiang)

  Zhu Bing, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Investment Management of the Ministry of Commerce:

  Thank you for your question, and thank you for your concern about the implementation of the policy of stabilizing foreign investment. The Chinese government attaches great importance to stabilizing foreign investment, and has always attached importance to attracting foreign investment by building a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized. In August last year, the Ministry of Commerce, together with the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of the CPC Central Committee and other 29 departments, extensively listened to the opinions and suggestions of multinational companies, foreign-funded enterprises, foreign business associations such as the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and the American Chamber of Commerce in China, as well as some local governments, focused on the business environment issues that foreign-funded enterprises are concerned about, and in accordance with the principle of "from the enterprise, to the enterprise", focused on responding to the concerns and demands of foreign-funded enterprises about China's investment environment, and put forward a number of targeted policy measures. Opinions on Further Optimizing the Environment for Foreign Investment and Increasing the Intensity of Attracting Foreign Investment" is what is often referred to as the "24 Articles on Foreign Investment."

  It has been half a year since the policy was issued, and all departments and localities are stepping up efforts to promote the implementation of various policy measures in accordance with the division of responsibilities. Not long ago, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, conducted a phased combing and evaluation of the implementation of the "24 Articles on Foreign Investment", and listened to the evaluation of foreign-funded enterprises in the form of questionnaires and symposiums. Overall, more than 60% of the policy measures have been implemented, or have made positive progress, and the vast majority of foreign-funded enterprises have a good overall evaluation.

  Specifically, 10 of the 59 measures of the "24 Measures for Foreign Investment" have been completed, such as: the Cyberspace Administration of China issued a document that clearly takes "effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises on the Internet" as the key task of online infringement information reporting, opens an online reporting area, and announces the 12377 reporting hotline. The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement to extend the implementation period of the tax exemption policy for foreign personal allowances and the tax rebate policy for foreign-funded R&D institutions to purchase domestic equipment until the end of December 2027. There are 28 projects that have made phased progress, including the drafting of policy documents and the process of promoting the introduction, and the relevant work has been carried out or work deployment has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of policy measures. For example, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has formulated the Regulations on Regulating and Facilitating Cross-border Data Flows, which is being studied and improved and prepared to be promulgated. The Ministry of Finance is stepping up efforts to formulate standards for "production in China" for government procurement products. There are also 21 items that are continuing to advance, including some long-term and continuous work, such as: the State Intellectual Property Office guides and supports relevant localities to set up intellectual property service guarantee workstations during the exhibition, and does a good job in the exhibition intellectual property service guarantee work such as patent priority examination and acceptance, intellectual property maintenance, and comprehensive consultation.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to promote the implementation of various measures to accelerate the implementation and achieve results, timely report the progress of government procurement, standard formulation, investment facilitation and other aspects of general concern to foreign-funded enterprises, and further strengthen the evaluation of the implementation of the "24 Articles on Foreign Investment". If foreign-funded enterprises encounter any difficulties and problems when enjoying the relevant policies, they can report to us to help us better promote the implementation of the "24 Articles on Foreign Investment". Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:26:45

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

China Daily reporter asked a question (photo by Liu Jian)

  China Daily:

  General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed that the rule of law is the best business environment. What are the key measures taken by the Ministry of Justice to build a business environment based on the rule of law?

  2024-02-05 10:30:24

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Guo Qiwen (photo by Xu Xiang)

  Guo Qiwen, head of the Second Legislative Bureau of the Ministry of Justice:

  Thank you for your attention to the rule of law. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to give full play to the important role of the rule of law in consolidating the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long-term. In accordance with the relevant decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, as well as the requirements of the State Council's legislative work plan, the Ministry of Justice has actively promoted the formulation and revision of laws and administrative regulations related to optimizing the business environment.

  The first is to promote the revision and completion of the Provisions of the State Council on the Standards for Reporting Concentration of Undertakings. On January 22 this year, the State Council officially announced the revised regulations, which are based on the mainland's national conditions and the objective requirements of economic development at the current stage, coordinate development and safety, vitality and order, adjust the turnover standards for the declaration of concentration of undertakings in a timely manner, further reduce the institutional transaction costs of concentration of undertakings, promote investment and mergers and acquisitions, stimulate market vitality, and improve the efficiency of the mainland's anti-monopoly review.

  The second is to speed up the formulation of the "Regulations on Fair Competition Review". Implement the work arrangements for the construction of a unified national market, elevate the fair competition review system to administrative regulations, and on the basis of widely soliciting the opinions of relevant parties, further clarify the fair competition review subjects, review standards, review mechanisms, and related requirements, etc., focusing on stopping the abuse of administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition, and provide legal guarantees for all types of business entities to participate in market competition fairly.

