
Changhong Precision Company's New Year's condolences warm people's hearts

author:Mianzhou Pioneer

On February 2, Jia Jianjun, general manager of Changhong Precision & Device Company, together with some leaders of the Party and Government Labor League, went to the precision electronics manufacturing plant to visit and express condolences to military families and employees with family difficulties, and distributed New Year condolences and condolences on the spot.

Changhong Precision Company's New Year's condolences warm people's hearts

Jia Jianjun and his entourage learned in detail about the military employees, The family situation of employees with family difficulties, and on behalf of the company, send them holiday greetings, express high respect to military employees, especially learn that the children of military families are studying in military schools, thank them for raising outstanding military talents for the country, and contribute to national defense science and technology;

Changhong Precision Company's New Year's condolences warm people's hearts

On behalf of the whole family, he once again thanked the leaders and colleagues of the precision & device company for their loving donations to his father during his sudden serious illness, so that he could feel the friendship, family affection and true feelings of the big family of Changhong, and expressed New Year's blessings to the leaders and all employees of the precision & device company.

Changhong Precision Company's New Year's condolences warm people's hearts

At the end of the event, Jia Jianjun and his entourage distributed condolences to the military employees and employees with family difficulties in the electronics manufacturing plant.

Changhong Precision Company's New Year's condolences warm people's hearts
Changhong Precision Company's New Year's condolences warm people's hearts

Source: Wei Changhong

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