
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

author:Birds and grasses
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

On January 31, the third meeting of the first session of Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City was successfully held, and a total of 39 members of the first meeting of the Science and Technology City attended the meeting. Cai Jie, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of the Science and Technology City, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhuang Huahua, member of the Party Working Committee of the Science and Technology City and secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of the Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City, presided over the meeting.

The meeting listened to the "Report on the Work of Hangzhou Qingshanhu Science and Technology City in 2023 and the Completion of "Doing Practical Things for Enterprises" in 2023 and the Selection of "Doing Practical Things for Enterprises" Projects in 2024" and the "2023 Work Report of the Qingshanhu Science and Technology City Liaison Office of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Lin'an District, Hangzhou", and voted for the 2024 "Doing Practical Things for Enterprises" project of the Science and Technology City.

2024 "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project

Urban supporting projects

Talent attraction and retention projects

Business incubation projects

Talent apartment project

Road traffic construction projects

Commercial supporting projects

In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

Cai Jie pointed out that Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City, as one of the first pilot units of the people's congress work of the province's development zone (park), has become a "golden business card" for the implementation of the "No. 1 reform project" for the optimization and improvement of the business environment in the science and technology city. In the two years since the pilot, the council has fully conveyed the feelings of enterprises and the people, reflected the voices of enterprises and the people, effectively promoted the scientific decision-making of various work in the Science and Technology City, and ensured that enterprises and the masses enjoy more and more effective democratic rights.

Focusing on how to insist on making good use of the council system and better play its positive role in promoting the development of science and technology city, serving enterprises and serving the masses, Cai Jie put forward three requirements:

First, we must take a firm stand and be loyal.

The members of the council should deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", consciously be loyal supporters of the "two establishments" and demonstration leaders of the "two maintenances", and take serving the high-quality development of the science and technology city as the first priority in fulfilling their duties. Give full play to the organizational advantages of the council, take the initiative to go deep into reality, go to the front line, and go deep into the grassroots, and build a "heart-to-heart bridge" between the government and the people.

Second, we must concentrate our efforts to promote development.

The members of the council should always take supporting development, serving development, and promoting development as their primary responsibility, play an exemplary and leading role, base themselves on their own posts, focus on scientific and technological innovation, industrial transformation and upgrading, grassroots social governance and other key areas to do a good job in investigation and research, and make every effort to promote the implementation of various key tasks one by one and achieve results one by one.

Third, we must care about the masses and solve people's worries.

The members of the council should deeply practice the development concept of "people-centered", further play the important role of "microphone" and "spokesperson", actively promote the science and technology city, publicize the science and technology city, tell the story of the science and technology city, make full use of their own network resources and information resources, play a more role in attracting investment, attracting big and strong, and recruiting talents, and do a good job in the project of "doing practical things for enterprises", achieve the expected results, and continuously enhance the endogenous power of the whole process of people's democracy in Qingshan Lake.

The scene of the council

In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

▲Zheng Min, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City, made a report on the completion of the work and "doing practical things for enterprises" in 2023 and the solicitation and selection of "doing practical things for enterprises" in 2024 in Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City, Zhejiang

In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

▲Zhou Hainan, Director of the Office of the Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City Management Committee and Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City of the Standing Committee of the Lin'an District People's Congress, made the "2023 Work Report of the Liaison Office of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Lin'an District, Hangzhou"

In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

▲Voted for the 2024 "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project site of Qingshan Lake Science and Technology City.

In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!
In 2024, the "Do Practical Things for Enterprises" project will be released!

▲ The members of the council and the attendees discussed the reports in groups.