  The third is to accelerate the formulation of the "Regulations for the Implementation of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests". In view of the pain points and difficulties that consumers are generally concerned about, such as online consumer infringement, prepaid consumer infringement, and the application of punitive damages, we will further improve the laws and regulations for the protection of consumer rights and interests, give full play to the functional role of the government and its relevant departments in protecting consumers, improve the consumption environment, boost consumer confidence, and create good conditions for business entities to carry out business activities in accordance with the law.

  Fourth, accelerate the revision of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law. In response to issues such as commercial confusion, false publicity, commercial bribery, and online unfair competition, which are more prominent among business entities, further improve the rules of the anti-unfair competition system, increase the cost of illegal acts of unfair competition, and strengthen the protection of the lawful rights and interests of all types of business entities.

  Fifth, it organized the drafting of the "Regulations on International Cruise Ships Docking and Replenishing in the Ports of the People's Republic of China". In order to improve the level of convenience for international cruise ships to dock and replenish, promote the high-quality development of the cruise economy, promote the expansion of domestic demand, release consumption potential, and cultivate new momentum for development, the Ministry of Justice organized relevant departments to draft the regulations, aiming to smooth the supply channels of international cruise ships and clarify the relevant measures for customs clearance facilitation.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Justice will focus on the issues that business entities are concerned about, and actively promote relevant legislative work in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the requirements of the State Council's legislative work plan, so as to continuously improve the business environment based on the rule of law in the mainland. Thank you!

  2024-02-05 10:30:43

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

The first financial reporter asked questions (photo by Liu Jian)

  CBN Reporter:

  In recent years, the market supervision department has been focusing on promoting the facilitation and standardization of enterprise registration, in terms of reducing institutional costs and creating a good environment for all kinds of business entities to invest and start businesses.

  2024-02-05 10:32:34

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Ren Duanping (photo by Xu Xiang)

  Ren Duanping, Director of the Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation:

  Thank you for your question. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to maintain the order of the socialist market economy in accordance with the law and improve the level of construction of a law-based business environment. Premier Li Qiang pointed out that optimizing the business environment is the key to cultivating and stimulating market vitality and enhancing the endogenous driving force for development. The State Administration for Market Regulation has conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and continued to promote the facilitation and standardization of market access and exit in accordance with the law.

  The first is to speed up the improvement of market access and exit system rules. The enterprise registration management system is an important basic system of the market economy. The State Administration for Market Regulation adheres to the principle of legislation first, actively promotes the revision and promulgation of the Company Law and the Implementation Measures of the Provisions on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration, and continues to build an open, transparent, efficient and predictable institutional environment.

  Second, we will continue to improve facilitation, standardization, and market access and exit measures. Whether the business environment is good or not, enterprises have the most right to speak. The State Administration for Market Regulation adheres to the demand orientation of business entities, continues to strengthen the awareness of service and development, establishes an electronic business license database covering all business entities, and has used electronic business licenses more than 300 million times for various business entities, formulates and revises the "Implementation Specifications for Administrative Licensing Matters in the Field of Market Regulation", and revises and publishes the 2023 edition of the "Guidelines for Enterprise Deregistration".

  The third is to focus on improving the quality of the development of business entities. The "Provisions on the Prevention and Investigation of Illegal Acts of Counterfeit Enterprise Registration" have been formulated and promulgated, and a legal environment for the high-quality development of business entities has been actively created.

  As of the end of 2023, there were 184 million business entities and 32.727 million new business entities, a year-on-year increase of 12.6%. 10.029 million new enterprises were established, a year-on-year increase of 15.6%. The investment and entrepreneurial vitality of business entities continued to increase.

  In the next step, the State Administration for Market Regulation will improve the normalized communication and exchange mechanism and continuously improve the content, accuracy and awareness of the system and policies.

  First, we will continue to optimize and improve the market access and exit system. Accelerate the research and formulation of supporting implementation measures for the "Company Law", strengthen the publicity of information on paid-in capital contributions, promote the implementation of the newly revised system in a stable and orderly manner, and stabilize social expectations.

  The second is to continue to optimize and standardize the registration services of business entities. Focus on practical issues, study and formulate regulations on the management of registration and filing matters of business entities, formulate the "Administrative Measures for the Registration of Individual Industrial and Commercial Households", and create a good environment for promoting the healthy development of individual industrial and commercial households.

