
"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

author:Art Scene
"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

There are two things in life that you can't miss, the car back home, and the people who love you.

The smell of the year is getting stronger, urging people to return.

The annual Spring Festival has kicked off.

Ten days after the Spring Festival began, many people had already set foot on their way home.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

People from all over the world, carrying large bags and small bags.

With a backpack stuffed with gifts on his back, he was in a hurry, just for reunion.

I accidentally saw a video that made my eyes wet again.

In Shandong, a family drove home for the New Year.

Xu couldn't hold back the expectations in his heart anymore.

Or maybe it's because I want the road home to be smoother.

They put a banner on the rear window of the car:

"More than 2,000 kilometers back to my parents' home, the road is long, please take care of me. ”

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

A daughter who is married far away, no matter how far the road is, she can't resist the heart of going home.

However, clicking on the comment area, the message is very heart-wrenching.

"I just want to ask why not fly?"

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

Yes, more than 2,000 kilometers of road, it takes more than 3 hours by plane.

It takes at least 2 days to drive.

The car was cold and hard, and there was no place to rest.

Why this sin?

Netizens pierced the truth in one sentence.

"Because it's cheap. ”

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

Why do some people insist on driving home for the New Year in the era when high-speed rail planes are so convenient?

Is it because they don't know how to enjoy?

No, it's just because I worked hard outside for a whole year, and I had to pay for every penny.

A family of several people will have to fly home for at least a few thousand yuan.

It's almost catching up with a month's salary for ordinary workers, and not everyone is willing to do it.

A year's hard work, just for the reunion of Chinese New Year's Eve.

Just to be able to go home to see the children and do their filial piety, they would rather wronged themselves.

The Chinese are reunited because there are too many differences.

In life, we take a lot of things for granted.

Not really.

The curtain is down, and where light and shadow can't reach, there are too many indescribable sadness.

When we want to criticize others, remember that not everyone has the same superior conditions as you.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

I once looked at a question:

Some people ask, what is the difference between high-speed rail and trains?

Netizen answer: Those who take the high-speed rail have money and no time, and those who take the train have time and no money.

That's true.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

Compared to high-speed rail, trains are crowded and noisy.

The smell is smoky, unpleasant air mixed with the smell of instant noodles.

There was a noisy conversation in my ears, and even sleeping became a problem.

The high-speed rail is very fast, so fast that you can reach Sinian in just one sleep.

The train is slow, so slow that one journey can listen to a person's whole life.

But for many people, the most important thing is:

The cost of the train is less than half of that of the high-speed rail.

Therefore, most of the people on the high-speed train are children, and the people on the train are parents.

If they could, who wouldn't want to see their child's family sooner?

Who wouldn't want a good night's sleep?

But the helplessness of life made them have to slow down even the pace of going home.

Have you ever seen the army of motorcycles on the road during the Spring Festival?

On the first day of the Spring Festival, this year's motorcycle army has set off.

In the weather, when they are shivering when they walk outdoors, they can only put plastic bags on their feet to fight the cold.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

At the back of the car is the luggage tied with hemp rope several times, and the bottom of my heart is the expectation that I will arrive.

Some people say that the cost of going home is 3,000 yuan, and they are reluctant.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

But no matter how far the road is, it can't stop the wanderer's heart like an arrow.

Hurried steps, bulging bags.

In their backpacks, they are wrapped in the hope of a wanderer who has worked hard for a year.

Even if it's a long journey, even if it's a tiring journey.

As long as it's the way home, even the cold wind is sweet.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

If you have money or not, go home for the New Year.

Behind this simple slang phrase lies the greatest sense of ritual of the year for Chinese.

Because there is a home to go back to, the separation has meaning.

Because of the family reunion, there is an expectation for the Spring Festival.

In Chongqing, her granddaughter drove 23 hours and traveled 1,600 kilometers home.

Knowing that his granddaughter was coming, the grandfather paced in the yard early.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

It wasn't until the horn sounded when the granddaughter arrived that a worried heart hung in the air.

The more I grew up, the more I realized how happy it was to have someone waiting at my doorstep.

No matter how hard and tired you are, the moment you arrive at your doorstep, it becomes worth it.

Only the reunion after a long absence, the joy of family blind dates.

In the service area of Fuyin Expressway, a reporter interviewed the car owners who were waiting for the card in the row.

Their destination is all over the world.

But it's all the same, stuffing the trunk full of gifts.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

Someone prepared toys and a whole set of new clothes for the child.

Someone brought Chaoshan specialty beef balls to their parents in Anhui to taste.

They said that although the way home is far away, the parents are there, and the home is there.

There is no hometown in the world, just because there is a foreign country.

There is no longing in the world, just because of parting.

We hid our hometown behind us and went out on our own.

Leaving home, tossing and turning in one strange city after another.

Isn't it just for this once-a-year reunion.

For the light at home that waits for you no matter how late it is.

Even if there is a month in another country, it is not as good as a lamp in his hometown.

When the familiar country sounds in the ears.

When the taste of memory blooms on the tip of the tongue.

When people who were previously only visible through the screen, hold your hand tightly.

We have truly found our own peace of mind.

Tired birds return to the forest, fish fly to the shallow bottom, and fallen leaves return to the roots......

The greatest happiness in the world is nothing more than that.

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station.

The uncle of the migrant worker, who was still wearing a hard hat on the construction site, was waiting for the train to enter the station.

The reporter asked, have you made money this year?

The uncle smiled shyly: both children are in college, as long as they can earn enough for them to eat flowers.

"Money doesn't matter, the biggest wish is that your family is safe. ”

"The plane ticket is so cheap, why do people still drive 2,000 kilometers home?"

Yes, we have been busy for a year, and what we want most is a healthy reunion of our families.

All our lives, we are in search of money and status.

All want to live their best life.

But only when you are separated do you understand that there is nothing like the company of your family.

It is comparable to the health of children and the safety of parents.

Lin Yutang once said:

"Happiness is nothing more than four things, sleeping in your own bed, eating the food cooked by your parents, chatting with your wife, and playing games with your children. ”

Adults who are coerced by life have long been accustomed to loneliness and toil.

It seems that only when you go home for the Chinese New Year can you feel loved well.

When the New Year's bell rings, as long as the family sits together.

Even if you only eat a bowl of dumplings, your heart is as sweet as honey.

How much money is enough?

How high do you have to stand to be tall?

The greatest happiness in life is the simplest:

There is a home to go back, someone to accompany you, there is food to eat, and there is sleep.

A ticket with a return date is the greatest comfort of the year.

No matter how far you go, home is the starting point.

In the past year, whether it is hard work or regret, don't look back.

Because there are your favorite family members, your favorite meals, and the warmest lights at home.

Trains are fast and slow.

The time may be long or short.

But no matter how slow the pace is, you have to go home.

Let's put aside the burden of adults for a short time and only be the children of our parents.

Happily talk about the ups and downs of the year, and have a good year with joy.

May all the waits not be disappointed.

All wanderers will eventually have a way back.