
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

author:Wenzhou Ancient Road

Text: The sky is high and the clouds are light

Yandang Mountain is a strange show in the world, the show is in the water, and the strange is in the stone. One of the three unique spiritual peaks of Yandang Mountain, it is strange to stone, and each of its peaks implies the beauty of a different style, which makes people never get tired of seeing it.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

I have a soft spot for Lingfeng, I remember that three years ago, my friends and I once climbed to the top of the peak along the ridgeline from the Xie Gongling Ancient Road on the right side of Lingfeng, and after looking down on the beautiful scenery of Lingfeng from the peak, we crossed from a remote trail to Lingfeng, so as to swim the whole scenic spot.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

At the beginning of the new year in 2024, we still chose Lingfeng for our first hike, but this time we climbed to the ridgeline of the summit from the left side of Lingfeng, that is, opposite Xie Gongling, and looked down on Lingfeng from the left.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

The starting point of the hike is Xianglingtou Village, which is located at the foot of Lingfeng, through the village, from a very remote path behind the village, into the mountain road, at the beginning of the mountain road is relatively rugged, thorns on both sides, but this road is very short, walk for more than ten minutes, and enter the trail.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

This is the Chaoyang Cave of Yandang Mountain, which belongs to a niche scenic spot in Yandang Mountain, but you need to climb the mountain all the way here, some sections are very steep and narrow, which is a route that consumes physical strength, not suitable for tourists, and seems to be more suitable for travelers.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Continue to climb up from the trail, with the increase in altitude, the surrounding mountains become more and more attractive, the beauty of the stones of Yandang Mountain is smart, there are eagle beak rocks that resemble giant eagles, and there are small stones that resemble human shapes.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Yandang Mountain is the flow pattern geology formed after the eruption of the Cretaceous volcano, the shape is on the outside and the show is on the inside, for hundreds of millions of years, only the water flow can cut out a deep stream, forming the spectacular scene we see today.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

The ruins of the walled city, the entire site is a section of stone walls, whether this is an ancient village or a bandit nest We do not know, because no text has been found to introduce the ruins.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Walking through the ruins of the walled city, there is a fork in the road ahead, go up to the top of the five elders, and go right to the Chaotian Gate.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

We first go to the direction of the five old people to walk a little way, to the top of Chaoyang Mountain, the stone tour trail ends here, the next road is only the donkey road, at the top of the mountain to see the five old peaks, we stop moving forward, turn back to Chaotianmen.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Under the blue sky as the background, Chaotianmen has a kind of shocking beauty, two mountain walls, looking at each other, the distance between the top and bottom is almost equal like a half-open door. Behind the door, there are thousands of barriers, which is a corner of Lingfeng!

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Continue to climb up to the ridgeline of Nantianmen, and when you get here, you can really understand the essence of the beauty of Yandang Mountain.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

The ridges here are narrow, the mountains are dangerous, the strange peaks are changing, the strange rocks are craggy, and the surrounding mountains are vast and immense, endless.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

The undulating ridgeline is like the beating notes on the staff, and we who swim on the ridge, the light steps are the beat of the notes.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Looking down on the ridge, the entire Lingfeng has been seen. Lingfeng is the east gate scenic spot of Yandang Mountain, with cliffs stacked on top of each other, strange peaks and strange stones, strange stone rooms, Bitan is clear and moist and famous, and Lingyan, Da Longchu and called Yandang three unique.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Get rid of the pain of looking up at the scenery in the Lingfeng Scenic Area, now overlooking the Lingfeng, the peaks are listed, the strange peaks are surrounded, the beauty of the lines of the mountain can be seen more clearly, the three-dimensional picture, more the majesty and beauty of the Lingfeng.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

There will be a little surprise on the way back, a rock piercing, like a skylight, staring at the entire Lingfeng, but also staring at us on foot.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

A line of sky, like a long mirror reflecting Lingfeng, is even more strange is that there is a boulder stuck at the bottom, as if flying from the sky.

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!

Calmly exiting from the entrance of the scenic spot, today's itinerary is just a closed loop. Looking back, I have overlooked the Lingfeng from both sides, and I have no regrets about the Lingfeng since then, so what is the harm in experiencing some fatigue? Hiking is a kind of life. It has stories, joys, and unforgettable experiences. For life, it is not a rare experience!

The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!
The favorite Lingfeng line is insufficient, the twin peaks are covered by the palms, and the view of a mountain is like a famous mountain in the sea!