
On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

author:Selection of agricultural products by agricultural managers

On the 26th day of the lunar month, there are many traditional customs with local characteristics in various parts of China. However, in addition to the well-known killing of pigs and cutting meat, there is another important custom that is often overlooked, and that is the "washing of blessings". On this day, regardless of whether rich or poor, every household will be cleaned, which means washing away the bad luck of the year and welcoming the arrival of the new year.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

"Baptism" is not only a cleaning activity, it is also a ritual that entrusts people's yearning for a better life. In the cold winter wax moon, the family gathered together, while cleaning, chatting about family life, and having fun. This warm atmosphere not only enhances the relationship between family members, but also symbolizes family and prosperity.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

In traditional Chinese culture, "Fulu" represents happiness and wealth. On the 26th day of the lunar month, the custom of "baptizing Fulu" is the embodiment of people's good expectations for the new year. By cleaning, people are not only cleaning the environment, but also clearing their hearts of worries and worries. In this way, they hope to wash away all the unhappiness and misfortune of the past year, and usher in good luck and happiness for the new year.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

During this process, people will also place some auspicious items in various corners of the house, such as oranges, peanuts, candies, etc., to welcome the arrival of good luck. These items not only symbolize a good harvest and abundance, but also carry people's expectations for a better life in the new year.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

In addition to cleaning the inside of the home, people also do some cleaning of public environments. For example, some villages or communities will organize people to clean streets, public places, etc. This kind of collective activity not only brings people closer together, but also strengthens the cohesion of the community. Through joint efforts, people work together to create a clean and tidy living environment, injecting new vitality and hope into the new year.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

On the 26th day of the lunar month, the custom of "washing Fulu" is not only a form, but also a way to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Through such activities, people not only inherit the traditional customs of the older generation, but also pass on the yearning and pursuit of a better life. The inheritance of this culture has a positive significance for maintaining social harmony and promoting family unity.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

In addition, the custom of "baptism" also reminds us to pay attention to hygiene and environmental protection. In the process of cleaning, people will pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the environment, so as to develop a good habit of caring for the environment. This kind of environmental awareness is especially important in today's society, it helps us to create a better living environment, and also to leave a home with blue skies and white clouds, green waters and green mountains for future generations.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, although the custom of "washing Fulu" seems simple, it contains rich cultural connotations and humanistic spirit. It teaches us to welcome the new year with gratitude, to cherish what is in front of us, and to pursue a better future. Through such traditional customs, we can not only better understand and inherit Chinese culture, but also draw strength and wisdom from them to create a better life for ourselves and our families.

On the twenty-sixth day of the lunar month, in addition to killing pigs and cutting meat, we must also "wash Fulu", keep in mind the tradition, and the coming year will be smoother

To sum up, as one of the important customs of the 26th month of the lunar month, "washing Fulu" is not only a cleaning activity, but also a cultural ritual that entrusts people's yearning for a better life. Through this day's activities, we not only inherited the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also learned to be grateful, cherish and pursue beauty. On this day, let's feel the charm of this traditional culture with our hearts, and pray for a happy and beautiful future for ourselves and our families.