  The third is to solidly promote "doing one thing efficiently". Focusing on the change of enterprise information, the cancellation of enterprise registration, and the linkage of licenses and licenses, we will conscientiously implement the State Council's decision-making and deployment of "doing one thing efficiently", and effectively improve the sense of gain and satisfaction of business entities. Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:32:46

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

A reporter from Hong Kong China Review Press asked a question (photo by Liu Jian)

  Reporter from Hong Kong China Review Press:

  We have noted that in 2023, the Ministry of Commerce has held a number of roundtables on foreign-funded enterprises, can you introduce the details of the meetings and what are the next steps to consider?

  2024-02-05 10:39:07

  Zhu Bing:

  Thank you for your question. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to listening to the opinions and demands of foreign-funded enterprises and creating a good business environment. In accordance with the deployment of the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce upgraded and established the roundtable system for foreign-funded enterprises in July 2023 relying on the foreign trade and foreign investment coordination service mechanism.

  First, it has created more exchange opportunities and stabilized the confidence of foreign investors in China. Last year, the Ministry of Commerce held 15 roundtables, and more than 400 foreign-funded enterprises and foreign business associations participated in our meetings. More than 140 roundtables were also held in various places, with the participation of more than 2,200 foreign-funded enterprises and foreign business associations, including the world's top 500 companies, leading enterprises in key industries, as well as many small and medium-sized foreign-funded enterprises and incubation platform enterprises, covering a wide range and strong representativeness. In September last year, the Ministry of Commerce launched the "System for Collecting and Handling Foreign-funded Enterprises' Problem Appeals", making every effort to create an online roundtable to provide more small and medium-sized foreign-funded enterprises with a convenient channel to reflect their problems, which is widely welcomed by enterprises.

  The second is to encourage foreign-funded enterprises to speak their minds freely and fully listen to their difficult problems. There are no rules and regulations in the roundtable, and foreign-funded enterprises are encouraged to tell the truth, tell the truth, ask more difficult questions, and talk more about specific cases. Through in-depth communication with enterprises, we have collected many core demands and common problems of foreign-funded enterprises, which has laid a solid foundation for researching and proposing targeted measures to benefit enterprises.

  The third is to promote the formation of a joint work force to jointly create a better investment environment. Through the round table meeting, we have grasped a number of key issues that foreign-funded enterprises are highly concerned about, and some problems have been solved at the meeting, and we have established a working ledger for the outstanding difficulties and common problems that are difficult to solve at the meeting, giving full play to the role of the foreign trade and foreign investment coordination service mechanism, and working with relevant departments and localities to conduct in-depth research, improve and improve the policies and regulations that a number of foreign-funded enterprises are highly concerned about, promote a number of foreign-funded enterprises to attach great importance to the open field, explain the sensitive issues that a number of foreign-funded enterprises have doubts, and continuously optimize the business environment。

  In 2024, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to play the role of the roundtable system for foreign-funded enterprises, and hold a roundtable meeting for foreign-funded enterprises once a month to fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises. We will always adhere to the problem-oriented, focus on the core demands and common outstanding problems of foreign-funded enterprises, carefully set the theme of the conference, and rely on the foreign trade and foreign investment coordination service mechanism to continue to promote the solution of difficult problems of enterprises, and strive to improve the effectiveness of the meeting. We will make good use of the exchange platform set up by the roundtable, actively listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises in some opening measures and policy formulation, and understand international experience and practices, so as to help us better promote the work of stabilizing foreign investment. We will continue to listen to the opinions and suggestions of foreign-funded enterprises on the theme, form and scope of the roundtable, continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the meeting, provide better services for foreign-funded enterprises, and further enhance mutual trust and consensus building between government and enterprises.

  We welcome foreign-funded enterprises to actively participate in our roundtable, and we also welcome media friends to pay attention to our roundtable. Thank you!

  2024-02-05 10:40:05

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Beijing News reporter asked a question (photo by Liu Jian)

  Beijing News reporter:

  We have noted that the current National Standing Committee has also emphasized the revision and improvement of administrative regulations related to fines, and that arbitrary fines and fees have always been a problem that enterprises and the masses have been calling for a lot, so I would like to ask what arrangements and arrangements the State Administration for Market Regulation has for this, and what measures will it take next? Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:40:57

  Ren Duanping:

  Thank you for your question, market order is the core element of the business environment, the issue of enterprise-related fees is related to the core interests of enterprises, and the control of arbitrary fees and fines is an important measure to reduce the burden on business entities. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to it and demand that it resolutely put a stop to arbitrary collection of fees, fines, and apportionments. The State Administration for Market Regulation conscientiously implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, carries out in-depth management of fees, rectifies behaviors that disrupt market order in accordance with the law, and earnestly protects the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and consumers.

