
Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

author:The story of the state city

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Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)
Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)
Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

The Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor ● Rao Zijian


We withdrew to Linze, and the enemy bombarded the empty enclosure all night, because they were bombarded with artillery fire from all sides, so it was impossible to distinguish how much firepower there was in the enclosure, and it was not until dawn that we knew that we had been hit by our "empty city plan" and that the enemy was angry and ashamed, so he immediately turned his head to the east and surrounded Linze with great vigour, and the battle went on for a whole day. Stubbornly held on to Linze City and repelled numerous strong attacks by the enemy.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

★ The former site of Linze County

In the middle of the afternoon, when I came to the section of the city where the second battalion was defending, I saw Battalion Commander Zhang standing on the top of a house next to the city wall, aiming his probe at the enemy to shoot, I asked him to pay attention to safety, and just said loudly: "Battalion Commander Zhang, be careful, don't raise your head too high!" Before he could finish speaking, one of the enemy's bullets hit him in the head, and he immediately fell, and I hurriedly stepped forward to hug him and called: "Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, wake up, wake up!" But he couldn't say a word. I saw the corners of his mouth twitch twice, and his head drooped, shedding the last drop of blood for the revolution......

The horse bandits were very accurate in marksmanship, and some soldiers used tree branches to pick up their hats and lift them out of the city walls to deceive the enemy, and in a few moments, the enemy's bullets could pierce the hats through several holes. Despite this, the city of Linze was held by our strong Red Fifth Army, which was a victory at the cost of heavy sacrifices, and we sacrificed many cadres and soldiers, including Chief of Staff Jun Cai. After the enemy's attack failed, he was afraid that we would go out of the city at night to pursue, so he withdrew from his position in the evening.

Later, Comrade Zhang Lixiong, commander of the 39th Regiment and political commissar of the 45th Regiment, who had gone to Gaotai to participate in the battle, suddenly came to the unit. It turned out that when the high platform was breached by the enemy, they hid in the wall of the villager under the cover of a fellow villager, and escaped the enemy's search, and then the kind-hearted villager took out his own clothes and put them on, let them disguise themselves as ordinary people in the northwest, and sent them out of the city with ox carts. I will go out of the city and bring you bread and grass. The enemy sentry saw that there were two "common people" on the ox cart, so he didn't care and let him go. Without the cover of this kind-hearted fellow, they would never have survived!

Political Commissar Zhang recounted the disastrous defeat in the battle of Gaotai with great grief and grief: The battle went smoothly at the beginning, and Commander Dong led his troops to take Gaotai in one fell swoop, annihilating more than 1,400 people of the enemy's security regiment and militia regiment. The masses in Gaotai had never seen such a good army, and they did not commit rape or robbery, and they even went to the people's homes to ask for warmth and warmth, and they all cheerfully welcomed the Red Army! Immediately afterwards, Commander Dong made arrangements for the defense of the city, with the 45 th Regiment guarding the southeast of the city and the 39 th Regiment guarding the southwest of the city, and two cavalry companies on standby in the north of the city.

When the horse bandits learned that Gaotai had been lost, they sent a large number of cavalry to encircle and attack Gaotai.

The enemy first occupied the villages in the west of the city to block the road for our army to advance westward, and then occupied the villages in the south and east of the city, and besieged the Gaotai regiments with an absolute superiority of eight to ten times, and continued to attack every day.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

★ The former site of the General Headquarters of the Red 5th Army (Gaotai County Catholic Church)

(To be continued)

(This article is selected from the September 2009 edition of the People's Liberation Army Publishing House, Volume 15 of "The Complete Works of the Spark in the Plain")

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)
Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

Rao Zijian

Rao Zijian, formerly known as Rao Guohan. Born in 1909, he is a native of Liuyang County, Hunan Province. Outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, long-tested loyal communist fighter, proletarian revolutionary, outstanding military commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and senior general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In the article, he is the chief of staff of the 39th Regiment and the commander of the 37th Regiment of the 5th Army of the Western Route Army of the Red Army. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and was awarded the Order of August 1, the Order of Independence and Freedom, and the Order of Liberation of the First Class. In 1988, he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Red Star, 1st class. In 1955 he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. He is a member of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Chinese. He died in Nanjing in 2000.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)
Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)


