
The U.S. military was provoked and carried out air strikes on Iraq and Syria, firing 125 missiles in a row

author:War Research

The U.S. military has always been showing off its Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyers have extremely strong air defense combat capabilities, but when the United States needs the Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyers to have strong air defense combat capabilities, the Yemeni Houthis almost successfully used anti-ship cruise missiles to strike a U.S. Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyer, it is understood that some time ago, in the process of the Yemeni Houthi armed forces using anti-ship missiles to strike US military targets, the Yemeni Houthi Houthi missiles had penetrated to a mile away from the U.S. Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyers, and if the Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyers had not used close defense guns to intercept at that timeIn fact, this has shown that the Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyer of the US army has great limitations in the process of air defense operations, and at the same time that the Arleigh Burke-class missile destroyer of the US army was almost bombed, a US base in Jordan was hit by a drone, and three soldiers died, and now the United States has been provoked, the United States quickly used strategic bombers and other warplanes to strike targets in Iraq and Syria.

The U.S. military was provoked and carried out air strikes on Iraq and Syria, firing 125 missiles in a row

A few days ago, the US military's KC-135 air tanker has been continuously flown from the US mainland to the Middle East for deployment, and when the United States deployed a large number of air tankers, in fact, it has already been explained that the United States wants to carry out a large-scale bombing operation in the Middle East, and before the large-scale bombing campaign carried out by the United States, the United States needs the deployment of air tankers, because the deployment of air tankers can cooperate with a large number of strategic bombers to carry out long-distance raids from the US mainland and complete the bombing mission of the targetIn the course of the transoceanic operations carried out by the B-1B strategic bombers, the B-1B strategic bombers and other warplanes fired as many as 125 missiles at targets in Iraq and Syria in succession, and 125 missiles also hit a large number of targets in Iraq and Syria in a row.

The U.S. military was provoked and carried out air strikes on Iraq and Syria, firing 125 missiles in a row

In the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russia is also constantly using strategic bombers to carry out operations, and Russia is using strategic bombers to bomb targets in Ukraine, most of Russia does not need the cooperation of air tankers, which is also because the range of strategic bombers and the range of cruise missiles are sufficient, but the United States wants to send strategic bombers from the mainland to bomb targets in the Middle East, or need air tankers to cooperate, this time the United States air tankers cooperate with B-1B strategic bombers, and complete the bombing operation without stopping, in fact, once again demonstrated the strong global strike capability of the US military。

The U.S. military was provoked and carried out air strikes on Iraq and Syria, firing 125 missiles in a row

If the United States wants to bomb targets in Iraq and Syria, there is actually no difficulty, and it only needs the cooperation of air tankers to complete, because the cooperation of air tankers can help US strategic bombers complete more long-range flights, and during the operation of a large number of US strategic bombers, US strategic bombers actually do not have to worry about the cruise missiles they launch being intercepted by air defense weapons, because for Iraq and Syria, the air defense strength of the two countries is very limited, and it is precisely because the air defense strength of the two countries is very limitedTherefore, it is difficult for these two countries to intercept missiles launched by US strategic bombers.

The U.S. military was provoked and carried out air strikes on Iraq and Syria, firing 125 missiles in a row

Today's situation in the Middle East has become a mess, after the fight in the Middle East, it is understood that the Yemeni Houthis have also launched several ballistic missiles into the Israeli-occupied zone, and now the chaos in the Middle East is actually related to the United States, and now the United States continues to stir up, resulting in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict It is difficult to cease fire, and after the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is difficult to ceasefire, the anti-American sentiment in the Middle East is now rising, and it can be seen that the Yemeni Houthi armed forces have attacked a large number of US warships and American civilian ships in the Red Sea, which is related to the conflict in the Gaza Strip。 Text/Iris

The U.S. military was provoked and carried out air strikes on Iraq and Syria, firing 125 missiles in a row