
Make real moves, do real work, and achieve practical results -- the courts of our province have implemented the "three provisions".

author:Guizhou Chang'an Net

In recent years, Guizhou courts have thoroughly promoted the implementation of the "Three Provisions" on preventing interference in the judiciary, focusing on high-level planning, in-depth study and understanding, publicity and guidance, and typical guidance. In 2023, the amount of information recorded and reported by courts in the province will increase by 13.12 times year-on-year, and 28,900 pieces of information will be recorded and reported.

Make real moves, do real work, and achieve practical results -- the courts of our province have implemented the "three provisions".

Enhance the "driving force" under the above rate

Supervision and inspection to enhance "execution"

Over the past year, the party groups of courts at all levels in our province have conscientiously fulfilled their main responsibilities and regularly studied and deployed the work related to the "three provisions". The courts of the province adhere to methods such as strengthening organizational leadership, keeping a close eye on the "key minority", and doing solid supervision and accountability, so that the implementation of responsibilities is not "broken", the disposal of information is not "discounted", and the supervision and guidance are not "suspended".

The party group of the provincial high court has conducted more than 270 special studies on the implementation of the "three provisions", the national court "three provisions" work scheduling promotion meeting and the relevant work arrangements of the provincial courts, and promoted the implementation of the "three provisions" on a regular basis.

Last year, Mao Ronghua, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Provincial High Court, put forward clear requirements for the implementation of the "three provisions" on different occasions such as the Provincial Court Party Style and Clean Government Construction and Anti-Corruption Work Conference, the Intermediate People's Court President's Symposium, and the Theme Education Special Party Class. The provincial court regularly sorts out the situation of the members of the leadership team to fill in the report, and regularly reports feedback, so as to promote the better play of the role of example.

The Provincial High People's Court informs the presidents of each intermediate court on the situation of filling in the cases of the courts in their jurisdictions every month, names and reports to the courts that have not implemented effectively, and urges the relevant intermediate courts to conduct interviews with the presidents of the basic level courts in the jurisdiction who have been "zero reports" for a long time and those who have not implemented effectively, and jointly dispatch discipline inspection and supervision teams to conduct collective interviews and reminders for departments with long-term "zero reports" of the court organs. In accordance with rules and discipline, each intermediate court is to strictly hold accountable the principal responsible persons of basic level courts and internal departments who have problems such as "zero reporting" for three consecutive months, and supervise the implementation of rectifications.

Over the past year, the courts of our province have strictly implemented the system of incorporating the "Three Provisions" into the matters of requesting instructions and reporting on major matters, and leading cadres at all levels reporting on the implementation of the "Three Provisions" by themselves and the departments they are in charge of at the annual democratic life meeting, organizational life meeting, and work report meeting. Include the implementation of the "Three Provisions" by cadres and police officers in the annual evaluation indicators, and make the implementation of the "Three Provisions" a key part of the investigation and conversation in the selection of cadres, the rank of judges, and the promotion of civil servants. Strictly follow the "Interim Measures for the Classification and Disposal of Information on the Guizhou Court's 'Three Provisions' Record and Reporting Platform", and do a good job of information comparison and analysis. The information filled in by the platform is screened one by one, analyzed and judged, and is notified and transferred in strict accordance with the notification and transfer mechanism between relevant units and political and legal systems in the province, and each piece of information is recorded, circulated, disposed of, and fed back to form a closed-loop management.

According to reports, the provincial courts will implement the "three provisions" into the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government, judicial inspections, trial supervision and special inspections, and the provincial high court will include the implementation of the "three provisions" into the comprehensive performance evaluation indicators of intermediate courts. Grasp the "three provisions" of the general supervision work, the deployment and implementation of the general supervision as an important part of the trial supervision and judicial inspection, full coverage of the jurisdiction of 9 intermediate courts and extended to 20 basic courts and 17 people's courts, each intermediate court set up supervision and inspection teams, in 20 targeted areas to carry out on-the-spot supervision of 49 basic level courts in the jurisdiction.

Combining learning and teaching to enhance "penetration"

Create an atmosphere to enhance "influence"

Normalcy learning is comprehensive, key guidance is precise, and warning education is diversified...... Over the past year, the courts of our province have highlighted in-depth study and understanding, and insisted on combining learning and teaching to enhance "penetration".

The courts of our province will fully implement the "three provisions" into the province's three-level court party group theoretical study center group, party branch "three meetings and one lesson", political rotation training and business training important content, invite the Supreme Court Supervision Bureau leaders to Guizhou to carry out the "three provisions" special lectures, the provincial court for the province's court clerk demonstration class training "three provisions", send personnel to Guiyang City and other parts of the grassroots courts to carry out training. The Intermediate People's Court of the jurisdiction has carried out "three regulations" training for key positions and new recruits, and continuously enhanced the awareness of cadres and police officers that "all questions must be recorded and all reports should be reported". The courts of the province have incorporated the "Three Provisions" into the Party Group Theory Study Center Group 238 times, used the "Three Meetings and One Lesson" to study a total of 950 times, included 204 times in political rotation training, and 266 times in professional training.