  The first is to further promote the governance of fees. In 2023, market supervision departments at all levels will inspect a total of 79,000 enterprise-related charging units, fine and confiscate 430 million yuan, and return 2.16 billion yuan to enterprises. A total of 12,000 government departments and their subordinate units were inspected, and 620 million yuan was refunded for enterprises. More than 5,500 charging units in the financial field were inspected, and 840 million yuan was refunded for enterprises.

  The second is to improve the efficiency of regulatory law enforcement. In 2023, a total of 1,157,300 cases will be investigated and handled by the national market supervision system, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%, and the amount of fines and confiscations will be 8.669 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 19.7%. The number of cases handled and the amount of fines and confiscations have increased and decreased, and the overall law enforcement efforts and temperature have been effective.

  The third is to improve the rules and guidelines. Research and draft rules for the handling of fees related to violations of laws and regulations involving enterprises, strengthen the design of top-level systems, dynamically adjust the guidance catalogue for administrative law enforcement matters for market regulation, and research and formulate institutional norms for the management of major administrative punishment cases.

  In the next step, the State Administration for Market Regulation will intensify the special rectification of illegal fees related to enterprises, comprehensively promote strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement, strive to enhance the vitality and endogenous power of business entities, and promote the release of high-quality development momentum.

  The first is to continue to carry out special rectification actions for illegal fees related to enterprises. The State Administration will take the problem of arbitrary fees related to enterprises as a key measure to optimize the business environment, take the special rectification action as the focus of the work to solve the arbitrary fees, study and formulate the rectification action plan and the list of expected results, and achieve greater results in reducing costs and burdens for enterprises.

  The second is to implement the structural fee reduction and burden reduction policy, focusing on the inspection of outstanding problems reflected by scientific and technological innovation enterprises and manufacturing enterprises, and promote the reduction of patent protection and achievement transformation costs of scientific and technological innovation enterprises. At the same time, promote the introduction of the "Measures for the Handling of Illegal Acts of Enterprise-related Charges" and other regulations. Research and issue the "Compliance Guidelines for Charging Behavior of Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce" to standardize the charging behavior of industry associations and chambers of commerce.

  The third is to continuously establish and improve the law enforcement system. Accelerate the establishment and completion of systems and standards for the commensurate punishment of excesses, dynamically adjust the comprehensive administrative law enforcement matters guidance catalog, revise and improve the interim provisions on the management of major cases, and promote the introduction of interim provisions on the collection of electronic data evidence in law enforcement and case handling. Research and formulate guiding opinions on "service-oriented law enforcement", and promote the introduction of institutional norms such as the list of "no punishment for the first violation and reduced punishment" in all localities. Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:41:17

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

A reporter from Shanghai Securities News asked a question (photo by Liu Jian)

  Shanghai Securities News:

  The National Conference on Investment in the Development and Reform System mentioned the goal of making private investment profitable, well-invested, and entered. What considerations will the National Development and Reform Commission have in optimizing the environment for private investment this year? How will it further mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment in the next step? Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:49:28

  Meng Wei:

  Thank you for your attention to the country's development and reform. Private investment accounts for a relatively high proportion of the investment in fixed assets in the whole society, and is an important material basis for the development of the private economy. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has always paid close attention to private investment, and in July last year we issued a special circular proposing 17 targeted measures to mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment. This year, we will focus on the "four ones", that is, to make good use of a new platform, build a project library, implement a new mechanism, and smooth a good channel, and strive to further stimulate the vitality of private investment through the "four ones".

  The first is to make good use of a new platform and continue to do a good job in promoting projects to private capital. In September last year, our committee established a unified national platform for promoting projects to private capital, and as of the end of January this year, it has attracted 1,591 private capital to participate in projects, with a total investment of 1,980.8 billion yuan. We will continue to do a good job in this work, smooth the channels for obtaining project information, and attract more private capital to participate in the construction of major national projects.

  The second is to build a project library and increase support for key non-governmental investment projects. From the key private investment projects in various places, a number of projects that meet the policy requirements, have a large investment scale, and are highly demonstrative will be selected on a regular basis, and included in the national key private investment project database. At the same time, we will promote projects to banks and other financial institutions and increase financing support, include eligible projects in the national land guarantee mechanism for major projects, strengthen the guarantee of land elements, and promote coordination and linkage among various localities to speed up the handling of preliminary procedures.

