
The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

author:Gluttonous cat food

Cat shovel officer should pay attention, if the cat has the following signs, in fact, it means that you are enduring pain, don't ignore it! Especially the novice shovel officer, many don't know, remember to collect it after reading!

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Indication 1: Curled up

If a cat suddenly curls up for a while, or makes hen squatting movements for a long time, then you should pay attention, the cat is likely to be in pain at this time.

Cats have a strong patience, and when they are injured or sick, they will endure the pain, so the shovel officer must not ignore the cat's behavior, and take the cat to the pet hospital for examination if necessary.

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Indication 2: Frequent licking of the same area

Cats usually lick their fur to clean their bodies, but they don't lick the same part often. If the cat licks the same part frequently, it is most likely that the cat is injured in this part, and it endures the pain and wants to use licking to relieve the pain.

At this time, the shovel officer should check whether the cat's licking part is injured, and if it is injured, the cat should be treated in time. If the cat licks its fur frequently because it is too anxious, then it is necessary to calm the cat's emotions in time.

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Sign 3: Shortness of breath

Under normal circumstances, the cat's breathing is gentle, and the breathing sound is not too loud. If a cat suddenly shows signs of shortness of breath and loud breathing, then the shoveler should pay attention, and the cat is likely to be sick.

It may be caused by poisoning, heart disease, respiratory diseases, and the situation is more serious, so be sure to send the cat to the pet hospital for examination in time!

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Sign 4: Rub your butt on the floor

If a cat frequently rubs its butt on the floor, you must not think that the cat is here to be funny, in fact, the cat has this sign, indicating that it is suffering from pain, don't ignore it!

Cats may have anal adenitis or may be infected with parasites that cause itching around the cat's anus and need to be rubbed on the floor to relieve discomfort. At this time, it is necessary to observe whether there are small white spots around the cat's buttocks, and deworm the cat in time!

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Sign 5: Hide in a corner

If the cat is usually lively and active, and suddenly curls up in the corner for a period of time, unwilling to come out and interact with the owner, it means that the cat is enduring pain at this time, and do not ignore it.

The cat hides because it is very weak, and it can't resist when it encounters danger. In addition, the cat hiding in the corner may also be emotionally abnormal, feeling scared and anxious, at this time, the shovel officer should appease the cat's emotions in time and reward the cat with some small snacks.

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Sign 6: Don't eat or drink

Normally, cats are very gluttonous, have a great appetite for food, and will eat on time. If a cat suddenly loses its appetite, or even does not eat or drink, it is likely to be sick, do not ignore it, and take the cat to check it in time.

If the cat's appetite is reduced just because the cat food is not suitable, then it is recommended to change the cat to a cat food with better palatability, which can improve the cat's appetite.

The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

Conclusion: Do you usually observe the changes in your cat's body?

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The cat has these signs, which is to imply that it is "enduring pain", don't ignore it!

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