
The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

author:History is a precursor


From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, Chinese society was in turmoil and the political situation was unpredictable. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, an eye-catching historical figure has emerged - Sun Baoqi. Not only did he rise to prominence politically, but he also gained prominence for his family life. Sun Baoqi is known as the "first father-in-law", not because of his sons, but because he had 16 daughters, each of whom married important people of the time, thus building a strong network of in-laws.

This story will take you back to that era of legends and wonders, exploring the amazing life of Sun Baoqi and how he created a one-of-a-kind legend in the political arena and family relationships. In this story, we'll also compare another "first father-in-law" candidate to let you judge for yourself who is more worthy of the title.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

A group of children, the rise of a generation of fathers-in-law

Sun Baoqi, born in 1867, came from a prominent family. His father was a Jinshi and served as a master of Emperor Guangxu. With such a family background, Sun Baoqi received a good education from an early age and was well versed in literary etiquette. However, Sun Baoqi was not satisfied with the prestige of his family, he had ambitions and was determined to make a name for himself in officialdom.

In 1893, at the age of 26, Sun Baoqi took the official imperial examination, and with his outstanding performance, he was among the best in the household department. This was a time when he was budding, but his political career was far from unfolding.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

However, everything took a turn in the Gengzi national disaster in 1900. Sun Baoqi was selected as an accompanying official to the Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu, and became a close advisor to the two royal family members. His performance during this period won the appreciation and trust of the Empress Dowager Cixi, laying the foundation for him in officialdom.

With the end of the Gengzi national disaster, Sun Baoqi's political career took off rapidly. He successively served as the confidential affairs of the Military Aircraft Department and the minister in France, and his position gradually rose to the top. Eventually, he was appointed as the governor of Beijing, the equivalent of the mayor of Beijing, and became an important player in the political arena at the time.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

Five wives and six children, the construction of a network of in-laws

However, Sun's political promotion was not his most striking aspect. His family life is equally impressive. Sun Baoqi married five wives and gave birth to 24 children, 16 of whom were daughters. The size of the family was rare in society at the time.

What is even more remarkable is that each of Sun Baoqi's 16 daughters married prominent figures of the time, thus building a powerful network of in-laws. His daughters were married to the son of Prince Qing, the son of Sheng Xuanhuai, the richest man in the late Qing Dynasty, the grandson of Wang Wenshao, a powerful minister of the late Qing Dynasty, Aixin Jueluo Baoxi, a descendant of Prince Yutong, and the son of Yuan Shikai, among others.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

These marital relationships not only deepened Sun's ties with the important political families of the time, but also helped him maintain a strong political influence. His daughters married into various powerful families, which became political and social bonds, enabling Sun Baoqi to gain a firm foothold in politics and control important political resources.

Sun Baoqi's family career is booming, but among his daughters, there is one who is particularly eye-catching, and that is Sun Yongfan. She married Zhang Peilun's son Zhang Zhiyi and became the stepmother of the famous writer Zhang Ailing. This family connection brought the Sun Baoqi family closer to the cultural world and influenced the development of Chinese literature. In addition, Sun Baoqi's family also had close ties with the Li Hongzhang family, which further cemented his political and social position.

With his political achievements and family connections, Sun Baoqi became one of the most striking figures of the era. He had a large number of sons and daughters, a vast network of in-laws, and a vast political and social alliance that left a strong mark on China's modern history.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

Sun Yongfan and Zhang Ailing, the family's connection

Among Sun Baoqi's huge group of daughters, there is a unique woman, she is Sun Baoqi's daughter Sun Yongfan. Sun Yongfan married Zhang Peilun's son Zhang Zhiyi, and this marriage connected Sun Baoqi's family with important families in the cultural world, and became a good story in the history of Chinese literature.