February 3, 1932

The Red 5 Corps began to break the mixed formation. Liu Bojian, director of the Political Department of the Legion, held a recreation training class in the Legion; Each company has set up a propaganda group to select young, educated, eloquent, and vigorous soldiers to serve as propagandists, and to work with the company instructors to set up Lenin's room, organize singing, rehearsals, dances, tell stories, tell jokes, and guess riddles; and also organize a flying newspaper reading group and a disguised speech team to report news and lecture on current affairs to the soldiers.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)


February 3, 1933

The Political Department of the Red 5 Corps notified the request to launch a thrift campaign throughout the corps in order to answer the enemy's economic blockade with a thrift campaign.


February 3, 1934

The General Hall of the Red 13th Division Garrison. The 1st Battalion of the 39th Regiment drove to Huangjia Pass, took over the garrison task of the 15th Division, and built the fortifications from Huangjia Pass to Heqiao. The remaining ministries are still reinforcing their fortifications in place. Song Renqiang, the political commissar of the 13th Division, was transferred from the Second Soviet Conference, worked hard along the way, and became quite sick.

The 34th Red Division was ordered to withdraw from the county seat of Shaxian and go to the areas of Ninghua, Qingliu, and Guihua to eliminate militia groups, crack down on bandits, raise food, mobilize the masses, organize local armed forces, and prepare for guerrilla warfare against the enemy.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

★ The commanding heights of the mountain behind the General's Palace, the Red Army trenches in Yangpo Village


February 3, 1935

The Central Revolutionary Military Commission sent a telegram to all army corps: "In order to quickly get rid of the current enemy and gather all its strength for action, our field army has specially changed the watershed, Shuiluan, paddy field, and Tashi as the general operational objectives. "The corps of the Red Army overtook the enemy on the flanks with a rapid march and quickly concentrated in the area south of Changning and north of Tashi, and the vanguard Red 1st Army Corps was the first to enter Yunnan. The 5th Army Corps of the Red Guards blocked Yongning from pursuing the enemy, and the column of the Military Commission advanced to the Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan border areas through the line of Moni. Red Army commanders and fighters spent the Chinese New Year's Eve of 1935 on the march.

The headquarters of the Red 5 Corps was stationed in Mani.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

★ The Manigu Road through which the Red 5 Corps passed


February 3, 1936

In order to lose no time in first winning over Zhang Guotao to lead his troops north, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China first asked Lin Yuying to telegraph to Zhang Guotao: There are large Soviet areas in southern Shaanxi, and the first step of the Red Fourth Front Army is to move to Sichuan-Shaanxi, Shaanxi-Gansu, and southern Shaanxi.

The main force of the Red 5th Army was stationed in Danba, and the soldiers could not eat food, so they had to dig wild vegetables, pick wild fruits, and peel tree bark to satisfy their hunger, and also bought unripe pears from the common people to eat. The number of sick people increased day by day, and the number of troops was reduced day by day.

Xu Xiangqian and Chen Changhao sent a telegram to Dong Zhentang, commander of the Red Fifth Army, Huang Chao, deputy commander Luo Nanhui, director of the Political Department of the Red Army, and Shao Shiping, chairman of the Dajin Provincial Soviet, stationed on the front line of Mengbi Mountain in Danba and Matang. ”


February 3, 1937

The troops of the Western Route Army, which had only more than 10,000 men left, gathered in an area of only 150 square kilometers around Nijiayingzi, and endured constant siege by an enemy several times their size, suffering serious casualties and greatly reducing the number of combat troops.

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

★ The site of the battle of Wangjiadun in Nijiaying

Red Fifth Army of the Iron Army: Red Fifth Army in the Hexi Corridor (6) Today of the Red Fifth Army (February 3)

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I am the Red Clay Laoji, I will tell you about the Red Fifth Army, thank you for reading! Welcome to follow, welcome to share!

(Red Fifth Army Research Society)