
What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

author:Strawberry Tea Party

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What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Edit: Strawberry Tea Party

The rights and interests of workers need to be taken into account

In this complex world, the brilliance of Olympic champions cannot hide the unknown hardships of the coaches behind them. However, recently, Coach Yu Lihua, the mentor of Yang Qian, the first gold winner of the Chinese shooting team, broke out a dispute over the distribution of bonuses, which attracted widespread attention. This is not only a case of a coach speaking out for rights, but also a warning to the rights and interests of workers in the field of sports. In the spotlight, Olympic champions are like bright stars, but there are many untold stories behind this starlight. Yang Qian's growth experience is the result of Coach Yu Lihua's careful training, after several tosses, from the beginning of primary school, Yu Lihua has taken a fancy to Yang Qian's potential, and led her to embark on the road of professional shooting training. This is not only Yang Qian's personal struggle, but also the hard work of a team, in order to get off to a good start in the Tokyo Olympics. Coach Yu Lihua's anger is like a flame that ignites, illuminating the dark places under the glory of the Olympics. The fact that the prize money for the Tokyo Olympics has not been paid is a direct indication of the margins of the coaches' rights. This is not only a protest by individual coaches, but also a voice representing the coaching team in the field of sports, a call for the reward of hard work of workers.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Athlete Success: The Coach's Quiet Dedication

On the stage of Olympic glory, every successful athlete has a group of coaches who work silently behind the scenes. Coach Yu Lihua has contributed a lot to Yang Qian's success, but his efforts have not been reciprocated. This bonus incident lifted a veil of obscurity and drew attention to the sacrifices and hard work of coaches behind the success of their athletes. Coaches are silently dedicated, but they are often ignored by society, or even a part of the sports system. This neglect of coaches' rights and interests is actually a disservice to sportsmanship. Sport is about excellence, teamwork and fair play, but if the rights and interests of the workers behind it are ignored, the purity and positive energy of sport will be compromised. The issue of coaches' bonuses is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to protecting rights and interests in the field of sports. The various deficiencies of the sports management system have a profound impact on the unfair treatment of the entire sports population. This is not only an individual problem for coaches, but also a systemic challenge in the field of sports in terms of protecting their rights and interests. We need to think carefully about how to build a more fair and transparent sports ecology from the sports system.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Lack of protection of rights and interests: Exposure of institutional loopholes

The issue of coaches' bonuses reveals the lack of protection of rights and interests in the field of sports, and it is also a concentrated manifestation of the loopholes in the system. The current management system does not fully take into account the contribution of coaches and other workers, resulting in a significant limitation in their returns. Loopholes in the sports system not only threaten the livelihoods of coaches, but also harm the long-term development of the entire sports industry. When discussing the issue of rights and interests in the field of sports, we must deeply understand the value of sportsmanship. This positive energy is fully reflected in the dedication of workers and the hard work of athletes. Protecting the rights and interests of workers is not only a respect for this positive energy, but also a long-term protection of the spirit of sports. They work hard and contribute to the development of elite athletes and sports. This selfless dedication is part of the spirit of sportsmanship and should be respected and rewarded by society.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Athletes' hard work: Go all out for victory

One of the core of sportsmanship is the spirit of hard work. Athletes go all out in order to win, and they do not hesitate to put in great efforts. This fighting spirit not only affects individual athletes, but also inspires the entire sports world. The dedication of athletes is the driving force for the development of sports, and it is also the concrete embodiment of the sportsmanship that we should respect. In the process of protecting the rights and interests of workers, respect for sportsmanship is the starting point. This means that there should be substantial feedback for the efforts of workers, not only materially, but also in recognition and respect for their efforts. Only in respect of sportsmanship can we build a more just sports ecology. Protecting the rights and interests of workers is not only an immediate issue, but also a long-term protection of sportsmanship. If workers' efforts in the field of sports are not treated fairly, it will be difficult to pass on the spirit of sportsmanship. In the long run, this will have a negative impact on the overall sports culture, causing more people to lose faith in sports.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

The fair reward of sport: the dignity that every worker deserves

Sport should be a field where everyone who works in the sport can be rewarded. This reward is not only financial, but also a reward for the dignity of their hard work. Every worker should find his or her own value in sports and enjoy fair returns, which is the true embodiment of the value of sportsmanship. In the process of building a more just sports ecosystem, we can learn from the experience of international sports governance. There are differences in the management of sports in different countries, some can better protect the rights and interests of workers, while others have similar problems. By comparing international sports governance, we may be able to find a more reasonable and scientific solution. Grassroots sports are the cornerstone of the entire sports system and a key link in the protection of rights and interests. In order to achieve fair protection for workers, it is necessary to establish a virtuous circle of training system starting from the grassroots level. Only in this way can a solid foundation be laid for the future of sport.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Strengthen the focus on grassroots sports: cultivate diverse talents