At the same time, the "Guizhou Court Prevents Interference in the Judiciary "Three Provisions" Filling Guidance Manual" and the "People's Court's "Three Provisions" Platform Filling Operation Guidelines" were formulated and issued to effectively solve the system operation problems after the optimization and upgrading of the platform, and effectively solve the outstanding problems such as the reluctance of many cadres and police officers to fill in, dare not fill in, and cannot fill in.

According to reports, courts at all levels have combined various forms such as the building of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work conferences, "one case and one rectification", collective interviews with clean government, and observing court trials, and used negative examples and the role of the things and people around them to clarify discipline, explain the law, and warn with cases, and carry out warning education 216 times throughout the year.

At the same time, the courts of our province highlight publicity and guidance, and insist on creating an atmosphere to enhance "influence".

Publicize the "Three Provisions" by means such as posting and broadcasting them in litigation service halls. The "Three Provisions" notice was included in the document template of the case management system, and more than 1 million people were sent to the parties along with the case, and the reporting telephone numbers of 99 courts were announced, and the parties to the case and lawyers were actively supervised. Using its own new media platform, it actively pushed more than 60 works such as cartoons, videos, and manuscripts to promote the "Three Regulations". Customize the "three provisions" prompt voice ringtones for the provincial court officers and police, form a "firewall" for incoming calls, and effectively reduce the occurrence of pying into cases.

Combined with activities such as political and legal visits, popularization of law into communities, and research on the rule of law, the "Three Provisions" were widely publicized to the masses, and the masses were thoroughly publicized on a daily basis. The courts of the province organized and carried out more than 170 external publicity activities, distributed more than 6,000 copies of publicity materials, and carried out 28 lectures on the "three provisions" and "four chiefs".

Courts at all levels have carried out publicity activities to party and government cadres, people's congress deputies, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and people from all walks of life in light of actual conditions. The Provincial High People's Court incorporated the content of the "Three Provisions" into court information and pushed it to the deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and included the publicity of the "Three Provisions" in the activities of the Constitution Publicity Day. The Guiyang Intermediate People's Court used the Provincial Court, the Provincial Legal Publicity Office, and the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court to jointly organize the trial activities for state employees to observe the trial to distribute brochures on the "Three Provisions" to observers, and with the help of the press conference on intellectual property protection, the "Three Provisions" publicity materials were distributed to the CPPCC members, market supervision bureaus and other cadres invited to participate in the press conference. The Qiandongnan Intermediate People's Court produced a propaganda brochure on the "Three Regulations" and distributed it to party and government organs throughout the state.

Demonstration drives the enhancement of "internal power"

Multiple measures to enhance "binding force"

Take the positive typical to guide the direction and set the benchmark with the positive typical demonstration. Over the past year, courts at all levels in our province have continued to strengthen positive guidance, make good use of positive incentives and guidance, and give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership.

It is understood that the courts in our province have strengthened the encouragement and praise for refusing parties, lawyers, intermediary organizations, etc. to prying into cases, giving away property and invitations to eat, and truthfully recording the report, so that the cadres and police officers know what to do. The party groups of the courts at all levels have studied and decided to circulate and praise 269 people and 1 court court for refusing parties, lawyers, intermediary organizations, etc. to prying into the case, giving away property and invitations to eat, and truthfully recording and reporting the report.

According to reports, the Provincial High Court insists on selecting 45 exemplary and typical cases and 49 people from the cases reported by the jurisdiction every quarter to report to the courts of the province.

"The provincial courts will implement the 'three provisions' into the whole process of trial management. According to the relevant person in charge of the Guizhou High Court, the courts of the province will implement the "three provisions" into the whole process of trial management. Through the methods of "notification must be made when a case is filed", "inquiries must be recorded", "deliberation must be reported", and "case closure must be promised", the "Three Provisions" are to be integrated into the entire process and all aspects of court work such as case filing, trial, and enforcement, and relevant materials are to be archived with the case file for future reference, to promote the integration of the implementation of the "Three Provisions" into the supervision of adjudication power. At the same time, the Provincial High People's Court issued the "Work Plan on Carrying out a Reverse Investigation of Whether Relevant Cases Violate the "Three Provisions", organized the court organs to carry out a reverse investigation of the case, and urged the courts at all levels in the jurisdiction to carry out a case reverse investigation at least once a year, and seriously investigated and dealt with the violations of rules and discipline by court staff found in the reverse investigation, and if it is found that leading cadres interfere with the interrogation and other political and legal organ staff violate the rules to intervene in the case, it shall be transferred in strict accordance with the procedures. It is understood that in the provincial political and legal committee led by the provincial political and legal organs to organize the investigation and rectification of the law enforcement and judicial stubborn diseases and the "five compilations" supervision and evaluation work, the overall situation of the court system to implement the "three provisions" related systems is better.

"We will intensify the management of departing personnel and close relatives to engage in lawyers. It is understood that in 2023, the courts in the province will carry out a total of 477 conversations with departing personnel, 481 people will sign a letter of commitment, 1,915 people will pay a return visit to the departing personnel, and 606 pieces of information on departing personnel will be notified to the judicial-administrative organs, and 10 close relatives will be adjusted to avoid positions in the lawyer's profession.

Source: Tianyan News


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