
Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

author:Dr. Lin Health said

Introduction: Traditional Chinese medicine culture, as an important part of the traditional culture of the mainland, has a long history, can be traced back to 5000 years ago, the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine began to be conceived in the primitive social period, after thousands of years of development and improvement, the Spring and Autumn period has formed the basic theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine.

With its unique theoretical system and rich clinical experience, Chinese medicine escorts human health, in which Chinese herbal medicines, as the core components of Chinese medicine, play an indispensable role.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as 10,000 kinds of Chinese medicinal materials in the mainland, each of which has its own unique pharmacological effects and clinical effects, and among these medicinal materials, Astragalus is known as "good medicine for replenishing qi" because of its excellent efficacy and wide range of uses.

Speaking of astragalus, people who are keen on health care must be familiar with it, in ancient medical books, astragalus is described as having the effects of detoxification, qi and strengthening the surface.

In modern times, with the continuous enhancement of people's concept of health preservation, more and more people choose to drink astragalus soaked water to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and treatment. So, what are the health benefits of regularly drinking astragalus soaked water?

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


Nutrients of Astragalus


Astragalus is rich in polysaccharide compounds, such as aspartate glucoslycan, betalamine polysaccharides, etc., which have a regulatory effect on the immune system and help improve the body's immunity.


Astragalus is also rich in flavonoids, such as astragalus flavonoids, isoflavones, astragalin, etc., which are beneficial for cardiovascular health and immune function.

Flavonoids are an important class of natural active substances with a wide range of biological activities and can regulate multiple physiological functions such as cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune.

amino acid

Astragalus is rich in a variety of amino acids, including glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, etc., amino acids are the basic units of protein, which are essential for human growth and development and maintenance of normal function.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


What are the benefits of drinking astragalus water for a long time?

Boosts immunity

Astragalus is rich in polysaccharides, saponins and flavonoids, which have good anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, which can help enhance the body's immunity and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health

The saponins and flavonoids in astragalus can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and help prevent and improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Promotes digestion and absorption

Astragalus is rich in amino acids and trace elements, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, help food digestion and absorption, and have a good conditioning effect for people with weak stomach.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

Relieves fatigue

The saponins and polysaccharides in astragalus have a good anti-fatigue effect, which can help the human body quickly recover physical strength and relieve fatigue.

Beauty and beauty

The flavonoids in astragalus have a strong antioxidant effect, which can scavenge free radicals, reduce skin damage, delay skin aging, and increase skin elasticity and luster at the same time, which has a good beauty effect.

Protects the liver

The polysaccharide components in astragalus can protect liver cells, promote the recovery of liver function, and have a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on chronic hepatitis, fatty liver and other diseases.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


If you drink astragalus water for a long time, why do people become thinner?

The reason why people become thinner after drinking astragalus water for a long time is mainly based on the following reasons:

1. Astragalus has the effect of diuresis and swelling

Drinking astragalus water can help the body get rid of excess water, which has a good effect on relieving obesity caused by edema.

At the same time, by regulating the body's water circulation, it is possible to effectively reduce the swelling of the limbs, hands and feet, thereby achieving a slimming effect.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

2. Astragalus can also replenish the body and improve problems such as night sweats

Regular consumption of astragalus water can enhance the heart's ability to pump blood and increase the body's metabolism level, so that the body will consume more calories to achieve the goal of weight loss.

3. Astragalus also has the effect of lowering blood pressure

By reducing the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels, astragalus can speed up blood flow and provide more adequate energy and oxygen to internal organs, which can increase the body's metabolism level and further help people lose weight.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


Astragalus soaking water is a healthy drink that is suitable for the following people

1. Fatigue: Modern people often feel tired due to the pressure of work and life, and soaking in water with astragalus can help relieve fatigue and improve physical strength and energy;

2. People with low immunity: Astragalus has the effect of enhancing immunity, which can help improve the body's resistance and prevent colds and other diseases;

3. Patients with cardiovascular diseases: Astragalus has the effect of dilating blood vessels and lowering blood pressure, which helps to improve the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases;

4. Diabetic patients: Astragalus has the effect of lowering blood sugar, which can help diabetic patients control blood sugar levels;

5. Patients with liver disease: Astragalus has the effect of protecting the liver and gallbladder and helping to improve the symptoms of liver disease.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


Doctor: Be vigilant about the side effects of astragalus water

Lack of fluid in the body

Fluid deficiency in the body is a side effect of Astragalus water, which may be due to the diuretic effect of Astragalus, and excessive use may lead to the loss of fluid in the body, thus causing the phenomenon of fluid deficiency in the body.