  The third is to implement a new mechanism to standardize the implementation of public-private partnerships. We will pay close attention to the introduction of supporting documents such as franchise management measures, franchise plan preparation outline, franchise agreement template, etc., build an information system for public-private partnership projects, do a good job in overall guidance, effectively expand the space for private enterprises to participate in infrastructure investment, and encourage private capital to participate in public-private partnership projects to the greatest extent.

  Fourth, we should open a good channel to encourage private investment projects to issue real estate investment trusts in the infrastructure sector. Actively promote the issuance of infrastructure REITs by private investment projects. As of the end of January this year, 6 private investment projects have been recommended to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, 8 private investment projects have been accepted, and 4 private investment projects are being counseled in the early stage, involving clean energy, consumer infrastructure, data centers, warehousing and logistics, industrial parks and other fields. The Commission will continue to support the issuance of infrastructure REITs by qualified private investment projects in more areas.

  In short, we will take multiple measures to further optimize the private investment environment, enhance the willingness of enterprises to invest, and stimulate the innovation and development vitality of social investment. Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:50:02

  Xie Yingjun:

  One last question.

  2024-02-05 10:50:19

The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to create a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment

Zhejiang Daily Chao News reporter asked a question (photo by Liu Jian)

  Zhejiang Daily Chao News reporter:

  Recently, the Supervision Office of the General Office of the State Council issued an announcement to solicit clues and opinions and suggestions from the society on issues that affect the construction of the business environment. One of the contents is "the relevant localities and units to adopt discriminatory measures against foreign goods and services, implement various preferential policies for local protection, and impose discriminatory treatment on the investment or branches established by foreign business operators in the local area".

  2024-02-05 10:50:48

  Ren Duanping:

  Thank you for your question. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "speed up the construction of a unified national market, and strive to eliminate various forms of local protection and market segmentation". Premier Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to intensify efforts to clean up and abolish regulations and practices that hinder the unified market and fair competition, and earnestly ensure that enterprises of all types of ownership participate in competition on an equal footing.

  The State Administration for Market Regulation has conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, resolutely broken down administrative monopolies and industry barriers, and strived to rectify local protectionist behaviors such as restricting the relocation of enterprises, setting up entry barriers, and seeking self-small circulation, which are strongly reflected by business entities.

  First, we will continue to improve the rules of the fair competition system. Implement the newly revised Anti-Monopoly Law, and revise and promulgate the Provisions of the State Council on the Notification Standards for Concentration of Undertakings. Five regulations were promulgated, including the Provisions on the Prohibition of Monopoly Agreements and the Provisions on Preventing the Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict Competition, and the Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for Industry Associations and the Guidelines for Interviews on Law Enforcement Interviews on the Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict Competition.

  Second, it is necessary to resolutely break down local protection and administrative monopolies. In 2023, the national market regulation departments investigated and dealt with 39 cases of abuse of administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition. The fair competition review system was thoroughly implemented, and 17,600 policies and measures that hindered the unified market and fair competition were revised or abolished by all regions and departments.

  The third is to earnestly strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement. The market supervision departments nationwide investigated and dealt with 27 cases of monopoly agreements and abuse of market dominance in accordance with the law, with fines and confiscations amounting to 2.163 billion yuan, concluded the trial of 797 cases of concentration of undertakings, and imposed administrative penalties on 32 cases of failure to declare in accordance with the law.

  In the next step, the State Administration for Market Regulation will continue to rectify improper market competition and market intervention.

  The first is to accelerate the promulgation of the "Regulations on the Review of Fair Competition". Strengthen the implementation of fair competition review responsibilities to ensure due diligence. Carry out in-depth special rectification of market segmentation and local protection issues, and improve punishment and restraint methods.

  The second is to promote the special action of anti-monopoly law enforcement in the field of people's livelihood in depth. Focus on key areas closely related to the people, such as medicine, education, and public utilities, and concentrate on investigating and handling a number of major typical cases of monopoly violations.

  The third is to refine and improve the rules of the anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition system. Promote the acceleration of the revision of the "Anti-Monopoly Compliance Guidelines for Business Operators", and study and formulate anti-monopoly guidelines such as the "Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Sector" and the "Guidelines for the Review of Horizontal Concentration of Undertakings". Accelerate the formulation of the "Norms for the Management of Fair Competition Compliance of Business Operators". Thank you.

  2024-02-05 10:51:02

  Xie Yingjun:

  Thank you for your introduction, thank you for your participation, and that's all for today's briefing, goodbye.

  2024-02-05 10:51:26

Source: Information Office of the State Council