In order to strengthen the focus on grassroots sports, it is necessary to cultivate more levels of sports talents from the perspective of diversity. Training in different fields and the promotion of various sports are important links in building a diversified training system. By strengthening support for grassroots sports, we can develop more types of coaches to provide more comprehensive and professional training for athletes. In the construction of sports at the grassroots level, it is very important to create a good environment. This not only includes the construction of sports venues, equipment and facilities, but also involves the training and treatment of coaches. By improving the grassroots environment, we can provide better opportunities for workers to better perform their professions. In the construction of grassroots sports, talent training is a crucial aspect. In order to achieve a fair protection of rights and interests in the field of sports, it is necessary to break the threshold of training, so that everyone who loves sports has the opportunity to obtain training and development opportunities. By establishing a multi-level training system, we can give more people the opportunity to participate in sports and inject more vitality into the future of sports.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

The status of grassroots coaches: promotion and security

Grassroots coaches play a key role in the cultivation of sports talents, and they are also an important member of the workforce. It is necessary to pay more attention to grassroots coaches and improve their status and treatment. This not only includes giving reasonable financial incentives, but also involves providing them with more promotion opportunities and professional training in the sports system, so as to improve their comprehensive literacy and professional level and realize the attention to grassroots sports, which requires the tilt of resources from all aspects of society. The government, enterprises, media and other sectors of society should work together to provide more support for grassroots sports. This includes not only financial support, but also policy tilt towards grassroots sports, so that it occupies a more important position in the entire social sports ecology. By strengthening our focus on and support for grassroots sports, we can foster a more robust sports ecosystem. This ecosystem will be based on the grassroots level, through diversified training, to provide more opportunities for workers, and improve the quality and level of the entire sports system. Only in a sound sports ecology can the future of sports be brighter.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Social responsibility: to jointly safeguard the fairness of sports

Finally, the realization of fair protection of rights and interests in the field of sports requires the joint efforts of society. Governments, sports institutions, the media, businesses and sports enthusiasts, everyone should contribute to this goal. Only by working together can sports truly become a fair, just and positive field. Coach Yu Lihua's voice represents a positive call for the rights and interests of sports workers. The problem he pointed out is the general dilemma faced by the entire working group. The efforts of sports people are not only the honor of athletes, but also the hard work of coaches, staff and other silent devotees. We should respect this labor and protect the purity of sportsmanship, rather than allowing the issue of rights to become a stain on this bright stage. The exposure of rights and interests issues has made us more concerned about the complex entanglement of workers and the sports system. Coaches are both the guides of the athletes and the enforcers of the sports system. How to protect their rights and interests without destroying the operation of the entire sports mechanism has become a topic that needs to be pondered. The protection of rights and interests is not just a single case, but also a profound systemic issue.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Contribution questioned: Coach Yu Lihua's rhetorical question

Coach Yu Lihua questioned the Ningbo Sports School, asking whether the school recognized his "merits" and questioned the real concern of the school leaders for the athletes. He bluntly said: "Yang Qian, the champion, was selected by me and spent many years of painstaking training, isn't this a 'credit'?" This remark challenged the unfairness of the distribution of bonuses, and it was also a silent cry for the selfless contribution of the coaching team. Coach Yu Lihua's voice represents the voice of workers' rights. He blamed the school for being promoted and making a fortune, and he has not scored a penny as a champion coach, becoming the only coach who has not won an Olympic prize in Tokyo. This is not only a coach's statement to fight for his own rights, but also an appeal to the entire group of workers, demanding that their hard work be given due respect and protection.

What does Yang Qian think? Her mentor spoke: Pay back my hard-earned money, even if it is a moth to the fire, you must stick to the end

Determination to stand up for justice: the belief of moths to the fire

Coach Yu Lihua said that even if he has power, he must insist on justice, and expressed his persistence and determination with the metaphor of "moths fighting fires". He is not afraid to take risks, and for the rights and interests of workers, he will persevere to the end. This belief in fighting for justice has also become the highlight of the whole incident, triggering a deep reflection on the rights and interests of workers. Through Coach Yu Lihua's voice, we see the controversy over the rights and interests of workers and the unknown hard work behind them. This incident has aroused social attention to the rights and interests of workers in the field of sports, and has promoted the reflection on the unfair distribution of bonuses. Finally, whether this turmoil will be an important turning point for workers' rights in the field of sports remains a hotly debated topic.

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