If you find yourself feeling thirsty, dry throat, red tongue, etc., after taking astragalus water, it may be a sign of a lack of fluid in your body.

At this time, you should stop taking astragalus water immediately and consult a doctor for advice, in order to prevent the side effects of fluid deficiency in the body, we should pay attention to the appropriate amount of astragalus water.

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting is one of the side effects of astragalus water, but not everyone will experience this condition, for some people, drinking astragalus water may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and other uncomfortable symptoms, which may be because astragalus contains some irritating substances that have a certain irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

Astragalus is not a panacea for all people, and some people may experience adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions, liver and kidney damage, in addition to nausea and vomiting.

For people who are prone to nausea and vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms, it is recommended to pay attention to the appropriate amount when drinking astragalus water and not to drink too much.

Causes yin deficiency

Taking Astragalus Water may cause Yin deficiency, which is a common side effect, if you take too much Astragalus Water for a long time, it may lead to the depletion of Yin fluid, causing symptoms of Yin deficiency and fire, such as dry mouth, hot flashes, night sweats, upset insomnia, etc.

In order to reduce the side effects of Astragalus water, it is recommended to choose a reasonable dosage and compatibility of Astragalus under the guidance of a doctor. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the contraindications of astragalus, such as cold, damp heat, heat and poison, etc.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

In addition, during the period of taking astragalus water, you should avoid eating irritating foods such as raw and cold, greasy, spicy, etc., so as not to affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Easy to catch fire

Astragalus has a certain warmth, excessive or long-term use may cause fire, the symptoms of fire vary from person to person, but usually include dry mouth, bitter mouth sores, sore throat, toothache, etc.

For some people who are prone to fire or have a hot constitution, drinking astragalus water is more likely to trigger fire symptoms. In addition, if it is not properly matched or used with other drugs, it may also cause adverse reactions such as ignition.

In order to prevent the side effects of astragalus water, it is recommended to use astragalus under the guidance of a doctor, control the dosage and medication time, and if there are symptoms of fire, the dosage of astragalus can be appropriately reduced or temporarily stopped. At the same time, it can also be adjusted by combining other drugs to reduce the risk of fire.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


Astragalus and it are a "match made in heaven"? Doctor: Insist on soaking in water to drink, or help the blood vessels to be smooth

Huang Li + Dan Ginseng

Danshen has the effects of activating blood and removing blood stasis, clearing the heart and removing troubles, cooling blood and eliminating carbuncles, etc., and can be used with astragalus to better play its role in dredging blood vessels and reducing blood lipids, thereby helping to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Astragalus + wolfberry

Used with astragalus, wolfberry can better regulate human immunity, enhance resistance, and also help protect cardiovascular health.

Astragalus + honeysuckle

Honeysuckle has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and reducing swelling, and when used with astragalus, it can better regulate the metabolic balance in the human body, help improve blood circulation, and keep blood vessels smooth.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant


Read more: What is the difference between raw astragalus and burnt astragalus?

What is the difference between raw astragalus and burnt astragalus?How to choose raw astragalus and burnt astragalus are two different processing methods of astragalus, and they are slightly different in efficacy and use.

Raw Astragalus, also known as Astragalus Sheng, is made by simply processing the raw medicinal materials of Astragalus membranaceus, without frying or honey burning. Raw astragalus has the effect of invigorating qi and solidifying the surface, diuresis and swelling, supporting toxins and muscles, etc., and is often used to treat symptoms such as qi deficiency and fatigue, lack of food and loose stools, and sagging of middle qi.

Burning Astragalus, also known as honey burning Astragalus, is made by slicing raw Astragalus and stir-frying it with honey, Burning Astragalus has more effects than raw Astragalus to nourish qi, and has a good effect on treating symptoms such as qi deficiency and fatigue, lack of food, fatigue, shortness of breath and shortness of breath. In addition, astragalus also has a certain effect on moisturizing the lungs, which can be used to treat symptoms such as lung deficiency and cough, because of the addition of honey to astragalus, its taste is sweeter than raw astragalus.

Doctor: The side effects of astragalus water should be vigilant

When choosing raw astragalus and burnt astragalus, you should choose according to your own symptoms and physique, if you need to treat symptoms such as qi deficiency and weakness, sagging of middle qi, you can choose burnt astragalus, if you need to treat edema, lack of food and loose stools and other symptoms, you can choose raw astragalus. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the compatibility and dosage of drugs to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions.

In short, raw astragalus and burnt astragalus have their own characteristics, and the choice of which drug should be based on your own situation. When using, you should pay attention to the safety of medication, and seek medical attention in time if you feel unwell.