
People with malignant tumors in the body generally have 4 manifestations in the body, so it is recommended to have a self-examination

author:Doctor Sanqin

Content Sources:

1. Chen Qiren. Oncology: Modern Clinical Medicine Series[M]. People's Medical Publishing House, 2009.

2. Zou Shenglin. New progress in cancer diagnosis and treatment[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2007, 14(5): 88-89.

3. Zhang Boli. Research on cancer prevention and treatment in contemporary China[M]. China Medical Science and Technology Press, 2011.

65-year-old Uncle Xu is an empty nester, his wife left early in the early years, and he relied on him to raise the children alone. For a long time, Uncle Xu's physical health has been poor, and he is often a major illness without a minor illness.

During this time, Uncle Xu didn't know what was wrong, he always had a fever over and over again, sometimes it didn't work no matter how he took medicine, and sometimes he might just leave him alone, and in general it was very confusing, so that Uncle Xu was helpless.

Because Uncle Xu lives alone, no one knows about such a strange body, and he still wants to go to the hospital when the high fever does not go away, but whenever he decides to go, he will find that everything has returned to normal, and he has repeatedly tossed so much, Uncle Xu also has an answer in his heart, maybe he is too old to be useful.

The fever is still repeating. On this day, someone in the village came to the door to chat, knocked on the door and no one responded, and the people who came at that time had an ominous premonition in their hearts, after all, there are too many real cases of old people living alone who have died without being discovered.

People with malignant tumors in the body generally have 4 manifestations in the body, so it is recommended to have a self-examination

With a nervous mood, the man cautiously opened the door and walked all the way in the direction of the bedroom, fortunately, the person was still alive, but he didn't look very good, so he quickly woke up Uncle Xu and asked what was wrong.

Uncle Xu saw that the person who came was his neighbor, and he felt very cordial in his heart, waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal, I just have a fever when I have old bones, so we don't have to make a fuss." Having said that, the neighbor always felt that something was wrong, and when he returned home, he informed the old man's children.

On the other end of the phone, Uncle Xu's son learned about his father's recent situation, and he felt very uncomfortable, because of his perennial work, he had not come to see Uncle Xu for a long time, and when he learned that his father was so seriously ill, he rushed home the next day, so that he took Uncle Xu to the hospital for examination.

While waiting, Uncle Xu's son was teary-eyed, looking at his father's old face, he himself was also remorseful, he never thought that there was anything wrong with his father's safety before, even if his father was already so uncomfortable, he still didn't reveal a word.

While waiting, Uncle Xu's son paced repeatedly, praying in his heart that he would not be cured by that disease! However, the sky did not follow people's wishes, and it turned out to be cancer! The high fever that had been repeated again and again before did not go away was a warning sign.

People with malignant tumors in the body generally have 4 manifestations in the body, so it is recommended to have a self-examination

Recurrent high fever that does not go away can be a precursor to cancer, mainly because some symptoms associated with cancer can cause a persistent high fever. First, cancer cells can release pro-inflammatory factors, such as cytokines and interleukins, which can cause a systemic inflammatory response, including fever.

Second, the cancer tissue can directly invade surrounding tissues and organs, leading to local infection and fever. Finally, cancer patients may have a weakened immune system that is unable to effectively fight infections, leading to persistent fever.

In addition to the biological mechanisms that directly cause fever, some studies have also found that persistent high fever may be a manifestation of early symptoms of certain cancers. For example, people with cancers such as lymphoma, leukemia, and kidney cancer often have recurrent fevers in their early stages, so recurrent high fevers may be one of the early signs of these cancers.

In addition, some unexplained fevers, especially long-term and persistent fevers, also need to be alert to the presence of underlying cancer. When other causes of the disease are ruled out, persistent fever is likely to be a manifestation of neoplastic fever, and relevant tests are required promptly.

In fact, when we mention cancer, the appearance of cancer is indeed scary, but if we can pay attention to these four aura symptoms, it may help us to identify correctly: cancer cells may have come knocking on the door!

People with malignant tumors in the body generally have 4 manifestations in the body, so it is recommended to have a self-examination

Cancer is a disorderly malignant tumor, and its emergence and development are affected by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, etc. The symptoms of cancer in the early stages are often subtle, but as the disease progresses, the patient's body will develop some more typical manifestations. Here are the four main manifestations of cancer in the body that can be triggered:

1. Weight loss for no reason

Sudden weight loss is often a warning sign of cancer, especially when the weight loss reaches more than 5% of the patient's total body weight. Many cancer patients lose significant weight without deliberately dieting or increasing physical activity, usually due to the metabolic activity of cancer cells that consumes a lot of energy, resulting in an imbalance in the body's normal metabolism.

2. Persistent fatigue

Cancer patients often experience extreme fatigue and lack of energy, which cannot be relieved by rest. The growth of cancer cells requires the consumption of a large amount of nutrients and energy, which may affect the functions of other systems in the body, especially the suppression of the production of red blood cells, and the possibility of anemia, which leads to a decrease in the body's oxygen delivery function and makes the patient feel persistently tired.

People with malignant tumors in the body generally have 4 manifestations in the body, so it is recommended to have a self-examination

3. Pain

As cancer cells expand, they may invade surrounding tissues, compress nerves, and cause pain, which is often a sign of more advanced cancer. For example, back pain may be a sign of pancreatic or prostate cancer, persistent headaches may be a sign of a brain tumor, and bone pain may be a sign of bone cancer or metastasis of cancer cells that have metastasized to the bone.

4. Persistent or abnormal bleeding

Cancer can cause changes in the normal structure and function of body tissues, causing abnormal bleeding. For example, bowel cancer can cause blood in the stool, gynecologic tumors in women may cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, and lung cancer may cause hemoptysis. In addition to these direct bleeding, cancer can also cause bleeding indirectly by affecting the blood's clotting function.

People with malignant tumors in the body generally have 4 manifestations in the body, so it is recommended to have a self-examination

In summary, the diversity of cancer signs is determined by many factors such as the location, size, spread and physical condition of the tumor. As the cancer progresses, patients may experience a range of complex symptoms, and the symptoms mentioned above are just a few of the most typical and common.

In any case, if one of the above symptoms appears, it is advisable to consult a doctor for an examination as early as possible to rule out the possibility of cancer or other serious diseases.