
Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service

author:Fusion media in the cloud
Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service
Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service
Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service

Meritorious service is in the barracks, and the good news of meritorious service is sent home. In order to enhance the sense of pride and honor of servicemen and their families, and to arouse the people's enthusiasm for patriotism and support for the army, the military and local authorities of Tuoketuo County recently sent good news and condolences to the family of Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier who was awarded a second-class meritorious service.

Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service

It is understood that Ma Jianxun, a native of Shuanghe Town, Tuoketuo County, is the first comrade to receive third-class merit and second-class merit since the establishment of the Tuoketuo County Veterans Affairs Bureau, and is now serving in a certain department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy, and has been awarded 1 third-class merit, 3 commendations, 1 outstanding compulsory soldier, 2 outstanding non-commissioned officers, 2 outstanding soldiers, and 2 outstanding soldiers.

Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service

The good news activity is an encouragement to the soldiers, and the military families are concerned, although the good news is small, it is of great significance, it carries the highest honor of the soldiers, reflects the dedication of the military families, and highlights the high recognition of the society. In the next step, the Tuoketuo County Veterans Affairs Bureau will continue to uphold the principle of military-local coordination, further promote the construction of the military honor system, further create a strong atmosphere of respecting military personnel in the county, stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses to support the army, and encourage school-age young people to actively join the military camp and make contributions.

Tuoketuo County Rong Media Center Li Haoming, Qiao Jianmin, Wang Yafeng, Wang Yaru (intern)

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Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service
Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service

Ma Jianxun, an active-duty soldier in Tuoketuo County, was awarded a second-class meritorious service