
Foreign milk powder is frequently on the quality "black list", is your baby's "ration" safe? Insiders: Consumers cannot blindly worship

author:Shenyang Evening News
Foreign milk powder is frequently on the quality "black list", is your baby's "ration" safe? Insiders: Consumers cannot blindly worship

Recently, the news that a number of imported milk powder sampling tests are unqualified has aroused social concern. Previously, many parents of newborns had thought that the price was high, and the milk powder must be good, and that choosing cheap milk powder was not good for the child's development. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Some insiders told reporters that there are many factors affecting the price of milk powder, such as milk source, process, tariffs, transportation costs, nutritional formulas, etc.

Abbott was fined $9.09 million for vanillin

Previously, according to a batch of administrative penalty information released by the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Abbott Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was given an administrative penalty by the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on May 6 for producing and operating food and food additives contaminated by packaging materials, containers, means of transport, etc. The penalty content is confiscation of goods, confiscation of illegal gains of 3.4374 million yuan, and a fine of 9.0931 million yuan.

Foreign milk powder is frequently on the quality "black list", is your baby's "ration" safe? Insiders: Consumers cannot blindly worship

Image source: Sky Eye Check

On December 1 last year, the sampling staff of the State Administration for Market Regulation conducted a supervision and sampling inspection of the "Abbott Platinum YouenMeili Infant Formula 0-6 Months Age 1 Stage" (batch number: 18042NT, production date: June 3, 2020, specification; 900g/can) imported and distributed by the parties in a mother and baby store in Ningbo. After the examination, it was found that the measured value of the vanillin project was 171.6 μg/kg.

It is reported that the products involved are produced by Abbott Group's Irish factory.

It was found that the parties imported 45,078 cans of the above-mentioned batches of products from July to August 2020, and sold a total of 44,306 cans between September and December last year, and the recall and inventory of the above batches of products totaled 16,225 cans. After a third-party audit, the total value of the goods in this case was 9,093,140.58 yuan, and the total proceeds were 3,437,407.29 yuan.

Abbott responds:

Very small amounts of vanillin are not harmful to the health of infants and young children

According to the data, according to China's current food safety regulations, vanillin can be used in formula milk powder of infants and young children over 6 months old to improve taste, and is currently one of only three allowed flavors and fragrances (vanillin, ethyl vanillin and vanilla bean extract extract) that can be used in infant formula milk powder. Vanillin is not allowed in infant formula at 0-6 months.

As for why vanillin is contained in the first paragraph of milk powder in the batch involved, Abbott said in an interview with the fingertip Shenyang and Shen Bao all-media reporters, "We attach great importance to this, take the initiative to carry out recall actions, actively cooperate with relevant government departments, and complete the recovery of all the batches of products left in the market." ”

What if consumers in the Liaoshen area have the batch of products in their hands? Abbott said that if consumers have the batch of products, they can call the official service hotline for return and exchange consultation, and Abbott will actively and properly handle related matters.

As for whether vanillin will affect the health of the baby, Abbott said that vanillin was not added to the 1st stage formula of Abbott Platinum YoenMeili formula, and the very trace amount of vanillin detected was caused by vanillin-containing products previously produced in this batch. Vanillin is a food additive approved by our country for use in larger infant and toddler formulas for increasing food flavor. The very small amounts of vanillin detected in this batch of products are not harmful to the health of infants and young children.

Foreign milk powder is frequently on the quality "black list", is your baby's "ration" safe? Insiders: Consumers cannot blindly worship

It is understood that vanillin has the aroma of vanilla beans and a rich milk aroma, and the aroma of ethyl vanillin is 3-4 times that of vanillin. These two common food additives are widely used in a variety of flavored foods that require increased milk aroma, especially dairy products, baked goods, beverages and cooking oils. According to the requirements of the standard, vanillin, ethyl vanillin will not cause health hazards to the human body, but a large amount of vanillin intake will lead to dizziness, nausea and other symptoms, and in severe cases, liver and kidney damage.

In the milk powder industry, there is a saying called "flavoring", that is, adding vanillin. Often eat "fragrant" milk powder, may lead to infants and young children to form a strong sense of taste to form a dependence, resulting in children growing up prone to different degrees of partial eating, picky eating, anorexia, "fragrant" has also triggered the opposition of some enterprises and consumers in the industry.

In fact, not only Abbott, Nestlé, Xibao and other international brands have also fallen on vanillin, last November, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision announced on the official website a batch of Xibao 1 section milk powder sampling unqualified information, unqualified items for vanillin. According to the notice, the product involved is produced by the nominal NUTRIBIO, xibao beixi infant formula (0-6 months old, 1 paragraph) operated by the fourth branch of Beijing Golden Future Trading Co., Ltd., the specification model is 400 grams / can, and the vanillin content is detected to be 563.6 micrograms / kg, and the standard value is not allowed to be used.

In this regard, the German Xibao side responded in a statement that "vanillin or other edible flavors were not actively added to the 1st stage of milk powder, which was caused by the fact that other products containing vanillin were produced before this batch, which was an accidental event."

Foreign milk powder is frequently on the quality "black list", is your baby's "ration" safe? Insiders: Consumers cannot blindly worship

Shenyang Evening News, fingertip Shenyang client

A special area for milk powder complaints will be set up

Many parents of newborns have thought that the price is high, milk powder must be good, and think that choosing cheap milk powder is not good for the child's development. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Industry insiders told reporters that there are many factors affecting the price of milk powder, such as milk source, process, tariffs, transportation costs, nutritional formulas, etc.

"Compared with imported milk powder, domestic milk powder has a transportation cost in it, and there are tariffs and so on, which will definitely open up the price." Can this show that domestic milk powder is not as good as imported milk powder? The person said.

At the same time, the milk source is also a factor that cannot be ignored. The source of milk is very important for the quality of formula. Milk source is also one of the important factors to open the price of milk powder, many good reputation of milk powder is because there is a good milk source, milk source involves site selection, management, and even the living environment of cattle. In addition, there are some well-known manufacturers that have huge advertising expenditures. These expenses must be deducted from the cost, and the so-called "wool is out of the sheep" is also the truth.

In recent years, many domestic infant milk powder has been notified and criticized by relevant regulatory agencies for various quality problems such as illegal addition of vanillin, vitamin D is not up to standard, the total number of bacteria colonies are unqualified, and the shelf life is exceeded.

Complaints about infant milk powder are generally quality problems. There are three main situations, one is a foreign body, such as eating bugs, wire, plastic pieces; the second is diarrhea or constipation, diarrhea after eating or the baby's stool is dry; the third is expired.

In response to these problems, from now on, Shenyang Evening News, fingertip Shenyang client will set up a milk powder complaint area, if you encounter similar problems in the consumption process, you can leave a message below the article, contact us at the first time, we will send a reporter to investigate on the spot, truthfully report. Safeguard your legitimate rights and interests from infringement.

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Children are the hope of the country, and paying attention to their health is to pay attention to the future of the country.

Foreign milk powder is frequently on the quality "black list", is your baby's "ration" safe? Insiders: Consumers cannot blindly worship