
It's spring, is my love coming?

author:Xiaoxiao scholar

Hello friends

I am an old bachelor in rural Yunnan, and I feel that the year has passed very quickly, and spring has begun

Spring is coming, it's Spring Festival again, and in the blink of an eye I'm a year older

Year after year, year after year, I am still a bachelor

The beginning of spring is on, everything is recovering, and in the blink of an eye, it's the New Year, and it's really fast

How much sadness, how many grievances, in the dead of night, drink three glasses

It's spring, is my love coming?

It's not easy

Spring is coming, spring is coming, and everything is a new beginning

I am still quite confused in my heart, and life has to go on, and I am a pot of wine

A cup of tea for the great cause of thousands of years, in this rolling red dust, I am just a mustard seed in the red dust

When people reach middle age, they have to do it, life still has to go on, work hard

A new year and a new beginning, life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and distant dreams

Living single is not a sin, let alone a mistake, it can only be said to be a choice

If you're single, you're single, and there are a lot of singles now, and I'm not the only one

The spring flowers are so beautiful, the spring flowers are so fragrant, although I am a single

But I also have dreams, ideals, and thoughts. I also have poetry and wine in the distance

I wanted to pack my bags, take a book, take a dog, and set off with a jug of wine

It's spring, is my love coming?

It's spring

Spring is coming, and everything is coming back to life. A wonderful season

In the spring, I hope to meet you unexpectedly, there are always many regrets in life

However, I believe that life is good, and life is because of these regrets

It will be precious, friends, a brief introduction to myself

I'm from rural Yunnan, I'm 43 years old, and I'm still an old bachelor

I am who I am, it's as simple as that. Actually, I don't think it matters when people get to the point

It doesn't matter anymore. Life is more than what is in front of you, and it is not the mistake of being single

It's spring, is my love coming?

The values of life are different

The pursuit is different, and I believe that many people are pursuing a high quality of life

I'm no exception