Zhang Ailing, as a giant of Chinese literature in the 20th century, her literary achievements can be called immortal. However, what few people know is that Zhang Ailing's stepmother is Sun Yongfan. This family connection had a profound impact on Eileen Chang's literary career.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

As Zhang Ailing's stepmother, Sun Yongfan has a close relationship with her biological mother, which also affected Zhang Ailing's growth and literary literacy to a certain extent. Eileen Chang's literary works often reflect themes such as family, marriage, and affection, which are closely linked to her family background. Her literary talent was fully developed under the protection of Sun Baoqi's family, and she became a generation of literary giants.

In addition, the close ties between Sun Baoqi's family and Li Hongzhang's family also provide a historical background and subject matter for Zhang Ailing's literary creation. Eileen Chang's works often involve important events and figures in modern Chinese history, and she is able to understand and express these historical situations more deeply through her family roots.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

Political career during the Republic of China

With the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Sun Baoqi's political career ushered in new opportunities. He continued to play an important role in the Republican period after the Xinhai Revolution and became an important figure in the political arena at that time.

After the Xinhai Revolution, Sun Baoqi quickly integrated into the new regime and held a number of important positions. He once became the premier of the Republic of China, giving advice on national government affairs. His political wisdom and experience have played an important role in this challenging and transformative era, contributing to China's political stability and development.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

Sun's political success stemmed not only from his intellect and courage, but also from his vast family network. His daughters were married into prominent political families of the time, allowing him to maintain a strong influence in politics. These marital relationships have made it easier for him to access political support and resources to continue to play a leading role in the political arena.

However, despite Sun's great political success, his life has also experienced many setbacks and changes. He died in 1931 at the age of 65. His passing marked the end of an era, but his political and family legacy will always be remembered for generations to come.

Sun Baoqi's life is part of China's modern history, and he has created a unique legend in the political arena and family relationships. His daughters were married to prominent figures, and he himself rose to prominence in politics and left a strong mark on Chinese history. In the light of an era, he is like a bright pearl, shining with his own light, forever remaining in the pages of Chinese history.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

Compare the "first father-in-law"

In Chinese history, there is not only Sun Baoqi, a figure known as the "first father-in-law", but also another high-profile candidate - Song Yaoru. Song Yaoru was an important politician from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, and he also had three daughters, each of whom married important figures of the time. Although his daughters were also married to prominent figures, he had not yet had time to enjoy the help of his sons-in-law at the time of his death.

Both of these "first father-in-law" candidates have achieved extraordinary achievements in the political and family spheres, but who is more worthy of the title?

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

The reason why Sun Baoqi is known as the "first father-in-law" is not only because he has 16 daughters, but also because his daughters married prominent figures at the time, building a huge network of in-laws. This network provided him with tremendous political support, helped him firmly establish himself in the political arena, and became an important figure in China's modern history. Moreover, his family has close ties with many fields such as culture and politics, and has made important contributions to the development and transformation of Chinese society.

In contrast, although Song Yaoru also had three daughters, he had not yet seen the help of his daughters' marriage when he died. Therefore, in terms of the construction of in-law networks and family connections, Sun Baoqi is obviously superior.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!


Sun Baoqi, a historical figure known as the "first father-in-law", his life is like a wonderful picture, outlining a magnificent chapter in China's modern history. Not only did he rise to prominence politically, but he also became a legend with a vast network of family and in-laws.

His 16 daughters, married to prominent figures of the time, built a powerful network of in-laws for him, allowing him to maintain a strong influence in politics. Sun Baoqi's family has close ties with the cultural, political, and social circles, and his daughters have also influenced the development of Chinese culture and literature.

Sun Baoqi's life is full of legends, and his blend of family and politics makes him a unique figure in Chinese history. His influence continues to this day, and his story continues to inspire people and make us wonder if he truly deserves the honor of "first father-in-law." In any case, his life will always be remembered as a shining pearl of China's modern history.

The most bullish old man in the late Qing Dynasty: married 5 wives and gave birth to 16 daughters, and the sons-in-law were all influential figures!

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